Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1635: Pros and cons

Just when Sheng Nan was thinking about what would happen tonight, Li Meng quickly rejected Zhu Yixuan's proposal.

With a wry smile, Li Meng said helplessly: "Well, Xuan'er, what happened today has not happened, and there is no need to punish her. If you really punish her like this, I won't be fortunate enough."

Such a woman is beautiful, but it is a thorny flower. Although the thorny flower also has a taste, she... Li Meng is really not interested.

To Xuan'er, she may be loyal, but this loyalty has become a sickness.

At first Li Meng didn't know what was going on, but when she saw Xuan'er's gaze, Li Meng finally understood.

Any feelings mixed with maternal love will only make a person more crazy and embark on an extreme road.

However, Li Meng was thoughtful when he looked down at Sheng Nan in silence.

For Xuan'er to have such a person beside her, it was a good thing for Xuan'er.

"Katsunam, you should withdraw first."

Seeing that her brother didn't intend to pursue Sheng Nan's crimes, Zhu Yixuan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly waved her small hand and said to Sheng Nan who was kneeling on the ground.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

With a soft response, Sheng Nan stood up from the ground.

She looked complicated and glanced at the prince who was holding Her Majesty the Queen, and silently turned and left.

She... was actually rejected.

Is she not beautiful enough?

Katsuo never doubted his charm, but in the eyes of the prince...

With a mixed feeling, Shengnan left the study room.

Victory's departure gave the two a chance to be alone and opened up more.

Gently hugging Xuan'er's waistline, Li Meng asked, "What were you arguing with Wei Xian just now? This is the first time I have seen you two argue. What happened?"

With her lips curled slightly, in Li Meng’s arms, Zhu Yixuan said dullly: “In the past, I just didn’t care, everything was up to Elder Ge to decide. Now, I plan to take care of things, but Elder Ge said that I am too young and wait until I grow up. When learning to deal with government affairs, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go to the court. In the court hall, those ministers would not say anything useful at all. They shouted long live. Even if the court meeting is over, I told the old man again that I intend to restore the East. Elder Ge did not agree with the establishment of the factory, saying that the Dongchang factory was disbanded by the order of the first emperor, and the restoration of the Dongchang factory would violate the emperor's holy will."

It's really a little ghost...

Looking at Zhu Yixuan in his arms, Li Meng rubbed the little head comfortingly.

She is only nine years old this year. No matter how old Wei Xian is, it is impossible for Wei Xian to hand over the power to a little girl. If Zhu Yixuan is really going to make trouble, the entire Shenglong Empire must not be messy.

Besides, in this situation, they probably don't want to see someone standing on their heads.

In Zhu Yixuan's pouting expression, Li Meng smiled and said: "Xuan'er, your biggest obligation now is to grow up quickly. When you grow up, some things are not what they want. "

To her elder brother, Zhu Yixuan pouted her mouth and said unconvincedly: "Xuan'er won't admit defeat, what's the matter with her young age, am I not a queen when I am young? Besides, even if I grow up, in their eyes I am afraid it will always be a child."

There is something in the words...

He was really clever, and with the current situation of the Shenglong Empire, it might be exactly as Xuan'er said.

The current Thanglong Empire, although the Forbidden City's decree can be smoothly implemented throughout the country, it is well implemented.

But the premise is that it is based on the interests of local officials, and face is still sufficient. However, it is not clear who can say what transactions are in private.

The system of the feudal dynasty is like this. Although the concept of nation and nation has been integrated into this era, the common people have a stronger sense of belonging to this country, but similarly, people of different status have huge identities. Although they are also legal systems, However, the legal system is specific, with different restrictions on civilians, businessmen, and dignitaries.

The greater the rights of those in power, the less restrained by the law. Without the restraint of the law, the wanton behavior of human nature will completely explode. The current political leaders of the Shenglong Empire are probably at this stage of wanton behavior.

Knowing where the bottom line is, knowing what interests will not affect one's own future, and also knowing what kind of circle joining will bring benefits to oneself.

In the final analysis, the current Shenglong Empire has passed the factional dispute and entered the political stage of a dominance.

Is this a good thing?

Of course not. When the king cannot restrict the rights of his subordinates, the imperial power will be greatly affected.

This is probably the case in the current Shenglong Empire. Even if Zhu Yixuan is not the young master, she probably can't do much.

Of course, the situation in the royal family is not as serious as that.

At least in the Forbidden City, all the guards, court ladies, and people loyal to the royal family are still there, but it is not certain how long this situation will last.

Perhaps this situation will disappear soon.

Regrettably, Zhu Yixuan is only nine years old, and it will take at least ten years before she is able to govern.

But is the royal family still ten years away? If this situation continues, what will the Forbidden City look like ten years later?

Li Meng didn't know, he wouldn't think about what the Shenglong Empire would be like in ten years.

No matter what happened, his status as a prince is not a display, at least it can guarantee Zhu Yixuan's safety.

Li Meng didn't think that Wei Xian didn't know where his bottom line was, and the group of ministers behind him didn't know.

Although the Shenglong Empire is big, if it crosses his bottom line, he will let some people taste what is truly self-defeating.

Although the current Shenglong Empire is rotten, it is not completely rotten. At least the great masters in Peking City still care about the interests of the country. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to become a prince, at least not so easily.

Li Meng actually understood their thoughts.

He is just a prince, the queen’s husband, has no actual rights, nor can he interfere in the internal affairs of the empire.

On the contrary, his unusual status, once he becomes a prince, can also strengthen the status of the Shenglong Empire in the world. Why not do things that have more advantages than disadvantages.

In "Ayre", Li Meng also knows what he is in. Although he has a great reputation, the relationship with other countries is still based on cooperation and mutual benefit. As for controlling the world and becoming the master of "Ayre", it is possible Sex is minimal, even if it is the mastermind, it is absolutely impossible.

Although the main brain uses its own capabilities to control the entire information network of the "Ayre" countries, as well as weapons of mass destruction, but that's it, it is impossible to make the entire "Ayre" humanity surrender.

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