Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1583: Hope of victory

The demons invaded, and the fire of gunpowder immediately enveloped the Austrian continent.

The southern region fell one after another, and the Courbet Mountains became the last line of defense against the demon's attack.

Once the devil crosses the Courbet Mountains, the entire northern plain will be exposed to the devil's eyes. At that time, the devil's army's cavalry will be able to step across the entire continent of Austria without foot.

Therefore, how to defend the Courbet Mountains has become the biggest problem for the First Army.

The Courbet Mountains are located to the south of the mainland of Austria. It is like a natural danger that divides the continent of Austria into two areas, the north and the south. In the modern century, it happened because of the Courbet Mountains. War can be seen from time to time.

Whether in the past or now, the Courbet Mountains are important strategic locations.

In the fall of the southern region, the Blackstone Fortress became the focal point on the thousand-kilometer-long mountain range.

The Blackstone Fortress is the main transportation link connecting the north and south areas. The devil will not attack the remote Whitestone Fortress, nor will it attack the limestone fortress at the east end. To cross the Courbet Mountains, the only way for the devil to go is the Blackstone Fortress.

The Courbet Mountains are formed by continuous mountains. It is almost impossible to climb from any point.

Courbet Mountains, in the Blackrock Fortress.

Although the Blackstone Fortress is located in the northern outskirts of the Courbet Mountains, halfway through the outermost mountain, the existence of this only artificial building is undoubtedly a good garrison.

Of course, Blackstone Fortress is not big, and now it can only become a material transfer station.

After all, at this time, the Courbet Mountains had gathered two-thirds of the joint defense forces.

There are no less than 600,000 people garrisoning just the defense line on the mountains surrounding the Blackstone Fortress, and the Blackstone Fortress at the rear can only become a supply point.

At this time in a temporary communication room in the Blackstone Fortress, Tan Ya and Natasha gathered together.

The two stood on a metal platform emitting blue light beams, and their mapped figures appeared on Nanlin Island, thousands of miles away.

On Nanlin Island, in the naval headquarters' combat command room, high-ranking generals gathered together, and Tan Ya and Natasha mapped out suddenly.

On a high platform, the commander-in-chief of the navy, Yevrich, holding a baton in his hand, was explaining the battle on the front line, the plan to be executed, and the military deployment.

"In the past month, we have suffered heavy losses. All air bases in the south have fallen. Although all types of fighters were withdrawn in time, the losses were great. Now our air force has less than 6000 thousand fighters and ground forces. There were originally ten armored divisions in the Kingdom of Austria, but now there are only seven. The organization of the three armored divisions has been abolished, and the number of sacrificed soldiers is as high as 50,000. The loss of armored units is countless, not to mention the losses of the joint defense forces. Having said that, of the 80 divisions, 21 have been cancelled, and personnel losses have reached nearly 300,000."

Speaking of this, Jevrich’s words paused, and he said solemnly: “Whether such a large loss has achieved the combat goal remains to be discussed, but the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of people is worth it. Enough time was gained for the construction of the defense line and a large number of demons were eliminated at the same time."

With one finger of the baton in his hand, the picture above the command platform transformed into a huge map.

It is a map of the southern region of mainland Austria. There are many red dots on the map, densely packed, but they are all on the left of the Courbet Mountains.

"Now the southern army has evacuated to the Courbet Mountains. According to the current investigation information, the demon's large forces will reach the Courbet Mountains in two days. By then, on the mountain defense line on the other side of the Blackstone Fortress, one A battle will happen."

"In any case, the Courbet Mountains must be guarded. Once the devil breaks through here, we will be insecure. At that time, the Austrian continent will fall into a state of chronic death and will be swallowed by the devil. A little destruction."

With another wave of the baton in his hand, the picture on the command platform changed again and became a garrison map of the Courbet Mountains.

"The main battle zone is planned to be on the left and right sides of the Blackstone Fortress. The defense line is about 20 kilometers. This section of the mountain is flat and the demons can easily cross it. There are three defense lines. The first is the outer mountain in the south of the Courbet Mountains. The road is the basin within the outer mountain, and the third road is the outer mountain in the north, where the Blackstone Fortress is located. On these three lines of defense, 20 divisions of the Allied Defense Forces are deployed on the outer mountain in the south, plus the first There are two armored divisions in one army, totaling about 330,000 people. The basin of the second line of defense does not send troops to be deployed. It is set as a minefield. Mass destruction ANT mines are deployed as the last line of defense. It is set as the main battlefield, deploying 50 divisions of the Allied Defense Forces, five armored divisions of the First Army, a total of 820,000 people. In any case, we must defend the Courbet line, even if it is filled with human lives, we must repel the offensive of the devil. ."

This is Yevrich's consciousness, a kind of helpless and compelling consciousness.

In this war, the First Army was at a disadvantage from beginning to end, and could only use human lives to fill it and protect the Austrian continent.

"Admiral Jevric, why don't we use nuclear mines? The power of nuclear bombs can eliminate the devil more effectively. There is no restriction on the use of nuclear weapons in this world, and we don't need to be merciful in the face of those horrible guys."

A senior general said a question he had always puzzled.

To say that what kind of weapon is the most powerful and can bring devastating damage to the devil, I am afraid that only nuclear bombs.

But for more than a month, the First Army has never used nuclear bombs on the battlefield.

This makes many generals a little puzzled.

Jevric returned to this question.

"Although this speculation has not been confirmed, the devil has the ability to detect fluctuations in nuclear radiation. Once we use nuclear weapons, it is very likely that the situation that appeared last time on Alcatraz will happen."

It turned out to be like this...

Many senior generals are slightly aware of their hearts.

It seems that the situation that appeared on Alcatraz last time was not an accident. If the devil had the ability to perceive the fluctuation of nuclear radiation, it would indeed effectively limit the use of nuclear bombs by the First Army.

Because once the First Army uses a nuclear bomb, maybe the devil will use the energy of the nuclear bomb again to open the subspace cracks, so that more demons will descend on the earth.

Seeing that there is no doubt about the generals, Yevrich continued: "The deployment of the army is probably like this. Now the total strength of the Kingdom of Austria has reached 110 divisions, totaling 1.65 million, although the situation in the Kingdom of Austria It’s a bit unstable, but in this battle, we have at least enough available troops. In the battle against the devil, we have no shortcuts, only face-to-face confrontations. As long as we can repel the devil once, we have the hope of victory. "

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