Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1638: commotion

In the dark, the roar of the engine was deafening and echoed in the sky.

However, the sky was not calm. In the sky, with a buzzing sound, multiple helicopter gunships flew over the army and approached the Forbidden City.

As the army approached the square outside the South Gate, the soldiers patrolling the square turned a blind eye. Instead, they bowed their heads and notified the guards on the South Gate through the communicator.

In the sound of "creak, creak", the southern gate of the Forbidden City was opened.

From the huge South City Gate, the army filed in, one part entered the Forbidden City, another part set up on the square, tanks, armored vehicles, and a soldier in a black-gray combat uniform holding a firearm.

In the sky, a huge roar sounded, and a huge black transport plane slowly landed on the square.

As the hatch opened, black off-road vehicles drove out of the transport plane, there were more than 20 vehicles.

In the car, is a Jinyi guard wearing a Jinyi uniform.

In the square, the convoy stopped.

The door of the first car opened and Shengnan, dressed in brocade clothes, walked down.

On the square, an officer came with a group of accompanying officers.

He was dressed in a dark military uniform, and he looked very masculine and rude.

Looking at him, Sheng Nan said calmly: "You are doing well, Commander Li Chengwei, the Forbidden City will be handed over to you."

Looking up, standing tall, and saluting, a dark ring on his left hand seemed to emit a slight halo, he said loudly: "For the empire, for the queen."

Looking at the aggressive army on the square, Sheng Nan said calmly: "Keep the army quiet, don't disturb your majesty. Your task is to guard the Forbidden City, suppress possible rebellions in the city, and occupy the Central Propaganda Department."

Li Chengwei said: "Please rest assured, the Central Propaganda Bureau has been taken over by the army and is now under the control of the army."

Nodding lightly, Sheng Nan didn't say anything more.

Although the man in front of him is a soldier, his mind can be delicate, otherwise, it would not be possible to board the 38th army commander with the assistance of Jin Yiwei.

Turning back to the car, through the portable communicator in his ear, Shengnan said indifferently: "Each one rushes to the designated target, remember, their identities are no longer noble, they are sinners, tomorrow, they will be responded to. Some trials."


The rumbling engine roar sounded again, and the black off-road vehicles formed a long dragon into the street, and at a certain intersection, they scattered again.

It was late at night, and there was a riot in Beiping tonight.

"Boom, boom, boom."

In a number of high-end government villa districts, officials' doors were knocked.


From the room, a female voice hitting Hache rang.

It is late at night, and by this time, most people have already fallen asleep.

"Jin Yiwei, work, open the door."

"Jin Yiwei? Master...Master, master, it's not good."

There was a panic in the room.

Although Jin Yiwei has been disbanded for many years, he has not been forgotten.

Not long after, there was an impatient voice in the house.

"What kind of Jinyiwei, there is no Jinyiwei now, the one who is at night, what are you talking about."

"But, outside, outside..."

"What's wrong outside."

The door was opened. Behind the door was a half-hundred old man with a surprised look, and behind him was a beautiful lady in a thin black gauze pajamas.

Looking at the guards in front of the door, the old man's expression was slightly stunned. This outfit...

Jin Yiwei in front of me said coldly: "According to the order of the Queen, you have been arrested. Come with us."


The old man's expression changed slightly, and he sternly said: "Where did the bandit come from? Jin Yiwei was disbanded long ago. I am the elder of the cabinet, what right do you have to arrest me? Come, guard, guard..."

As he said, the old man yelled, and the guards were just outside the door, looking at each other.

No nonsense, the foremost Jin Yiwei grabbed the old man's wrist and pulled the old man out of the house, escorting the old man to the off-road vehicle outside the yard.

"Wait, wait until I get dressed..."

Where the thin old man was Jin Yiwei's opponent, he was carried by the two Jin Yiwei to the off-road vehicle.

Jin Yiwei clearly rejected the old man's request.

"It's okay, when you get to the Forbidden City, you will naturally wear your prison clothes, and no one can do without.

No one is indispensable?

What happened?

Looking at the menacing Jinyi guards, the old man looked confused.

What's wrong?

At this moment, the same scenario is happening everywhere in Beiping City.

Some officials did not live in the officially allocated villas, and the more prominent ones even had their own houses.

Just like the previous prime ministers.

"This is the Wei Mansion. It's not a place where you can come. Do you know who our master is?"

In front of the gate of the Wei family's house in the west of the city, Sheng Nan was stopped.

A young gatekeeper, looking at his arrogant look, thought he was Elder Ge.

Blocking the way for the young boyfriend, Shengnan stepped forward and pushed directly on the young boyfriend.

The huge strength directly caused the gatekeeper to stagger, stepped back and turned a few somersaults.

"Jin Yiwei, do not disturb idlers."

With a group of guards in Jinyi, Shengnan stepped in and glanced coldly at the doorman who fell to the ground.

Jin Yiwei?

The young guardian boy shrank his neck and looked timid.

"What happened?"

The noise in the front yard turned on the lights of a room, and Wei Xian in pajamas opened the door.

On the bed behind him, a graceful white figure was about to get up.

"Lian'er, just go back to sleep."

Wei Xian's words made her return to the bed, her still beautiful face looking outside with worry.

Walking across the door, Wei Xian left the room, looking at the approaching Shengnan group in the courtyard with a puzzled expression on his face.

This dress...

Looking at Wei Xian on the stairs, Sheng Nan said calmly: "Under the order of the Queen, Elder Ge, come with us."

Frowning slightly, Wei Xian said solemnly: "Jin Yiwei has long been disbanded, who are you? Even if it is the order of the Queen, does it have a will? Is there an arrest order authorized by the Ministry of Government?"

To Wei Xian’s words, Sheng Nan was expressionless and said coldly: "This is an oral statement from Her Majesty the Queen. There is no need for arrest warrants, and no instructions from the Office of Government Affairs. Elder Ge, for your care of the Queen for many years, I I don't want to embarrass you, but you don't want to embarrass me either."

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