Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1646: Arrive in Kyoto

With a low expression on his face, Li Meng pretended to be very angry and said, "So, you didn't miss me?"

"His Royal Highness..."

He slapped Li Meng's chest lightly without obedience. Sakuya showed ruddy face, lowered his head, and said angrily: "His Royal Highness is in my heart. I always think of Your Highness, even if Your Highness is far away from me. , In my heart, Your Highness is by my side."

"It's almost the same, my Sakiya, I miss you."

Hehe smiled, Li Meng picked up Sakuya and turned around.

After playing around for a long time, Li Meng let go of Sakuya and walked outside the temple with Saya.

In the wide corridor, the two walked in tandem, perhaps boring, Li Meng and Sakiya talked about what happened in "Ayre".

"Well, this is a good thing for the First Army. In Al, Your Highness can be regarded as a firm foothold. The next thing is to cycle gradually, and the two worlds will develop together, in a distant day. There will definitely be intersections. By then, both humans should be able to get along harmoniously."

Looking at Sakuya's gentle and smiling face, Li Meng felt a little in his heart.

As the first person to accompany him, Sakuya should be the only thing he cares about most.

Her gentleness, her understanding, these all fascinated Li Meng.

He paused slightly and turned to look at Saya behind him. Li Meng smiled and said, "Saya, or I will marry you."

Sakiya was taken aback at His Royal Highness's words, then smiled softly, shook her head, and said: "Your Royal Highness, if you really marry me, Sakiya will naturally be happy, but if your Highness married Saya, then you must marry. There are more people, Natasha, Tanya, and many others who make your Royal Highness care. Although Sakiya wants to monopolize His Highness, Sakiya cannot."

Is this rejected?

Such a lovely person...

Seeing Sakuya's gentle face facing him, Li Meng sighed slightly.

Taking a step forward, Li Meng said nothing, bowed his head and kissed Sakuya's red lips.

Sakiya only smiled at the sudden move of His Royal Highness, and she put her obedient hands around His Highness's neck, quietly enjoying His Highness's love for her.

After a long time, Li Meng let go of Sakuya, and with a contented look, he pulled Sayaya and continued walking.

"Is the army ready?"

Nonsense is nonsense, business can not be forgotten.

Being pulled down by the palace, Sakuya said in the middle of her mouth: "We are gathering towards the No. 3 Acropolis "Vladivostok". The seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth fleets have been half a month ago. Arrived in the Order Empire, the army has already landed 3.5 million troops in the "City of Saint Deira" of the Order Empire, and subsequent troops are being transported one after another. In Vladivostok, ten fleets and two fleets have been assembled. They are sailing in the Pacific Ocean and are expected to arrive in Vladivostok within five days. They are the last two fleets of the American Federation."

Five days?

Li Meng said: "Then you don't have to wait for them, let them go to "Sandra City" slowly."

Today, the situation in the Middle East, that is, Middle-Earth, is not in seconds. Although the ecclesiastical empire has withstood the offensive of the devil, cities and towns fall every day, and the front is moving north.

The main force of the demons is fighting with the subhumans. The situation of the battle is unknown, but the demons are about to be pushed to the mountain ranges on the edge of the world, which is the Asia-Central Mountains between Asia and the Middle East.

When Li Meng and Sakuya left the temple, in the square halfway up the mountain, a century transport plane was already waiting.

"His Royal Highness, let me go with you this time. You can't live without a general."

Li Meng rejected Sakuya's request.

Before he was about to step onto the rear hatch, Li Meng turned to look at Sakuya behind him, and said: "Your mission is still on Nanlin Island, Sakuya, this is your only mission. There can be no generals by my side, but Nan Lin Dao must be stationed by a general..."

With a slight smile, Li Meng stretched out his hand to caress Sakiya's white face, and said in his mouth: "Sakiya, be obedient."

Sakiya couldn't refuse the child's coaxing tone of her Highness, she could only nodded dullly.

Seeing that Sakiya gave up his plan to follow him, Li Meng smiled slightly and turned to board the Century Transport Plane.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine, the huge Century transport plane slowly rose up, and then gradually moved away until it disappeared into the horizon.

Before dark, Li Meng arrived in Kyoto.

Without stopping at the embassy, ​​the Century Transport Aircraft landed directly at the court under the authorized circular.

The sky was getting darker, the huge Century Transport Aircraft slowly descended from the sky, and a huge air current hit the square. In Terra's eyes, the huge body of the Century Transport Aircraft landed on the square not far away.

Amid the sound of the machinery, the rear door opened slowly, and Li Meng walked out from the cabin.

Smiling at the welcoming Tyra, without saying anything, Li Meng stepped forward and gave Tyra a bear hug, and forcefully merged the soft body into his arms.

"Don't... is anyone watching?"

This sudden move to Li Meng shocked Tyra, her face turned red, and she whispered in Li Meng's ear.

Because behind her, there are quite a few court guards, all of whom are women and students of Wang Yanmei.

Seeing Li Meng suddenly hugged Tyra into his arms, the intimate posture made them look slightly startled and looked at them in surprise.

Li Meng naturally understood Tyra's concerns.

After all, the age difference between the two is huge, once the relationship is exposed, it will definitely arouse criticism.

The identities of the two are also unusual, and if it arouses any public opinion, this is not a pleasant thing.

Li Meng smiled slightly, Li Meng didn’t care about the surprised eyes of the guards behind Tyra. In Tyra’s ear, Li Meng smiled lightly: "I said Tyra, sometimes you can’t care too much. Okay, come with me. Go find Meier."

With that, Li Meng took Tyra's little hand and walked towards the palace.


Hearing Li Meng's intimate address of teacher, Tyra couldn't help but roll her eyes, and said angrily: "It seems that the teacher still has not escaped from your clutches. Really, I am by the teacher's side."

Li Meng didn't stop when he said to Tyra, he just turned around and said, "Why, jealous?"


With a slight hum in his mouth, Tyra tilted her head.

With a slight smile, he stepped into the door, Li Meng folded his body and pulled Tyra to the corner behind the door.

Tightly pressed Tyra's soft body against the door, grabbed the bend of the leg under the skirt with his right hand, lifted it slightly to his waist, and was about to do something.

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