Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1579: Outer West Side Strike

What Gane was most worried about was that the demons would arrive at the north gate one step ahead of them, so that the evacuated troops would have to use huge losses to break through the encirclement of the demons.

Now the North Gate is guarded by the troops of the First Legion, and the gate of evacuation can be said to have been opened.

Without hesitation, Gane immediately said to the messenger in the command headquarters: "After the notification, the whole division will evacuate immediately. By the way, let the artillery group hurry up and clean up. These cannons are the treasure of our first division and must not be left behind."


The messenger who heard the order hurriedly turned around and used the communication equipment in the headquarters to issue an evacuation order to all the staff.

Not only did the first, second, and third divisions in the city received the order to retreat immediately, the fourth and fifth divisions fighting on the wall also received the order to retreat.

However, they have to hold on for a while before the first, second, and third divisions leave.

For a time, the soldiers from all the stations in the city began to evacuate.

All the heavy artillery positions stopped attacking and began an emergency evacuation.

On the roads in the city, such a scene suddenly appeared. Army trucks carrying wounded soldiers, pulling cannons and rushing towards the north gate, for a while, the roads in the city were full of evacuated troops, and the vehicles formed a long dragon. Can't see the end from the beginning.

Although the 80 divisions of the Joint Defense Force do not have heavy armored units, such as tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and a large number of military trucks, the First Army has arranged a large number of transport groups on the front line of battle against the devil. One of the purposes is to evacuate the army and transport supplies.

On the battlefield, the speed and mobility of evacuation need to be guaranteed.

If the soldiers are allowed to evacuate on foot, none of the five divisions in Dura City can run away.

Even if they can escape from Dura City, they will be overtaken by the devil in the forest outside the city.

Just when the first, second, and third divisions took the lead to withdraw from the city.

Outside the west and east cities of Dura City, the first and second armored divisions of the First Corps stationed in nearby villages also rushed to the battlefield.

Although the east and west cities are not the main battlefields, there is a plain about five miles wide outside the city.

From the south, a large number of demons ran down the wall along the city wall, and the scarlet figures surged and roared.

At this time in the West City, the devil had already passed the West City Gate and followed the plain outside the city to surround it further north.

Once the devil arrives at the north gate, Dura City will be trapped by the devil.

Compared with the intensive gunfire at the south gate in the distance, the outside of the West City seemed very quiet.

Although there are soldiers on the wall, this is not the main battlefield. They are just watching and watching the movements of the devil.

The order to evacuate has been issued, and soon, the soldiers on the wall will disappear.

Just as the devil was about to arrive at the North City Wall, an abnormal movement occurred at the junction of the North City Wall and Xicheng District.

In the dense forest, the rumble of engines suddenly rang.

In the strong roar, a large number of Guardian tanks and multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles rushed out of the forest and ran wildly on the plain, forming a wave of silver armor.

After that, there were a large number of soldiers wearing silver-gray power armor, who followed the Guardian tank.

At the forefront of the silver wave, on top of a Guardian tank, a black figure stood standing.

She is dressed in black bloodmark armor, holding a big sword and wearing a hood.

No matter how swaying the tank on the plain, she seemed as stable as a mountain.

After leaving Kenlin Harbor, Tan Ya rushed to the front line and took over the command of the First Armored Division.

And Natasha, who left Port Kenlin with Tanya, was the same. She took over the command of the Second Armored Division. At this time, she was fighting against the demon outside the eastern city of Dura.

Facing the crimson torrent on the distant plain, the silver-gray armor torrent behind Tan Ya ran without fear and roared.

Of course, Tan Ya was not confident enough to fight the devil in close combat.

She can, but the subordinates behind her can't.

With a light wave of the sword in his hand, a cold voice came from his hood.


With the word "stop", the torrent of armor rushed to a halt.

With the sound of the brakes of "Zizi", the torrent of armored rushing came to a halt.

Amid the roar of the engine, all the Guardian tanks moved forward, one leaning against one another, and a steel line of defense composed of Guardian tanks was placed on the front line five miles wide.

Behind the steel line are multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles and soldiers.

Behind, in the gloomy forest, the roar of the engine sounded again.

In the blue flames, huge Calamity self-propelled artillery emerged from the forest and drove into the plain.

In the plain, fifty calmer self-propelled artillery formed an artillery formation.

The suspension engine turned off, the posture changed, and the long twin barrels stretched out to direct the demon on the side.

"Fire, free to attack!"

Looking at the demons rushing in the distance, Tan Ya waved his sword and gave the order to attack.

"Boom, boom!"

The Guardian tanks on the front and the Calamer self-propelled artillery positions in the rear opened fire almost at the same time.

In a shining flame, the muzzle shook suddenly and the Guardian tank opened fire.

More than a hundred Guardian tanks on the front opened fire together, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

But what is even more spectacular is the shelling position of the Calamer self-propelled artillery at the rear. When these big guys roared, the flames that spit out were the most conspicuous presence on the battlefield.

"Boom, boom!"

In the harsh whistling sound in the air, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the vanguard of the demon group in the distance.

Countless demons were directly hit by the shells of the tank gun, tore their bodies, and then exploded. The scene was very **** and shocking.

But what was even more shocking was in the rear, where a denser and more powerful explosion appeared behind the demons.

The rumbling explosion shook the sky and the earth, and countless huge fireballs rose from the demons and swept everything around.

The firepower of the Armored Division of the First Corps is undoubtedly amazing. The firepower formed by only 50 Calamity self-propelled artillery is the sum of the artillery firepower of the three divisions of the Allied Defense Forces.

Under the attack of the Calderer self-propelled artillery and the Guardian tank, the demon in the distance suddenly suffered a large number of casualties.

Countless demons were torn apart, and a large number of demons were knocked into the sky, flying into the sky in the surging flames.

Although demons have amazing defensive capabilities and powerful self-healing capabilities, facing large-caliber artillery shells, they have exceeded the limit they can withstand.

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