Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1659: War of attrition

The intensity of the battle far exceeded everyone's expectations. The battle lasted for one day, two days, three days, and one week. It wasn't until half a month later that the battle in Gelu City gradually subsided.

The original 30 armored divisions have gradually increased to more than 100 armored divisions. At the end of the battle, the coalition forces on the battlefield in Gelug City had more than 1.5 million troops.

In the battlefield outside the city, the forest with a radius of one hundred miles has become a piece of scorched earth.

Nearly half a million demons were wiped out, but humans also suffered heavy losses.

Thirty-seven armored divisions were abolished. The personnel loss was no less than 300,000, with hundreds of capabilities and tens of thousands of armored vehicles.

This is only the first contact between the coalition forces and the devil, and casualties are not insignificant.

But it was worth it, because the coalition’s casualties were lower than the demons for the first time, which is enough to show that the torrent of human steel is effective.

Even if it rushes into the forest and cannot move because of the terrain, the stalled tank can act as a turret and cause a lot of damage to the demon.

Once the torrent of steel of mankind is launched in the forest, the demons attack from all directions, even the demons can only retreat.

In terms of offensive and defensive, the offensive against death has reduced the casualties of the coalition forces.

When the army was fighting fiercely, the navy was still staying in the Black Sea. Although it was harassed by Wing Demon from time to time, no large-scale battle took place.

The engineering ship to clear the river's silt has arrived, and the fleet will be able to reach the Caspian Sea soon.

However, the development of the situation is beyond everyone's expectations.

The coalition forces originally thought that the victory of the battle in Gelug City would allow the second wave of coalition forces to reach the Caspian Sea quickly.

But when the coalition launched the second wave of offensive, it was met with full resistance from the demons.

The demons no longer gathered at one point, but scattered and advanced northward over a long line of more than a thousand kilometers.

For a while, mankind fell into a passive state.

The coalition front is too long, even if there are more than 10 million troops, it cannot completely defend the front.

Often when the coalition forces are advancing northward, the city behind is suddenly captured by demons.

The city in the rear was captured, which cut off the supply line of the coalition forces, which forced the coalition forces to divide their forces to destroy the demons in the rear.

Originally an invincible advancement war, it turned into a stalemate.

Humans have won and lost in battles, but they have never been able to make further progress.

Even if the strength of the assembled forces advances a little, other fronts will collapse. The size of the coalition forces is too large, and the demand for logistics is very large. The cities on the supply line cannot be affected in any way. Once they are captured by the devil, they will be cut off from logistics. The logistics are cut off, and the frontline troops will be affected.

Under such circumstances, in the Middle East, the coalition's offensive was hindered, and the situation that Li Meng wanted the least to see appeared.

It was originally a battle of annihilation, actively looking for the main demon duel, but now it has become a battle of attrition.

The devil no longer attacked humans with a single brain, but played with strategy and tactics.

"They are clever. They disperse their forces mainly in small-scale battles, raided the cities behind them, and gave up large-scale assembly to fight the enemy... No, it should be said that they are smart.

Looking at the map of the battlefield that bloomed on all sides in the screen in front of him, Li Meng sighed slightly, rather helpless.

A long time has passed, and the combined fleet has already reached the Caspian Sea in a full six months.

Not only arrived, but also repaired a frontline camp at the port of Drusar City.

"Commander, this is a good thing. It shows that the devil's strength is limited and cannot withstand consumption. Although in the Middle East, the coalition forces are stalemate with the demons, but on the entire battlefield, the entire front, the coalition forces are advancing to the south. Slowly, the demons do this, just dying and struggling. One day, when their power is consumed to a certain level, they will be completely defeated. By then, it will be when the demons are completely wiped out."

This is reasonable, and Li Meng does not deny Masyev's view.

But how long does it take?

How many years, or more than ten years?

Humans are not only the enemy of the devil.

And demons...

Thinking of the demons, Li Meng sighed slightly in his heart.

Hato’er’s plan has undoubtedly failed. For the past six months, Li Meng has visited the Temple of Amon and the Temple of "Ra" every month. Although the two were killed by Li Meng again and again, there was no sign of compromise. .

Recently, I looked at Li Meng with sarcasm, as if saying, even if you can kill me, I can be resurrected. Even if you kill me hundreds of times, what can you do to me?

Although Li Meng was very angry, he really couldn't help it.

The body of the demons is very peculiar. It is an energy body, an unexplainable substance. Although they can be seen to escape from the dead body, Li Meng cannot catch them, even if they are formed by the spirit. "Position" can't trap them either, they will pass through easily.

This is the first time Li Meng has felt what it means to be "intentional and powerless."

If the demons do not compromise, then the demons will become the next threat to mankind.

The demons are standing still because they are afraid of the existence of demons. If they attack humans, they will undoubtedly help the demons, which they don't want to see.

If the demons find that humans have the upper hand in the battle with demons, they might start some actions.

For the demons, the loss of both demons and humans is what they really want to see.

Only if both loses, they can easily come out to clean up the mess.

The determination of Amon and "Pull" gave Li Meng a sense of crisis.

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought, perhaps, the stalemate between humans and demons is not a bad thing.

At least, humans have more time to prepare when fighting demons.

If the threat of the devil is not eliminated for a day, the demons will not attack humans. This undoubtedly gives humans a certain buffer time.

Li Meng thought of it again. The Demon King was a huge threat to humans and demons.

The same is true for Li Meng. Before, Li Meng always thought about how to eliminate it, but now Li Meng no longer has this idea.

As long as it sits behind and does not participate in the attack of the devil, it can be ignored for the time being.

Although its existence is an explosive barrel, once it explodes, the coalition forces will collapse across the board, but this is controllable because humans have a "death of death", as long as it appears, the **** of death will appear.

The reverse is also true, when the **** of death appears, interferes in the battlefield, it will also appear.

King to king, soldier to soldier, this is the tacit understanding between Li Meng and it.

In the several battles with the Devil King, both Li Meng and it understood that no one could do anything between them.

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