Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1655: Advance south

The coming war has attracted the attention of all countries in the world, and they are always paying attention to the progress of the war.

No one wants to see the destruction of their own country, the demise of the human race, no matter how big the contradictions in the past, human beings are united at this moment, they are fragile, but they do not lack courage and the spirit of fighting to the death.

In the eyes of the public, a big battle is gradually approaching in the actions of all parties.

April 7, 349 in the new calendar.

This day is an unusual day, and it is also worth remembering in human history.

Under the ravages of the demons, mankind is retreating steadily, many cities have been destroyed, and many countries have been destroyed. Mankind can only rely on the powerless walls to resist the offensive of the demons.

But today, everything has changed.

Under the leadership of the First Army, mankind organized a huge army. Today, 8 million troops marched in three ways, leaving the high wall for the first time, attacking the area ravaged by demons, and fought the first battle to regain human territory. .

"Kill, destroy them, leave none of them..."

In the vast forest, only the roar of the engine echoed.

The silhouette under the forest shook, and huge tanks and armored vehicles roared past the forest and rushed forward.

The entire forest, within a radius of tens of kilometers, is a torrent of steel.

Their enemies are the demons in the forest ahead, and the wing demons in the sky.

"Rakka, Rakka..."

In the roar of roars, a red figure surged in the forest, rushing towards the enemy in front.

Gunshots, cannons, and explosions began to sound everywhere in the forest.

In the forest, the stream of red fire whizzed by from time to time, some hit the thick and strong trees, and some hit the scarlet figures running wild in the forest.

The track was crushing the ground, and the gunfire of the tank never ceased during the attack.

In the roar of the devil, in the roar of the engine, the red torrent in the forest collided with the steel torrent.

The sound of killing, the sound of metal "clank", and the roar of the devil suddenly interweaved together.

In the sky, the wing demon was hovering, avoiding the shooting of the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in the forest. The fire dragons rising from the forest are the source of destruction for them. Once hit, their body will be torn apart. .

In the forest, it is the domain of hell's two-headed head. Its huge body rushes dexterously in the forest, penetrates into the enemy's formation, and kills wantonly. Every breath will cause a lot of damage.

But they are not invincible. In a chaotic battlefield, a single shell can kill them.

Fighting can be seen everywhere on the front line of nearly a thousand kilometers.

Since the first wave of offensive began, the three armies have moved forward together, and salutes roared wherever they passed.

This is true both during the day and at night, especially at night, the roar of the salute is more beautiful.

But in beauty, there is also risk, which often attracts a large number of demons.

But this is exactly what the army wants.

During the day, the legion advances south, and at night, it forms a steel line of defense to take the initiative to find the devil to fight.

Once it is found that there are too many attacking demons, within an hour, more troops will come from all directions, and the defense will turn into offense. Under the night vision device, night combat is not a problem for the coalition forces.

On a front line of more than 1,000 kilometers, eight million troops marched together. Although invincible, the difficulties were beyond Li Meng's expectations.

Eight million troops are just the first wave of offensive troops. Over time, more and more troops will join the war. In terms of soldiers, in this land of Europe, the strength of mankind is continuous, only more and more.

However, the speed of advancement was far lower than Li Meng had expected.

Li Meng originally thought that to complete the first wave of offensive, it would only take half a month to recover the entire cult Empire.

But the actual situation is that he thought too much better.

In a day’s time, the army sometimes can’t even advance thirty kilometers forward. The demons in the forest seem to be endless, and they are eliminated one after another. They may not be many in number, but the army must focus on solving them. A lot of time was wasted in the military dispatch between regions.

In a full half month, the three-way army only advanced to the south for a distance of less than two hundred kilometers, and it was more than 500 kilometers away from the end of the first wave of offensive.

The further south, the encounters between the army and the demons became more frequent.

Although there are signs that the main force of the devil is still in the south of the Middle East, the pressure on the army is increasing.

Leaving aside the army’s offensive, on the navy side, Li Meng led the combined fleet through the Mediterranean and reached the Black Sea.

When we arrive at the Black Sea, we are not far from the destination "Caspian Sea".

However, since the fleet entered the Mediterranean, it has been repeatedly attacked by Wing Demon.

At first it was scattered and small, and then it became larger and larger.

Although the possibility of being attacked by the Blade Demon was eliminated at sea, the demon's air force still cannot be underestimated.

Although the warship's air defense firepower is strong, once the Wing Demon has formed a certain scale, it will pose a great threat to the fleet.

In the half-month voyage, dozens of warships have withdrawn from the combined fleet since entering the Mediterranean.

These warships were either sunk by the Wing Demon, or were severely damaged and had to be returned to the Order Empire for repairs.

Most of them are iron armored ships. These battleships are very fragile and do not have too strong protective power. Although the firepower has been strengthened by the First Army, these iron armored ships are very fragile for the advanced battleships owned by the First Army.

The Black Sea is an inland sea. The east is in contact with the Middle East, and the north is connected to Europe. It is the only way to enter the Caspian Sea.

Although it is not as vast as the real sea, it is also thousands of miles away.

At this time, on the sea near the east coast of the Caspian Sea, a huge fleet was sailing.

On the gray sea, towering bridges are lined up where you can see, and battleships are scattered all over the sea.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, the huge fleet moved slowly, and its power was invincible.

"Commander, about a hundred miles ahead is the estuary of the Pudon River. The Pudon River is a semi-artificial river area built by nearby countries in the pre-Black Age era. In order to open up the connection between the Caspian Sea and the open sea, After so many years, without human maintenance, the situation in this river area is worrying, and it is impossible to determine whether large warships can pass."

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