Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1648: Blood Moon Clan

The civilians in the harbor suddenly discovered that the fleet that had been on the surface for several days suddenly began to move.

The rumble of engines began to roar, and the old boilers caused many warships to emit black smoke.

A battleship began to sail out of the bay one after another, this is a picture of an expedition.

The fleet is out...

On a Dreadnought-class battleship in the bay, Li Meng and Wang Yanmei stood on the deck of the bow, watching the spectacular scene of the fleet set off in the bay.

"We are right. Only the First Legion can organize the power of the entire human race, and only under the leadership of the First Legion can we have the possibility of defeating the demons."

Looking at the densely moving warships on the sea, Wang Yanmei showed a general expression on her face.

Such a picture was something she had never imagined before. The scene before her suffices to show that human beings are not without power, and they have the ability to fight against any enemy.

Unbelievable, unbelievable...

Where do so many advanced warships and such large-scale armaments come from?

Are you from the small Nanlin Island?

It is absolutely impossible. Every country understands that there is only one small city on Nanlin Island and nothing else.

Where did the battleships, tanks, and fighter planes of the First Army come from?

Since the threat of the demons first appeared, until now, someone has calculated that the armaments provided by the First Army to countries are sufficient to conquer the entire human world, especially after the First Army took over the military rights of human countries. With rapid expansion, tanks and armored units have reached hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

In the past few months, let alone the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, the actions of the First Army are the most concerned existence of all countries. Nearly 20 million troops and huge armaments can be, under the leadership of the First Army, The power of mankind has increased tenfold or even a hundredfold in a short period of time.

There is no doubt about the strength of the First Army. This is the most clear thing in the hearts of all countries.

If two months ago, some countries still had a grudge against the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, but now, the grudge in their hearts has completely disappeared.

Because many people understand in their hearts that if there is no Earth Joint Council, the First Army will unify the earth sooner or later.

Rather than being unified by the First Army, it is better to take the initiative to join the Earth Joint Council. In this way, at least in this new political system, any nation or country has the right to speak.

Li Meng just smiled slightly at Wang Yanmei's words, without extra explanation.

He couldn't explain that the existence of the "Ayre" world must be a secret at least for now.

Although the subspace portal is a magical device, in the future, Li Meng will not allow humans to involve subspace.

Demons and evil spirits are a disaster for human beings and for the creatures in the entire universe. Since this threat cannot be eliminated, we can only isolate it.

Time is passing fast and will not stop for anyone.

Just as humans assembled their troops in Europe, in Middle-earth, the subhumans were on the verge of extinction.

Although sub-humans are sub-human species of humans, their living habits are very different from those of humans. In the area where sub-humans live, there are no cities, only one migrating tribe.

The life style of the demihumans is hunting and nomadism. Humans regard polluted beasts as disasters, but the subhumans regard polluted beasts as food. The different living habits make the subhumans full of aggressiveness and often go out to expand pastures and territories. When war is launched, conflicts often occur between each tribe.

The area where the demihumans are located is also called the Southern Badlands by humans, because they are located in the southern part of Central Earth.

For subhumans, the seven allies are obstacles to their outward expansion of territory.

The enemies that had been fighting with them disappeared due to the appearance of demons, but they encountered even more powerful enemies.

There is no tall city wall, nor too advanced weapons, just relying on crude and large-caliber guns, the demon are not opponents of the devil at all. In a few months, the demon of the southern badlands were almost slaughtered.

Southern Badlands, Eastern Fringe Forest, Blood Moon tribe.

There is a highland in the forest. This is a hill. The trees have been cut down and replaced by a series of animal hide camps. The camps cover the entire hills and continue into the forest.

In the camp, some strange-looking figures can be seen everywhere.

They are tall, about 2.5 meters tall, walking on two feet, with large hooves growing under their feet, and a huge bull's head around their necks.

There are also some smaller figures with furry ears. Although their faces are strange, they have human faces, sharp pupils, and a furry tail behind them.

In a huge camp, the environment is a bit dim, but full of noise.

There is a theme, on both sides are a row of wooden chairs, the wooden chairs are full of huge figures.

Tauren and werewolf with wolf face, the main position is a slim figure wearing white animal skins. She has very long silver hair, which almost covers her body, almost hanging to the ground. Now, although the face is strange, it has a soft touch, and the golden pupils are shining with wisdom.

"It must be a human being. It was human beings who let those guys into the southern badlands. Humans want to destroy us."

A tauren let out an angry roar, a rough air spurted from his nose, his face was hideous.

"Yes, mankind has been fighting with us all these years. This time it must be a conspiracy of mankind. We must have revenge."

"We must unite against the enemy, kill all the red guys in the forest, and drive them out of the southern badlands. This is our territory."

"Yes, kill them, kill them all..."

For a time, the beasts in the camp let out a roar.

With these voices, she seemed very calm in the main position.

When the roar calmed down, she said calmly: "Okay, be quiet..."

Because of her words, the camp fell silent, and all eyes looked at her.

Looking around at the people in the camp, she looked at one person, and said calmly: "The Iron Ring clan, how many of you are left? There are only ten thousand people, and the women and children who were taken by you to flee are only a few hundred, you think Are you exterminated? What are you fighting for? You little werewolves are still smart, and you know that you bring some female werewolves."

Speaking of this, she looked at another tauren and said, "Barbarian clan, how many of you are left? But there are only a few dozen women and children left in the crowd of five thousand. What are you fighting for?"

"And you, big and small clans fled to my blood moon clan tribe, but want to let the blood moon clan step into your footsteps. It's okay to be stupid. Our demihumans are not a race without cleverness. Find a fox. What happened to the Human Race leading you? Otherwise, how could it have fallen to this point."

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