Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1618: Change of situation

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at Shalish and said, "Your Excellency, Pope Shalish, do you have any comments?"

Faced with Li Meng’s sudden inquiry, Sarris shook his head and said: "Now that the true **** is coming, the First Legion, as the most loyal believer of the true god, should belong to me. May the **** of death bless and protect mankind."

Looking at the pious look of Sarah, Li Meng felt for the first time that faith is really a good thing, it will make people simple enough.

Nodded lightly, Li Meng seemed to point out: "The heart is sincere and the spirit is, as long as it is pious enough, it will respond to you."

Li Meng's words made Sarris's expression happy, which gave Sarris greater confidence in the upcoming ceremony of inviting God.

Looking at others again, Li Meng said: "Everyone, if you have no opinion, I will immediately send a special plane to various countries to pick you up and arrive in Kyoto. The establishment of a reasonable meeting of the Earth Alliance is not a trivial matter. We need the participation of elites from all countries and all walks of life to form the earth. During the period of the Joint Council, the war in the west cannot be put aside. As I said before, the war with the devil is in charge of our "Sacred Army". Although the First Army is still the First Army, we have reasons and responsibilities. Taking up this responsibility, now is wartime, and I need all countries to fully cooperate with the First Army to win this war."

Although the time to claim rights was a bit quick, the major powers did not express opposition and chose to remain silent.

On the contrary, some effect leaders were willing to speak, but found that others did not speak, and finally remained silent.

Seeing that there is no objection, Li Meng said: "From now on, the First Army will inspect the situation of various countries, integrate factories, and mass-produce guns and ammunition with existing resources. At the same time, it will take over the military command of each country. The plan of the First Army is to deploy the army. Now, the entire human race is one. The First Army will fully open the right to use satellites and scientific and technological knowledge in various fields."

Whether human countries are sincere or not depends on whether they are willing to hand over military command.

What surprised Li Meng, and no country opposes his request for military command.

In fact, thinking about it more carefully, besides the First Army, I am afraid that there is no other force that can integrate mankind.

Whether they want it or not, they have no right to choose.

If it refuses, the establishment of the Earth Joint Council will cease, and humans will also embark on the path of death due to the threat of demons.

Because of the First Army, because of Li Meng, human beings on the earth are united. This event has a profound significance to mankind and can be recorded in history.

When the meeting ended and the heads of countries left one after another, Li Meng stopped Sarah.

Under Salix’s puzzled gaze, Li Meng said: “The First Legion will urgently integrate the armies of various countries, and it will take at least two months. During these two months, the cult empire must stand firm. I know your difficulties. Do what you want to do. If death comes, your stress will be reduced a lot. You don’t need to worry about it. Just like when the First Army was in Austria, as long as the heart is sincere, it will appear. King of Devil Retreat."

Regarding Li Meng's words, Sarris nodded solemnly.

Just as Li Meng said, on the battlefield of the cult empire, the power of death is indeed needed.

The power of the Demon King is so powerful that the tall walls of mankind are useless, and he needs the power to deal with the Demon King.

After that, Li Meng ended the conversation with Shalish.

After this meeting, everything will change.

Stepping off the projection platform, Li Meng said to Xiaonan: "Notify the Naval Command that they will send Century Transport Aircraft to various countries to pick up people, and at the same time strengthen ties with other countries, tell Jevrich that he will immediately take over military command from each country. Right, we must form an army in the shortest time."


Xiao Nan nodded in response.

Before he finished speaking, Li Meng continued: "The command of the entire battlefield is handed over to the Naval Headquarters to warn Yevrich that their mission is important and they must not be careless."


Xiao Nan responded again.

Around Kyoto, around the First Army, human beings are moving and changing quietly.

Regarding Li Meng's words, the leaders of all countries did not ignore them. After some thinking, they finally disclosed the news of the existence of the devil.

For a while, the entire human society was in chaos, and at some point, rumors of the end-time crisis were widely circulated among civilians.

It is actually not correct to say that it is a rumor. The catastrophe caused by the devil is enough to be called an end of the world.

As Li Meng said, human beings will despair, but they will also explode with powerful forces because of despair.

When the First Army took over military command from various countries, it launched a series of conscription activities in various countries.

Under the overwhelming propaganda, desperate people responded one after another. In just a few days, millions of young people became soldiers.

China, the Republic of Sharjah, the American Federation, and Asian countries all have a conscription frenzy.

Under this frenzy, the establishment of the Earth Joint Council became very silent.

The formation of a unified government takes a lot of time and cannot be formed in a short time.

A few days later, China, Kyoto, the palace.

"Is there time? It will take a lot of time to prepare for a decisive battle with the devil in the west."

On the soft sofa, Wang Yanmei and Li Meng sat side by side.

Today, Wang Yanmei is still in her black lady's military uniform, and the black stockings under her skirt look so alluring.

With a faint smile, Li Meng grabbed Wang Yanmei’s little hand and put it into the palm of his hand, and said softly: "Although the devil is strong, it seems to be unstoppable, but the main reason lies in the devil king. As long as you resist it, the devil cannot attack quickly In the city, the sect empire is preparing for a god-inviting ceremony recently. If it comes to Europe, although it will not be able to defeat the Demon King, there is no problem blocking it."


A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and Wang Yanmei said softly: "Meng'er, it really a god?"

So far, Wang Yanmei doesn't believe in the existence of gods. This is incredible. This is no longer a simple matter of cognition.

With a faint smile, Li Meng joked, "There are many kinds of gods. Take you as an example. You are my goddess. God is just a definition. It doesn't matter whether it exists or not. Don't look at it too deified. "

Wang Yanmei gave Li Meng an irritable look at Li Meng's words that were not serious, but she could still see the joy in her heart.

After all, which woman would not be happy to be praised by someone she loves.

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