Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1588: Fierce battle

"Rakka, Rakka!"

The wing demon in the distant sky only heard a roar, and they moved with the sound, and the scarlet figures rushed towards the position on the mountain range at such a speed that their figures looked like bullets passing through the sky.

With a wave of the sword, Natasha gave the order to attack.

"Freedom to fire!"

When the demons gushed out of the forest, they had already entered the range of the artillery positions in the northern plains of the Courbet Mountains.

An attack order was issued. In the rear, in the plains under the northern mountains, in the huge artillery position, nearly a thousand howitzers of various types and the Calder self-propelled artillery were raised high and aimed at the sky.

"Bang, bang!"

I saw dense flames flickering, and flames rose up. In the surging waves and flames, the cannon popped out of the chamber, tearing the air, and rushing into the sky with the whistling sound.

The ejected shells will cross the Courbet Mountains and bomb the demon on the other side.

Before the first line of defense, when the roar of sky cannonballs sounded, a violent explosion occurred at the edge of the forest far below the mountain.

The flames flickered, the soil flew horizontally, the rising flames continued, and the rumbling explosion sounded non-stop.

In the skyrocketing flames, a large number of demons were immediately swallowed, and the air waves formed by the explosion swept away visible to the naked eye, knocking out countless demons.

In the sky, the flying speed is extremely fast, the winged magic group approached the front line.

In the sky, they saw a flash of light flashing between the huge double horns of their foreheads, and a huge fireball was forming.

In a moment, when they approached in the sky, they dropped burning fireballs one after another.

The huge fireball pierced the sky and fell like raindrops into the position on the top of the mountain, and a violent explosion sounded loudly.

In the surging flames, mud and rocks flew horizontally, and shock waves swept over everything around.

The soldiers on the position suddenly suffered casualties, either being swallowed by flames or buried by the raised mud.

The screams and roars immediately echoed on the ground.

The Wing Demon approached, and the soldiers on the front fired.

"Da da!"

They fired their guns into the sky. Although the accuracy was touching, under the dense barrage, some winged demons staggered down from the sky.

In the position, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle opened fire with the prevention and control array.

Just listen to the "buzzing" tearing sound in the position. In the fire tongue, the dense bullet rain formed a long visible dragon to the sky and attacked the wing demon.

Where the fire dragon passed, amid the tearing gunfire, a large number of demons fell one after another, and their bodies were directly torn apart by the machine guns.

Although compared with the firepower of the air defense array, the air defense weapon combat on the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle appears to be a bit weak, with only a 20 mm caliber seven-tube rotary cannon.

Although the firepower is no better than the air defense array, it can still cause devastating damage to the Wing Demon.


A fireball fell from the sky and directly hit a multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle. The flames flashed and the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle exploded. In the surging flames, the metal wreckage was flying everywhere.

When the flames dissipated, the multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle had become a pile of scrap iron.

Two of the driving team in the car crawled out of the wreck, while one fell forever.

The Wing Demon is not a fool. Although I don't know whether there is a similar commander in the Wing Demon, the Wing Demon in the sky can clearly distinguish what weapons on the ground can bring them greater threats.

For a time, the air defense array and multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle on the position became the target of the Wing Demon.

In the surging flames, air defense arrays and infantry fighting vehicles were hit from time to time, and the losses were expanding bit by bit.

And there are a lot of Wing Demon falling in the sky.

Under the intensive bullet rain, no matter how fast the Wing Demon is, it will always be hit.

As long as a bullet hits it, the speed of the Wing Demon will be greatly reduced, and then it will be locked and torn apart by a dense rain of bullets.

When the soldiers on the ground entangled with the wings of the sky, the demons on the ground also approached the front line.

Roaring in bursts, the crimson torrent is pouring toward the top of the mountain.

Although the violent explosion under the mountain has never stopped, it cannot prevent the demon from approaching the position.

The bombing only reduced the number of demons and slowed the progress of the demons who continued to gush from the forest behind.

"Attack, pay attention to the enemy under the mountain."

Seeing that the demon was approaching the position, the officer in the position hurriedly ordered the soldiers to move the target.

Transferred from the Wing Demon to the Blade Demon on the ground.

For a time, more intense gunfire sounded, and the soldiers lay on the edge of the trenches, frantically tilting bullets down the mountain, tilting any available weapons.

Grenade, rocket bombs, dense bomb rain.

"Chiff, chick!"

The front of the demon under the mountain was immediately baptized by bullets and enveloped in explosions.

But the power of the grenade is too small. Even if it explodes under the feet of the devil, it will just stagger or fall to the ground with the devil's running posture and cannot effectively kill the devil.

Although rockets are more powerful, a single rocket can often only cause damage to a demon.

Just as the demon was about to approach the front line, the mortar position on the mountainside behind opened fire.

Amid the shelling of "Tom Tom", hundreds of shells flew into the sky, and then fell vertically toward the demon in front of the line.

"Boom, boom!"

At the foot of the mountain not far in front of the front line, a violent explosion suddenly occurred.

After the violent explosion, the formation of the demon's charge was disrupted, and the offensive slowed down.

Under the impact of multi-directional firepower, whether it is a winged demon in the sky or a demon on the ground, every minute, every second, a large number of demons are eliminated, and the loss is rapidly expanding.

The fiercest battle broke out on the entire frontline battlefield.

The sound of guns, the rumble of explosions, the roar of demons, and the roar of soldiers filled the whole world.

"Roar, roar!"

When the battle was at its most intense, the attackers of the position appeared.

Amidst the roars, in the far side of the forest, huge and vigorous figures appeared.

They braved the intensive artillery fire and ran wildly among the demons, hundreds of figures rushed towards the top of the mountain, extremely fast.

"It's **** two-headed dogs, they are here, be careful."

In positional warfare, the **** two-headed dog often poses a greater threat to the defense.

They are so fast and very flexible, they can easily rush into the position and slaughter soldiers wantonly.

Every time he encounters a two-headed **** dog, no matter how strong the position is, the speed of collapse will be accelerated.

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