Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1628: Zhu Yixuan's scheming

Looking at the place where Wei Xian disappeared, Zhu Yixuan laughed and jumped off Li Meng's lap.

"Brother, let's go to the back garden."

With that said, Zhu Yixuan grabbed Li Meng's right hand and pulled it out.

Seeing Zhu Yixuan who was lively and active, Li Meng smiled helplessly and had to rely on her.

The back garden of the Forbidden City is not an ordinary place.

Various flowers, lakes and pavilions are the subjective scenes of the back garden, beautiful and peaceful.

Repulsing the maids behind her, Zhu Yixuan took Li Meng and wandered in the back garden.

On the cobblestone path, the two walked quietly.

It is indeed beautiful here, surrounded by greenery, the fragrance of trees, the scent of water, and the scent of flowers make people smell it, and the heart relaxes.

"Brother, Xuan'er's request for marriage embarrassed brother?"

Beside, Xuan'er's whispering sounded.

When Li Meng lowered his head and looked at Xuan'er beside him, he saw those light and wise eyes.

Stopped, Li Meng squatted down in front of Xuan'er, and said softly, "Is Xuan'er scared?"


Zhu Yixuan nodded lightly, and said quietly: "My brother is right, Xuan'er is still too young, and being too small in this position is also a fault."

"what's happenin?"

Gently squeezed Zhu Yixuan's nose, Li Meng smiled and said, "If you have any concerns, please tell your brother."

With that, Li Meng stood up and took Xuan'er's little hand to continue walking on the cobblestone road.

Looking up at her brother's smiling face, Zhu Yixuan lowered her head and said sadly: "Father has a concubine, she is very beautiful, and she is the very favorite woman of his father. Since his father died, there have been many concubines in the palace. The concubine has left. Only a few concubines stayed to guard the tomb for the father. A month ago, the concubine who was beloved by his father wanted to leave the palace and return to his hometown to live his own life. She begged me, I agreed, I let go She left the palace. But just a few days later, I received news that she did not return to her hometown, brother, do you know where she went?"

Where did you go?

Li Meng lowered his head slightly and glanced at Zhu Yixuan thoughtfully.

Li Meng originally thought that Zhu Yixuan was just a simple little girl, but now it seems that is not the case.

Zhu Yixuan did not shy away from her brother's strange gaze. She looked very calm and said: "Is she forced or voluntary when she went to Elder Ge's house? I don't know. This matter asked me to do something about where the concubines went. The investigation revealed a very strange thing. Some concubines who left the palace returned to their hometowns. They did not lead their own lives, but became concubines of the magistrate, and some concubines still stayed. In Peking, they all entered the residence of the senior official Dagui. Brother, is this phenomenon normal?"

Naturally it was abnormal, and Zhu Yixuan's words made Li Meng's heart slightly clear.

It seems that this dynasty, which lasted for five hundred years, is already rotten from the bone.

This generation has young owners, and some people are even more unscrupulous.

And Wei Xian...

In Li Meng's eyes, this but loyal old servant, he did not expect to know others and not know his face.

But this is how people are. When you don’t understand a person, you can only look at the surface, but when you understand a person in depth, you can see a person’s heart.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Yixuan can still learn about these things in the deep palace, it seems that the royal family's water is very deep.

Speaking of this, Zhu Yixuan looked like a small ghost, and sighed slightly: "Perhaps the two prime ministers are right. The system of the empire should be changed. The old man always told me that the imperial poverty alleviation policy offends the businessmen. , But the fact is not like this. It offends the magistrate and the influence of the prime minister is so great. It is not because of the support of the merchants but the support of the local officials. The merchants are just involuntarily involuntarily. I originally thought they were in control of the prime minister. When the power is overthrown, the empire will be able to take on a new look, but I was wrong. The power of the empire was reshuffled. The empire has not changed much, but the power has been transferred to another group of people. The victory in the power confrontation made them even more Being bold, becoming more unscrupulous, corruption, lazy government, deceiving the people, and deceiving the prince, this is the norm in the empire."

Rubbing Zhu Yixuan's little head lightly, the two continued to walk in the back garden.

While lightly stepping on the cobblestone path, looking down at the little Zhu Yixuan beside him, Li Meng smiled lightly: "So, do you want to use my prince to achieve your own goals?"

Unbelievable, unbelievable, how old she is, only nine years old.

Could it be that the xinxing exposed to him before was disguised?

No, Li Meng is not blind, as long as he wants, no one can pretend to be in front of him.

In other words, did Zhu Yixuan make such a change because of the last killing?

The mental shock made her mind mature, which not only changed her temperament, but also made her mind mature.

Zhu Yixuan shook her head slightly, raised her head to smile sweetly at Li Meng, and said cutely: "No, Xuan'er's heart to marry her brother is true."

Seeing such a lovely Zhu Yixuan, Li Meng chose to ignore the different color in her pupils.

Looking up at the beautiful and pleasant scenery of the back garden, Li Meng said calmly: "Well, before I leave "Ayre", you can make good use of me."


Zhu Yixuan pouted her mouth and looked at Li Meng reluctantly, her little hand acting coquettishly.

Regarding this, Li Meng just smiled faintly, bent down to hold Zhu Yixuan in his arms, and continued walking.

Zhu Yixuan, who was just nine years old, was still petite, so she didn't look abrupt in her arms and was very suitable.

Seeing her brother hugged herself, Zhu Yixuan smiled sweetly, stretched out her little hand, and wrapped her neck around Li Meng.

Li Meng's ear, Zhu Yixuan said softly: "Brother, can you help me?"

"Say it."

With a smile on his face, Li Meng has decided that no matter what this girl is going to do, he will support her this time.

This was his responsibility as a husband. Although Li Meng didn't know what Zhu Yixuan was thinking in her little head, Li Meng didn't care. No matter how the political situation of the Shenglong Empire changed, the initiative was in his hands.

In Li Meng’s ears, Zhu Yixuan said softly: “There are dead men on the left and right, and there are similar people in the royal family. Although Dongchang and Xichang were disbanded by the father, Jin Yiwei still keeps them, which makes them hide deeper Although they are loyal to me, they are mortals after all, brother, I know that you have power comparable to "gods". Can you give them power?"

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