Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1610: Threaten them

This is self-confidence, Li Meng's self-confidence.

To Li Meng's words, Harto was silent.

Hartuoer knows that, regardless of the man lying on her lap is just an ordinary human, he is actually a monster, an inhuman monster with incredible power, Hartuoer does not doubt whether he can do this. a little.

If Li Meng can really kill the awakened lords anytime and anywhere, the future of the demons will be dark.

With his right hand stretched out, Li Meng crossed the towering mountain and stroked Hattor's white and flawless face.

He said softly: "Although your demons have technology far beyond human beings, they lack a strength, and I can give you this power. The combination of technology and power will make your demons stronger, perhaps in In the future, you will have a more perfect body than the present, rather than a defective product."


Looking at Li Meng on his lap, Harto asked: "The kind of power that can open the wormhole at will?"


Using the power of faith to travel through space can also be called a wormhole, because the principle and nature of the wormhole are the same.

"No, that kind of power is unavoidable. What I give you is another kind of more practical and powerful power."

What is the power of faith?

Up to now, Li Meng couldn't tell why.

Although it is related to people's beliefs, there is an inevitable connection.

However, if people's prayers and beliefs can produce the power of faith, there are more gods in this world.

I don't know how many "gods" will appear in the demons that use theocratic power to rule humans.

But the fact is that the so-called gods of the Mozu, that is, the lords, even if they are believed by humans, they cannot use the power of faith. They have no knowledge of the power of faith.

The opportunity to use the power of faith is still a mystery.

Just like Li Meng said, this is something that can't be met.

Hato'er fell into contemplation, for a long time, and then pondered thoughtfully: "Li Meng, maybe you have a better way to solve the threat of the demons..."

A better way?

Li Meng came with interest and said: "Let's talk about it."

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng on his lap, and Hartuoer said: "You should be a bit more aggressive. You should not think about peace talks with the demons, but threaten. Use your own power to deter the lords, if they are lucky. Psychologically, then kill them again and again to prove your strength. When they can't lift their heads in front of you, they have no choice."

Speaking of this, Hattor's expression became deep, and he sighed: "We the demons have also pursued power, the power of demons, but the price is also great. Not only has the evil power of the Kraken family appeared in the galaxy, Our true mother also passed away. Even now, we still have a yearning for a powerful force."

Speaking of this, Hattor looked at Li Meng seriously, and said softly: "If you can do this, Isis and I don’t have to leave, and I don’t need to be separated from the demons. The entire demons will become your strength , To eliminate the threat of the devil for you."

In Hartuo's words, Li Meng was lost in thought.

Li Meng has to admit that what Hartuoer said is very reasonable and it is also a kind of doubt for Li Meng.

Let’s not talk about whether there can be a good result, but once it succeeds, the benefits will be unimaginable.

Li Meng's heart moved...

Now that the threat of the devil is imminent, Eurasia does not know how long it can last.

Now the strength of the First Army has grown to the extreme, and weakened to the extreme.

Can only barely deal with the demons of Austria, unable to take care of the human world.

Once Eurasia falls, it will not be far from the fall of the entire human world.

Once the entire human world falls, what is the use of the First Army to stick to Austria.

Once the demons vacate their hands, the demons that have destroyed a world will ruthlessly eliminate the First Legion. At that time, even if Li Meng's power is strong, he can do nothing about the outcome of this war.

Why did Li Meng come to Yunan Continent? The main purpose is to gain new power.

In Li Meng's plan, if the First Army can get the help of Isis and Harto, it will be able to eliminate the demons in Austria, and then be able to free up its hands and think about how to eliminate the demons.

For the earth, Li Meng can be said to be broken.

Getting up, Li Meng left Hattor's legs and stood up.

Looking at the slightly puzzled Hatoer, Li Meng smiled slightly: "You are right, this method is worth a try. It's not too late."

For a moment, Harto hurriedly said: "Li Meng, where are you going?"

Slightly raised his hand and waved, Li Meng walked outside, saying: "Go to Amon, and then look for Ra. These two are the backbone of your demons."

In the void, a white beam of light roared out, covering Li Meng in the stunned eyes of Harto.

In an instant, Li Meng's figure disappeared with the beam of light that had shrunk into the void.

Looking at the place where Li Meng disappeared, Hattor smiled bitterly, a little helpless.

Li Meng is really a hardworking activist. She just said that. She didn't expect Li Meng to act immediately, without even a plan.

It is not the first time Li Meng has come to the Temple of Amon.

The temples of the demons are basically the same, or they have more layers, but the layout is no different.

Today, the Temple of Amun is as peaceful as ever.

In the upper hall, the huge brown-red figure is still sitting on the throne.

Although his figure is the commander, his spirit is the lord.

Since Li Meng destroyed his body last time, Amon has become cautious, for fear that Li Meng will hide around.

Not only is there a large number of guards guarding the main hall, there are also a large number of demons sentry in the sky outside the temple, and warships are patrolling uninterrupted for 24 hours.

Although he knew that because of the appearance of the devil, the First Legion was fighting fiercely with the devil, and that one would not trouble the Demon Race at this time, but this did not prevent Amon from being more cautious about this.

The facts show that Amon's caution is right, but this will not change the final result.

As long as he had contact with Li Meng once, he could not escape Li Meng's sight no matter where he went.


With a whistling noise, in the hall in front of the throne, a white beam of light suddenly poured in from the void and connected to the ground.

The sudden appearance of the beam of light caused the commanding guard in the hall to be stunned, and the golden pupil of Amon on the throne shrank suddenly.

When they were still in the future and reacted, the beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, but another figure appeared, Li Meng.

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