Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1624: Endless meeting

With her hands stretched out and placed gently on Li Meng's shoulders, with a trace of ruddy on her face, Wang Yanmei lowered her head and kissed Li Meng's forehead.

Just when Wang Yanmei's red lips were about to touch Li Meng's forehead, Li Meng suddenly raised her head, and the original kiss on her forehead was kissed on Li Meng's lips.

It was too late to retreat, so Wang Yanmei could only kiss her. She originally wanted to take a quick dip and then withdrew, but Li Meng refused.

She stretched out her hands and hugged Wang Yanmei's waist tightly, cutting off the way she had withdrawn and retreated. Her mouth had already attacked the city and reached the deepest point.

For a long time, Li Meng let go of Wang Yanmei's flushing expression.

Looking at Wang Yanmei in her arms with a smile but a smile, Li Meng said softly in the flushing and irritating white eyes: "Now there are 1,127 divisions registered and re-recorded, about 16 million people, this is just a preliminary The number will at least double in half a year."

"so much?"

Wang Yanmei was taken aback for a while, looking at Li Meng in surprise.

That is more than 16 million soldiers, quite the total population of a small and medium-sized country.

When she was surprised by the execution of the First Army, Wang Yanmei also admired the courage of the First Army.

Dare to organize so many troops, this is not something that anyone can do. If it is another country, even if it has the same rights, it will be difficult to move. It is difficult to communicate with other countries.

"Why? Is this surprised?"

Holding Wang Yanmei’s soft waist lightly, Li Meng said calmly: “This is just the army, the navy, and the air force. After mixing, there are now 24 navy fleets with more than 2,000 ships and various air force fighters. No less than 15,000. In a month, this clenched iron fist of humans will land in the city of Saint-Dela of the Order Empire through the Arctic Sea. By then, humans will no longer shrink behind the high wall, but will Attack the demon."

Shouldn't she be surprised?

No, even her, Wang Yanmei, her face was shocked at the moment.

Undoubtedly, mankind is not wrong, and handed over the military capability to unify mankind to the First Army.

I am afraid that only the First Army can do this.


Although shocked, Wang Yanmei was also very worried, and said very worried: "On the ground battlefield, can we win? Although we have guns and cannons, it is difficult to be the opponent of the devil, even with the same number. , Even when the demons charge to humans, the demons have been consumed by the artillery fire behind the humans by two-thirds, but the remaining one-third, once they are brought close to humans, humans will still fail."

In the past few months, Wang Yanmei has not been idle. She has checked the information on the front line and knows the horror of the strange creatures like demons. Once they get close, it will be a killing, one side by side.

With a faint smile, Li Meng shook his head and said: "No, the First Army will not let a thousand divisions fight against the devil physically. These thousand divisions are armored divisions. They will be equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles. Fight against the devil with a torrent of steel."

Sacrifice is inevitable. If the torrent of steel can effectively restrain the devil, then the army of the First Legion will not suffer such heavy losses in the war on the mainland of Austria.

However, although it cannot be restrained, the torrent of steel at least gives humans the ability to fight the devil head-on.

Li Meng no longer knew when he left the palace.

In Kyoto, Li Meng can't take time off. The establishment of the Earth Joint Council will hold large and small meetings almost every day. After each meeting, the power of the Earth Joint Council will increase by one point.

At this time, dozens of heads of state had gathered in Kyoto.

Except for some countries on the fringe of war, almost all the capitals of all countries have gathered in Kyoto. Every meeting is a wrangling between countries and the theme is related to the transfer of rights.

To make the Earth Joint Council the only legitimate government of mankind, the first priority is to obtain rights. Real rights are not only military powers, but political monitoring powers.

As the First Army urgently strengthened the military power of mankind, the Earth Joint Council was also taking shape bit by bit.

Li Meng is a representative of the First Army, a representative of Austria, and even a representative of Bentley. Although the First Army intends to involve several of its subordinate countries in international affairs, it eventually gave up due to various reasons.

Li Meng is not an idler. He must attend every meeting. Not only does he need to attend, but he also needs to expressly support the Earth Joint Council.


Because the Council of the Earth’s meeting charter and the list of rights requested were all formulated by the First Legion. Now the Council of the Earth is just a virtual shell, without even a single subject.

Only when the rights are clarified, the Earth Joint Council will truly exist and become the only legal government of mankind. It is now only a transitional period, a transitional period for countries to claim rights.

"Impossible. The right to formulate laws has already involved the core of each country’s internal affairs. This has long deviated from the core element of political autonomy. The Earth Joint Council is not the government of mankind, but the government of several major countries. my country will never compromise on this. ."

In the conference room of the Great Hall, a new argument was ignited. The entire conference room was noisy. The faces of the heads of countries sitting at the round table were different, some were silent, some were timid with those around them. Shy whispers, more people are accusing and arguing with each other.

"It is not to formulate laws, but to formulate the basic laws. The internal affairs and laws of various countries must stand under the basic laws and must not violate the basic laws. Only in this way can we avoid some absurd regimes. We are human beings, not beasts. When we are fighting for benefits, We also need to consider our personal rights. Human rights should not be ignored at any time."

"Yes, we must establish a line, no matter which country, small or large country can not cross this line, once this line is crossed, the Earth Joint Council has the right to sanctions, only such a joint Earth Council can Has a meaning."

Opinions are not unified, and the whole meeting room is noisy.

And Li Meng was among them, he was sitting beside Wang Yanmei, his hand under the table, I don't know when he had already grasped Wang Yanmei's little hand.

Wang Yanmei struggled with the small movements under Li Meng's table, but she couldn't help Li Meng, so she had to compromise and let Li Meng hold her.

I don’t know how many times the two people have participated in meetings like this. There are long and short periods, a few short hours, and a long day. Sometimes they will contact for a few days to argue about the same issue.

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