Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1581: Tragic evacuation

Although the wing demons in the sky are strong, once they approach the convoy, they will be covered by barrage. Their fragile bodies can cause devastating damage even with rifles in the hands of soldiers.

Without the cover of ground troops, Wing Demon only harassed the convoy at the edge of the sky, and did not dare to get closer.

If the distance is far, a fireball with a slower trajectory will affect the aim.

Regardless of the fireballs in the sky falling from time to time, they did not cause too many casualties to the evacuated convoys on the road. Those fireballs often hit the roadside buildings and cause violent explosions.

On the contrary, the scarce number of Hell's two-headed dogs poses a greater threat to the convoy. Once the vehicles behind are caught up by the Hell's two-headed dogs, it is often the end of car crashes.

The two-headed **** dogs are so flexible. In the city, they seem to have entered their main battlefield. From time to time, with the help of building cover, they suddenly rushed out of the dead corner and attacked the convoy on the street. The pair of the fourth division in the evacuation, The Fifth Division caused a lot of casualties.

"It's being evacuated. The vanguard has already left the city. Ten minutes. Give us another ten minutes."

One hour has passed since the retreat order was issued.

Finally, the fourth division that withdrew from Dura City, the fifth division also arrived at the north gate, and the long convoy was driving out of the north gate.

The battle in the city gradually disappeared, but the battle outside the east and west cities became more intense.

Since the Fourth and Fifth Divisions withdrew from the southern city wall, a large number of Wing Devils have focused on the First Army Corps fighting outside the city on both sides.

The battle of the First Corps, which was originally at a disadvantage, became more severe.

"General, the army in the city has already withdrawn from Dura City, we can leave."

On the battlefield outside the West City, the situation of the First Armored Division was not good.

The steel front has almost completely collapsed, more than one hundred guardian tanks, one-third of the number has been destroyed, the destroyed guardian tanks nestled quietly on the steel front, allowing the devil to cross over.

At the rear, the muzzle of the Calderer self-propelled artillery was already reddened and billowed with blue smoke. In the continuous shooting, although it caused a lot of damage to the demon in the distance, the Calderer self-propelled artillery had reached its limit.

The melee between the two sides has spread to the back of the steel front, and is advancing deeper.

In front of the steel front, I saw a dark shadow leaping up from the demons.


A dark shadow slid across the sky and landed on a Guardian tank.

The impact under the feet made a metal "clank" sound.


A demon rushed over, and the blade in his hand was already waved.

Before it approached, the turret of the Guardian tank at Tan Ya's feet turned, and the muzzle of the black hole aimed at the demon who was close at hand.


The muzzle shook fiercely, and the flames swelled fiercely, and the flames sprayed out the devil three meters away.


In the flames, the demon was directly torn to pieces by the shells out of the chamber.

The entire upper body turned into a pool of fleshy mud, and staggered to the ground.

Looking at the battlefield surrounded by melee, Tan Ya gave the order to retreat.

"Withdraw, withdraw from the battlefield immediately."

Using the portable communicator in the ear, the evacuation order was conveyed to the ears of every soldier.

In the melee, the First Army began to leave the battlefield.

The roaring engine "rumbling" sounded, and the entire front of the First Army moved backward.

The Guardian tanks forming the steel front lined back side by side. Seeing that the enemy in front of them wanted to escape, a large number of demons pounced on the Guardian tank to prevent the Guardian tank from moving, but it was useless. , The Guardian tank evacuated backward against the demons.

With the Guardian tank on the front, the evacuation of the rear army is undoubtedly much easier.

Although there are many demons who have crossed the steel front, this does not prevent the army from retreating.

After the evacuation order was issued, the self-propelled artillery at the rear artillery bombardment position took the lead in the evacuation. The long barrel was retracted, the posture changed, and the suspension caused the activation. The huge body was suspended half a meter off the ground, and drove in one by one. In the forest.

After the Quiller self-propelled artillery evacuated, the troops on the front line accelerated the pace of evacuation.

Just listen to the roar of the engine roaring, a large number of multifunctional infantry fighting vehicles retreated quickly on the plain, one head into the forest, followed by soldiers, and guardian tanks.

At this time, the Guardian tank that had been evacuated with the devil had already thrown off the devil, and it retreated at high speed on the plain while firing at the chasing demon.

In the end, in the pursuit of the demon, with the roar of the powerful engine, the Guardian tank rushed into the forest.

Outside the forest, the red waves refused to give up, and they poured into the forest shortly thereafter.

In the depths of the forest, bursts of demon roar suddenly sounded.

And outside the eastern city, the same scene happened.

In the pursuit of the devil, the first and second armored divisions of the first legion withdrew from the battlefield.

Although the devil was chasing, it was harmless, because on the other side of the forest was a forest road.

As long as the evacuated troops are on this road, the advantages of mechanization can be fully realized.

Although the demons are strong, their speed is still not comparable to that of mechanical vehicles.

Although there are still high-speed air units like Wing Demon in the air, without the cover of ground troops, Wing Demon will only be ruthlessly eliminated if they rush forward.

More than five hours have passed since the first shot was fired to the end.

During these five hours, the city of Dura fell, and the Demon Army crossed this line of defense and swept across the southern part of the Kingdom of Austria.

Looking at the city of Dura from the sky, the smoke of gunpowder can be seen everywhere.

Whether in the city or outside the city, you can see a large number of leftover utensils.

On the main battlefield outside Nancheng, corpses can be seen everywhere. There are the corpses of demons and coalition soldiers. Those who have lost their lives at this moment are lying quietly on the ground, allowing the enemy and their companions to trample on them. And pass.

On the blocking battlefield outside the east and west cities, the situation is not much better.

In countless craters, the corpses of the devil can be seen everywhere, and on the main front, dozens of Guardian tanks stay on the front line forever. Some of them were overturned with turrets, some were directly melted, and even more. It became a part state, and the entire body was torn apart.

Behind the line are the remains of the multifunctional infantry, as well as the bodies of the soldiers of the First Legion.

This battle is fierce, and no one knows how much it has lost. It will always be a secret before the statistics are counted.

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