Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1607: Fake show


Hartuo'er was ashamed and angry, looking at Li Meng who was pressing on her with an angry face.

Facing Harto's anger, Li Meng slapped Harto's slender thigh with a slap.

First an angry scolding, then a feeble struggle, I have to say that Harto has a talent for acting.

With the cooperation of Hartuoer, Li Meng also played a scene.

However, Harto is a fake, but Li Meng is a fake.

It seems that he has appointed a general, and he did not resist Li Meng's fake drama.

On the throne, Isis sat calmly, listening to the angry and feeble screams of Hattor above, the expression on her face was abnormally calm, there was no pleasure of revenge, and there was no superfluous expression.

Instead, the commanding guard in the hall looked at each other as he listened to the screams of Hattor above.

It lasted for several hours before the movement above gradually disappeared.

In the bird cage, the two embraced quietly on the soft bed.

Harto's face was nestled in Li Meng's arms with a tired face, and the plump mature body seemed so alluring.

A few hours of "struggle" had already exhausted Harto's body and mind, and his voice was dumb.

In order to make Hatuo's scream more real, Li Meng left many red marks on Hatuo's body.

In terms of strength, Li Meng has no control.

"is that enough?"

Holding tightly the caressing hand around his waist, Hattor looked at Li Meng coldly, speaking in a low voice.

It was the man in front of her who had roughly occupied her, without tenderness, only violence.

While this made Hartuo's ashamed and angry, there was also a strange feeling in his heart.

She had never imagined that the sensuality between humans would be this way.

"not enough!"

With a faint smile, Li Meng rolled over again and pressed onto Harto's body.

Since it is a play, whether it is false or true, I must satisfy the Isis below.

For three days, the movement over the hall continued for three days.

Harto's struggle also went from yelling at the beginning to silent at the end.

On the third day, Harto's struggle was no longer heard from above, only the weak, weak hum.

Although it is a fake drama, it is more like a fake drama. For a powerless woman's emotional change process, Hatuo's simulation is very good.

In the main hall, Isis sat on the throne for three days.

Disturbed by the power of black death, Li Meng's figure appeared beside the throne.

Looking at Isis on the throne, Li Meng nodded and said: "It's almost there. She has suffered severe injuries in both her body and mind and spirit. She may not be desperate yet. If it continues, she may be very hate you."

Looking at Li Meng in front of him, a tear came out of Isis's eyes, and he seemed so helpless.

Li Meng knew that although the expression on Isis's face seemed calm, his heart was complicated.

Without saying much, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and gently wiped away the tear for Isis.

After that, Li Meng turned to the guard in the hall and said, "Let her down."

In response to Li Meng's order, the commanders first glanced at Isis and saw that Isis did not respond before the commanders obeyed the command.

In the sound of "creaking, creaking" metal, the birdcage above was falling little by little.

As the birdcage lowered, Isis also saw Harto in the birdcage.

On the bed, Hartuo'er was wrapped in a blanket on the corner of the bed, looking helpless.

Her long golden hair was messy, and her shoulders were exposed from the blanket, and her face was green and purple, so miserable.

She raised her head and glanced at Isis on the throne numbly, then silently lowered her head and buried her head on her legs.

Seeing Hartuo's misfortune in the birdcage, the guards in the hall looked at Li Meng angrily.

And Isis looked at Harto'er in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a long time, Isis opened his mouth slightly and let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at Harto in the birdcage, she said calmly: "Hato, all kindness and grievances will end here, and you and me will be cut off. I don’t owe you, you don’t owe me, you are free. Up."

After the words fell, Isis stood up from the throne calmly, took a light step and turned to leave.

The guards in the hall seemed to have received some order. One guard opened the bird cage with a key.


What are these all about?

With a slight sigh in his heart, Li Meng left the throne and came to the bird cage.

Opening the iron door, Li Meng walked in and came to the bed.

Seeing Hato'er who curled up into a ball on the bed and his eyes still blank, Li Meng didn't say much, bent down slightly, and held Hato'er in his arms with a blanket in the position of a princess.

Holding Harto, Li Meng walked out.

She is free...

His gaze regained his clarity, and when he looked at the bird cage behind him, Hartuo's expression was a little startled.

Life in the birdcage is naturally not so good, but now, everything is over.

Looking up at the indifferent man in front of him, there was no anger in Harto's heart.

Why is his embrace so warm?

Hartuoer didn't understand, nor did she know her mentality at this time.

These days he treated himself like this, shouldn't she be angry, shouldn't she be angry?

"Don't worry, since Isis has let you go, it means that she still has a sense of what you look like in her heart. I will send you back first, and then be complained by her."

"Did you make it?"

In his arms, Harto's whispers rang.

This is her question and the answer she wants to know.

"Well... it's not a success. What will happen to the two of you in the future? It's up to you."

When Li Meng came to the parking platform on the top floor holding the nursery, a demon warship had already landed.

When leaving the bird cage, Hartuoer contacted his subordinates.

Holding Harto, Li Meng boarded the battleship.

Amid the "buzzing" engine roar, the 100-meter-class battleship lifted into the air and quickly disappeared into the distance.

The temple of Hattor is not far from the temple of Isis, and the two places are only a few hundred kilometers away.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Soon, the warship arrived at the Temple of Hattor.

The pyramid where Hattor is located is larger than the temple of Isis, a full one-third larger.

The apron is also wide enough.

When Li Meng walked out of the hatch holding Harto, a large group of waiters were already waiting on the tarmac.

These maids are not demons, but human girls who serve gods, all wearing light gauze dresses.

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