Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1565: Failed nuclear explosion


Nuclear bombs are not standing weapons. In the main fleet, there are not many nuclear bombs carried. Only the flagship is equipped with three ballistic missiles with large nuclear warheads, and the mission "Thunder" is carried out.

Taking into account the special mission of the advance fleet, the heavy cruiser Thunder is specially equipped with two nuclear bombs, both of which are medium-sized warheads. They can be launched with cruise missiles, ship-to-ship and surface-to-surface missiles.

At this time, the darkness outside has fallen.

The order to use the nuclear bomb was reached. On a heavy cruiser on the west side of the fleet, I saw fire flickering. Amid the surging flames, a missile was shot from the launcher and flew into the sky with a dazzling flame.

The missile rushed into the high altitude, with a dazzling tail flame across the sky, and flew into the distance.

At this moment, over the north side of Alcatraz Island, the Wing Demon Group just flew away from Alcatraz Island.

As soon as the cruise missile loaded with nuclear bombs was launched, the Wing Demon group flying in the sky seemed to notice something, and the formation of the overwhelming Wing Demon group suddenly changed.

A large number of Wing Demon rushed away, spread out, and a part of the Wing Demon group began to gather.

The gathered wing demons flew into the sky, holding hands in the sky, forming a huge ring.

The diameter of the ring is probably no less than ten kilometers, which is huge.

A little spark appeared on the ring, and the Wing Demon that formed the ring suddenly burned.

The flames began to spread, gradually filling the empty circle, forming a huge flame mirror.

In the high altitude, the burning ring exudes a dazzling light, like the sun in the dark, illuminating the darkness, and its dazzling light can be clearly seen in a radius of a hundred miles.

The fleet not far away can be said to be immersive and feel the light of the ring even more.

Because the darkness outside is no longer there, under the fiery light, the surrounding sky and earth are like daylight.

"what is this?"

Everyone in the command room stared blankly at the ring of dazzling fire glowing high in the sky outside.

Even Li Meng was puzzled at this time.

Li Meng could feel a power surging in the circle, existing in a unique way.

Because he did not understand, Li Meng did not know the reason for the existence of the ring.

"Five seconds, four seconds, three seconds, two seconds, one second before the nuclear fusion strike..."

As if aware of something, Li Meng's expression changed, and he quickly said, "Wait..."

But it's too late...

Just listening to a brighter light flashing in the distance, a bigger sun appeared in the sky.

In the dazzling light, the earth-shaking explosion sounded immediately.

In the thunder, the huge flame group surging, swept the airspace more than ten kilometers in radius, forming a huge mushroom flame slowly rising, the naked-eye blast swept all around, everything passed by.

When the impact was depressed, the sea was no longer calm, and huge waves formed.

The explosion point of the nuclear bomb was just below the huge circle. When the nuclear bomb exploded and the devastating mushroom cloud swept around, it also rushed to the upper circle.

However, in the face of the powerful shock wave and the devastating heat wave, the ring stood still.

The ring suddenly lit up, emitting a more dazzling light.

A strange scene appeared, a suction force appeared from the ring, and both the shock wave and the hot flame were absorbed by the ring's fire curtain.

Looking to the sky, a fire curtain appeared above the huge mushroom flame group.

A huge mushroom cloud is pouring into the fire curtain at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But within 30 seconds, the mushroom flame group that had been aggressive and destroying everything disappeared into the sky.

At this time, the abnormal change emerged.

The huge fire curtain flashed, and a pillar of fire with a diameter of more than ten kilometers rose into the sky. In an instant, the sky and the earth became brighter.

The huge pillar of fire soaring to the sky tore through the space. In the high altitude, around the pillar of fire, a huge twisted vortex appeared, and the vortex was absorbing the energy of the pillar of fire.

However, within ten seconds, the flame energy of the ring was exhausted, and the pillar of fire slowly dissipated. In the sky, the twisted vortex seemed to absorb enough power. The red brilliance of the center point flashed, and the entire vortex was gradually dyed a strange red .

"Subspace Crack..."

Looking at the red vortex appearing in the sky in a daze, Li Meng looked solemn.

The devil used the energy of the nuclear explosion to open the subspace rift, which Li Meng never expected.

The red vortex appeared again, and the officers who knew what would happen next were also dumbfounded.

No one would have thought that the devil would use the energy of a nuclear explosion to open the subspace crack.

As expected in the command room, fireballs overwhelming the sky came out of the red vortex again.

Some fell to Alcatraz, and some fell into the sea.

The circle in the sky has disappeared, and the winged monster bones that formed the circle are gone.

Seeing the falling meteor shower from the sky, everyone in the command room was silent...

A cataclysm is about to come to this world, no one can escape, and no one can stay out of it.

Li Meng knew what human beings would face next, and everyone in the command room also understood.

Perhaps because of the emergence of subspace cracks, the demons gave up pursuing the fleet, which allowed the main fleet to safely withdraw from the battlefield.

The changes in the situation were unexpected. The appearance of demons and the reappearance of subspace cracks did not occur to the First Legion, nor did the nations of humanity.

"The scale of the demons is unimaginable now. Then they will definitely attack the human world. The target of attack may be Austria, the southern continent, or the American Federation. No matter where the demons attack, the human world will definitely suffer. To a severe shock."

In the command room, the officers analyzed the current situation.

"Ogeria is the closest to Alcatraz Island. It is very likely that it will be the first target of the devil's attack. The only thing we don't know is what the devil's motive is, whether it will destroy the world or come by accident. Before the devil launches an attack on the human world, we must improve the defense capabilities of the territory as much as possible and be prepared to fight the devil."

The devil will shrink on the Alcatraz island, or will attack the human world, it’s hard to say now,

But will the devil only shrink on Alcatraz Island?

The possibility is poorly low...

At this time, a soldier came to Li Meng's side and bowed his head and said something in Li Meng's ear.


Nodding lightly, raising his hand slightly, Li Meng waved back the soldier.

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