Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1630: Sophia

"Your Majesty, what is going on?"

The figure hurriedly bowed to the ground, and Shengnan asked incomprehensibly.

Did you make it?

Seeing the drastic change in temperament and aggressiveness of Shengnan, Zhu Yixuan smiled faintly, and said: "You don't need to know too much, you just need to know that all of this is given to you. Go ahead, before my brother and I get married. , I don’t want to hear the news that Governor Shanbei is still alive. Remember, but I have to come back when I get married."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

At this moment, Sheng Nan looked murderous, and a cold color flashed across his beautiful face.

This person should be killed, he is the most damned person, he must die.

For the empire, but also for the queen.

It was late at night, and at that instant, the lights in the study room dimmed.

Time flies quickly, and the wedding day has been set by the Ministry of Rites, which will be February 14th.

As the day approaches, the entire Forbidden City is busy.

On the 13th, the envoys and heads of various countries began to arrive. For a time, the entire sky of Peking was filled with special planes from foreign countries, Luoyi, and the parking apron of the Forbidden City was full of special planes of the leaders of various countries.

The ceremonial team responsible for welcoming the heads of countries has not stopped for a day. They welcomed the arrival of batches of guests on the square.

Busy until the night, the sky finally cleared.

In the Forbidden City, in order to welcome the heads of countries and the arrival of the delegation, a welcoming ball was specially held.

In the bright hall of the Pianwu Hall, the gentle singing echoes, and with the rhythm of the song, on the dance floor, dense figures are dancing.

Li Meng, who is about to become the Prince of the Shenglong Empire, is naturally among them.

"Congratulations, congratulations, Li Meng, it's been more than half a year since the last departure. I didn't expect to bring such good news when I saw you this time."

Who he is, Li Meng has forgotten, so passionate, should have had a fate.

Li Meng could only hold the wine glass, and Xiaorou nodded without a smile.

Fortunately, a large number of people is a good cover for Li Meng, and some disrespectful places can be forgiven.

Zhu Yixuan's girl didn't know where she went, she was still by her side just now, and she disappeared after a while.

Although no one is the host or guest of this ball, everyone who comes here can enjoy the carnival, but if the host is not present, this is quite rude.

Walking and walking, Li Meng came to the second floor aimlessly, while looking condescendingly at the dance floor below, he inadvertently came to a balcony.

The balcony was separated by a brightly colored curtain, leaving only a gap for passage.

When I came to the balcony, the noise suddenly weakened a lot. Li Meng liked it.

Standing on the edge of the balcony, leaning on the guardrail, Li Meng looked at the colorful Forbidden City.

Tomorrow is the wedding day of Her Majesty the Queen, and the entire Forbidden City is full of festive colors. It is beautiful and gorgeous.

"It's so lively below, but Mr. Li Meng stays here alone, but I really won't enjoy it."

I don't know how long it took, a light and lazy voice appeared from behind, which caught Li Meng's attention.

Looking back, Li Meng saw her.

She was wearing a black low-cut long dress, her white shoulders were exposed to the air, and her bright blonde hair was long and supple, reaching her waist.

The beautiful face was looking at her with a smile, and the graceful body was approaching step by step.

It's Sophia, the queen of the Suville Empire "Sophia".

Regarding this, Li Meng will not forget, and it is impossible to forget.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Everyone's interests are different. I don't like such a scene."

"is it……"

Beside Li Meng, Sophia stopped, leaned on the railing like Li Meng, and looked at Li Meng with a smile.

She said softly: "On this point, we have something in common. I don't like this kind of scene either. It's better here, quiet, and beautiful scenery."


Speaking of this, Sophia looked at Li Meng with a smile, and said softly: "It is not the quietness or the beauty here, but you, Mr. Li Meng, because you are here, Mr. Li Meng. I will come here."

This...but it's a bit warm.

This made Li Meng feel quite embarrassed, so he smiled and took a sip of the red wine in the glass.

Li Meng always felt that Sophia's gaze was a little abnormal, just like the gaze of a wolf looking at a sheep.

Li Meng's reaction made Sophia dissatisfied, she said quietly: "In the eyes of Master Li Meng, am I so annoying?"

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said calmly: "Queen Sophia is so beautiful, I don't think any man will hate it."

"Then Mr. Li Meng, do you like me?"

This... is this seduce him?

Looking at Sophia with a faintly resentful face, Li Meng was a little confused, he didn't feel so familiar with this one.

With a faint smile, Li Meng just nodded to Sophia, but didn't answer.

Li Meng's reaction and silence, how could Sophia be willing.

She smiled faintly, and took a step forward with a flattering expression. The graceful body pressed against Li Meng’s chest, her slender hand was placed on Li Meng’s shoulder, and she whispered in Li Meng’s ear: "Li Meng The purpose of the husband and the little girl’s marriage is not simple, right? The Shenglong Empire can give it to the husband, and the Sauville Empire can also give it to the husband. Moreover, the little girl is cute and tight, but how long will Mr. Li Meng wait? I'm different. I'm already ripe, just waiting for someone to pick the ripe fruit."

With that, Sophia opened her mouth slightly, exhaling a warm breath, and it was a bite on Li Meng's earlobe.

The numb touch made Li Meng's whole body tremble, and his hands subconsciously hugged Sophia's graceful body.

The softness against his chest gave Li Meng a physiological reaction.

Feeling the sudden touch on her thigh, Sophia's face was red, and Li Meng's face was ruddy and white.

Looking helplessly at Sofia, who was in his arms, Li Meng gritted his teeth and said: "Queen Sophia, I am a man, you... you seduce me, so... don't be afraid that I will eat you."

Sophia was not afraid of Li Meng's threat. Instead, she chuckled, lifted a strand of golden hair on his forehead, and said softly, "Come on, then, eat me."

This woman...

Shaking his head slightly, Li Meng smiled bitterly: "Come on, I won't be blessed with your beautiful blessings. Tomorrow I will become the prince of the Shenglong Empire. I don't intend to regret it."

Although I don't know why Sophia did this, her purpose is clear.

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