Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1612: Arrive in Kyoto

Looking at the Century Transport Aircraft approaching not far away, Li Meng waved to Sakiya, "Okay, let's decide this matter, Sakiya, Nanlin Island will be handed over to you."

With that, Li Meng turned and left the glass wall and walked outside.

There are many aprons on one side of the Crystal Palace, no matter which apron can stop the huge Century transport aircraft.

This time I went to Kyoto, Li Meng didn't plan to take the waterway. The waterway was a waste of time. Only by taking the Century Transport Aircraft could he reach Kyoto within a few hours.

Now is not a leisurely time, you must strive for every minute and every second.

Not long after, the Century Transport Aircraft arrived at the Crystal Palace and stopped on the uppermost apron.

The engine did not go out until Li Meng appeared from the Crystal Palace and boarded the Century Transport Plane. The roar of the engine sounded again.

In the roar of the roar of the engine, the huge Century transport plane slowly rose up.

Sakiya slowly left while watching on the tarmac.

Soon, the away Century transport plane turned into a black spot in the sky.

After six hours, Kyoto.

For the nations of mankind, the Century Transport Aircraft of the First Army is no longer a rare thing.

When electromagnetic railguns were installed across the country, most of the parts were transported by Century Transport Aircraft.

At the beginning, everyone was surprised and shocked by this big guy, but after getting acquainted with it, that was the case, and some were just in awe of the First Army.

Floating boats can still be seen everywhere over Kyoto, but with the appearance of the devil, the number has been reduced a lot, and many routes have been cancelled, especially those to Europe and the Middle East.

But today, in addition to the floating boat, there is also a big guy in the sky.

A century bomber belonging to the First Army appeared over the city.

Its appearance had a great impact on the city. The impact did not come from the huge roar of the sky, but the embassy of various countries in the city received the news that Li Meng had arrived in Kyoto.

For a time, as the news spread, many people became busy.

The Century transport plane flying over the city did not stop at the airport, but landed directly in the backyard of the First Army Embassy.

In the yard, Xiao Nan in a black suit is waiting.

The huge roar came from far and near, and in Xiao Nan's eyes, the huge Century bomber landed slowly and stopped steadily in the yard.

The gust of wind howled, amidst the sound of metal turning, the rear hatch of the Century Transport Aircraft slowly opened.

As the hatch opened, a black figure walked out of it, who could not be Li Meng.

Seeing this, Xiao Nan hurriedly greeted him.

"the host……"

Smiling, Xiao Nan called out softly.

Looking at the slim Xiao Nan in front of him, Li Meng's eyes were slightly bright. The appearance of a suit gave Xiao Nan a very unique temperament, which attracted Li Meng.

Nodding lightly, without saying much, Li Meng led Xiao Nan to the embassy.

In the welcome room, Li Meng sat down on the soft sofa.

And Xiao Nan stood aside respectfully.

Xiaonan has already received relevant information about why the owner arrived in Kyoto, but she still needs instructions from the owner.

After sitting down, Li Meng fell into deep thought, as if thinking about something.

Seeing the master's delay in speaking, Xiao Nan asked in a soft voice: "Master, is there anything Xiao Nan needs to do?"

what's up?

Xiao Nan's whisper in his ear caused Li Meng to lift his head slightly and look sideways at Xiao Nan.

Li Meng shook his head lightly, and Li Meng said, "Don't do anything. The news of my arrival in Kyoto has already spread. There is no need for me to come to the door. Some people are more anxious than me. Just wait at ease."

Speaking of this, Li Meng smiled slightly and waved to Xiaonan.

Slightly forward, Xiao Nan came to the master's side.

Holding Xiao Nan's little hand, Li Meng hugged Xiao Nan's soft body into his arms.

In the face of the master's frivolity, Xiao Nan looked very well-behaved, quietly staying in the master's arms, with no color on his face.

As the family members of the master, some intimate behaviors with the master are what they yearn for, how can they refuse.

Xiao Nan is a Chinese, with the tenderness and petiteness of a Chinese woman, long black hair and dark pupils, no matter what, Li Meng is very satisfied.

There is no next step, and there is no need for the next step. Li Meng just held Xiao Nan quietly, feeling her soft body.

As expected, Li Meng had just arrived in Kyoto less than half an hour before someone came to the embassy and asked to see him.

"Master, Ambassador William Allend of the Seven Allies, he wants to see you."

A young teenager broke into the welcoming living room and looked at the two people hugging each other on the sofa.

William Adron?

This name is a bit strange, but Li Meng of the Seven Allies still knows it.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Seven allies? Are there still seven allies?"

Undoubtedly, there is no more. Today's seven allies are already torn apart. Even if the demons are successfully expelled, the dying country will not reappear.

"The master..."

The young boy didn't know the meaning of his master's words, he needed more clear instructions.

At this time, Xiao Nan, who was in Li Meng's arms, said to the young boy: "Bring him in, the master wants to see him."


Obtained accurate instructions, the young boy retreated.

With a slight smile, Li Meng chuckled on Xiao Nan's cheek, and smiled: "You still have the most thorough thoughts."

Xiao Nan just smiled slightly at the compliment of the host, and looked at Li Meng so tenderly.

With a light pat on Xiao Nan's round buttocks, Li Meng said: "Get up, this is going to see the guests, but you can't be so rude."


Responding softly, Xiao Nan left Li Meng's arms and stood aside.

Not long after, under the leadership of the young teenager, a tired-looking middle-aged man entered the welcome room.

When he looked at Li Meng on the sofa, his eyes were slightly bright, his expression was upright, and he was energetic.

"Please sit down."

Without getting up, Li Meng pointed to the opposite sofa and said to William Adron.

On the opposite side, William Adron sat down.

Looking at Li Meng, he praised: "Sure enough, it is a hero who was born in a young age. I have been hearing about the deeds of Your Excellency Li Meng. When I saw him today, it turned out to be as famous as his name, extraordinary."

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