Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1577: Evacuate

The mission of the MiG fighter is to provide ground fire support and not participate in air combat.

Thirty seconds later, a hundred MiG fighters entered the sky above the battlefield, whizzed past the wall, and rushed towards the demons outside the wall.

"Shoo, hoo!"

Missiles danced wildly, and a large number of ground-to-surface missiles shot out from under the belly of the MiG fighter plane, and plunged into the demons.

When the MiG fighters entered the battlefield, the artillery positions had been ordered to temporarily cease fire. This was to prevent the MiG fighters from entering the trajectory of the shells and causing accidental injuries.

From above the demon group, hundreds of MiG fighters whizzed past. Behind the group, the earth-shaking explosion suddenly sounded, and countless huge flames rose up, tearing the demon group in front of the front line in a straight line.

Under the immense power, the demon group in front of the front line directly appeared in a blank area, a large number of demons were torn apart by the shock wave of the explosion, and countless fragments flew across.

The speed of the fighter was very fast, and it flew over the demons in just a few seconds and disappeared into the distance.

After the fighter planes left, shelling sounded again on the front line, and the firepower of the fighter planes greatly delayed the influx of the demon from the rear. The soldiers who fought the demon in close combat on the position even appeared to drive the demon out of the position. sign.

But this situation only lasted for a few minutes, and the demons from behind swarmed up.

The front was collapsing, and as more and more demons poured into the front, the coalition forces suffered a lot of casualties.

The demon who invaded the position pushed forward towards Dura City bit by bit, and the three divisions stationed on the front line outside the city all had the same situation on the entire position.

"Commander, we have suffered heavy losses. The first line of defense has fallen. The soldiers of the first and second regiments are almost wiped out. Only a few soldiers have withdrawn. Now the third and fourth regiments are blocking the devil on the second line of defense. , Commander, those monsters are too strong. The rifle in our hands cannot cause much damage to them. The front line is collapsing. If this situation continues, the position outside the city will soon fall."

In the headquarters in the tower of the city wall, Gane listened solemnly to the report of his subordinates.

He sees the situation in the front line, how can he know that the position is at stake.

Looking towards the front line, some demons poured into the position, and they were fighting fiercely with the soldiers in the position.

"Master, it's not good. The third division on the left has collapsed. The demon broke through the defense of the left. The third division is retreating from the east gate."

A soldier rushed into the headquarters and reported loudly and urgently.


Just when Gane was surprised by the news.

The "beep, beep!" prompt sounded in the face helmet.

It was a communication request from the First Army.

"Withdraw immediately, the left-wing third division has collapsed, guarding the city of Dura strictly, and preparing to withdraw from the north gate after rectifying the army."

Are you going to give up Dura City?

With regard to the order of the First Legion, this was all that Gained thought of.

Although the civilians in Dura City have been evacuated, isn't it a pity to give up such a large city?

"Dura City has a tall city wall. The complex terrain in the city can also effectively sniper the demons. Can you build a line in the city to resist the demons?" Gaine put forward his own opinions.

Dura City is a big city, which can effectively hold the devil's footsteps in the city.

No matter how powerful the demons were, and how many in number, it would be impossible to quickly eliminate these five divisions in such a big city.

The Naval Command rejected this opinion.

"No, please evacuate as soon as possible. Once the demons block the city of Dura, you will lose the only opportunity to evacuate. This is a long battle. We need to preserve our vitality as much as possible to avoid unnecessary casualties. Master Gaien, yours The task has been completed, please evacuate immediately."


This time, Gain did not hesitate anymore.

After the communication was interrupted, Gain hurriedly said to the correspondent of the command headquarters: "Immediately order the soldiers on the front line to evacuate and withdraw to Dura City from the South Gate."


Due to the collapse of the left wing on the 20-kilometer front, the entire front became precarious under the impact of the devil. In order to preserve the vitality of the Joint Defense Forces, the First Army had to order the three divisions outside the city to evacuate. Prepare to evacuate Dura City.

The battlefield will only be outside the city, and the tall city walls just buy time for the five divisions who have fully retreated.

"Quickly, withdraw, immediately withdraw from the fight."

On the gradual collapse front, an order to evacuate was like the sound of heaven to the desperate soldiers.

This caused the soldiers who were fighting with the devil to hurriedly abandon the enemy in front of them and rush towards the back of the line.

Suddenly, the front outside the city collapsed. In the pursuit of the devil, the three divisions evacuated from the North Gate, East Gate, and West Gate.

As the fourth and fifth division of the reserve team, also boarded the wall under the order of the first army.

They will rely on the city wall to resist the attack of the devil, giving the first, second, and third divisions whose vitality is severely injured, time to rectify the army and prepare to evacuate.

"Quick, withdraw quickly."

Outside the north gate, the evacuated soldiers poured into the north gate like a tide, and the densely packed figures were not spectacular.

On the last front line in the rear, soldiers of a regiment were blocking the demon, trying to gain enough time for their evacuated companions to enter the city.

The heavy artillery positions in the city roared frantically and continued to bombard outside the city to provide fire support to the soldiers on the last line of defense.

But under the torrent of demons, the soldiers of one regiment were powerless, but within ten minutes, the fourth line of defense was swallowed up, and the surviving soldiers hurriedly fled to the north gate under the order to evacuate.

The battle is short-lived. It seems to be long, but in fact it only lasts less than an hour and a half.

Since the figure of the devil gushes out of the forest, more than an hour has passed since then.

After more than an hour, the line of 50,000 soldiers stationed in three divisions was easily destroyed by the devil.

The losses of the Allied Defense Forces were also extremely heavy. Perhaps they did not meet the one-third war damage requirement, but the total losses of the three divisions probably exceeded 10,000.

There were more than 10,000 people, and just over an hour later, they were all sacrificed on the front line. The battle was not without tragic.

The collapse of the defense line outside the city shifted the battlefield to the wall.

Outside the city, the scarlet demon had already crossed the position and was rushing towards the city wall.

The roars have never stopped, and it seems that roaring is a way for them to vent their happiness.

They like to kill and deprive of life. They are born to fight and fight for "gods".

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