Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1668: Moneta

Amon didn’t care about Li Meng’s underestimation. He said indifferently: “You may be very strong, with abilities that we can’t imagine, but you are still human after all. We have existed for hundreds of thousands of years, have encountered countless races, and have been enslaved. After countless races, there is no lack of existences like yours among them, but in the end, they are still eliminated by us. The universe is huge, and our race is not only the seven of us, but the eighth, and she, Not as fragile as I am, but the highest king of our clan."

Speaking of this, Amon stared at Li Meng with a pair of eyes, he seemed to be smiling, and said sarcastically: "She has been sleeping, sleeping in our mother ship, but now, she has awakened, and she is the first to wake up. One thing to do is to eliminate the traitors, the traitors of the seven of us."


Did he find something?

Frowning slightly, Li Meng thought to himself, Amon's last words, there is something in the words...

With a grin, Amon said in a low voice: "Among the seven of us, no, there is a connection between the eight. The end of this connection is on her, our "king", Isis, ha Nursery can hide from us, but can't hide from her. I have to admit that you are so powerful that you let Isis and Harto betray us. This is something I never thought of."

Hearing this, Li Meng's face changed slightly, and his expression turned cold.

"not good……"

His expression changed, Li Meng thought of Isis...

Antarctica, under the ice, in the Mozu mother ship.

The one-hundred-meter-class Demon warship still stayed in the incubation room, standing still.

Isis wanted to leave, but she couldn't leave.

In the hall controlled by the battleship, the appearance of an uninvited guest cut off her idea of ​​leaving.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could she wake up?

Looking at the purple figure on the main seat in a daze, Isis saw only panic and despair in his eyes.

She is dressed in a purple robe and a black crown, her legs are interlaced and gracefully sitting on the main seat, two slender hands are overlapped on her legs, her bewitching and beautiful face looks with interest and fear Isis.

She opened her mouth slightly and said calmly: "I said Isis, you are really interesting, for a human being, you betrayed the same clan and got involved in Hattor. What do you think I should do with you?"

To her, Isis looked terrified and said in a panic: "Moneta, I just want to live in peace with humans. The relationship between us and humans shouldn't just be masters and servants. I just want us to make some changes... …"


She smiled coldly and said calmly: "There is no need to change. For hundreds of thousands of years, our clan has been fighting against the Kraken clan. In order to eliminate this degenerate clan, those inferior races can be regarded by me. Their honor, Isis, you originated from me, but did not inherit my philosophy. It seems that you, like Harto, are of inferior quality."

His face changed slightly, Isis raised his head and looked at Moneta angrily, and sternly said: "What's wrong with Harto?"

Facing Isis’s anger, Moneta smiled coldly and said calmly: “This inferior product is naturally going to be destroyed. Don’t worry, you will be with her later...”

As she said, she waved her hand.

Isis, who was not far away, paused, and a golden ball of light gushed from her forehead, turned into a stream of light and plunged into Moneta's forehead.

Losing his soul, Isis fell to the ground feebly, his eyes still wide open.

After finishing all this, she took a playful look at Isis who fell on the ground, sitting gracefully on the main seat and waiting.

She didn't wait long.

Suddenly, a white beam of light emerged from the main control hall and plunged one end on the ground.

When the beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, Li Meng's figure appeared.

As soon as he appeared, Li Meng quickly looked around. When he saw everything in the main hall, his face was gloomy.

On the ground not far away, Li Meng saw Isis who fell on the ground, and she had no rest.

In the main position, Li Meng also saw that purple demon and beautiful figure.

"court death……"

The lifelessness of Isis caused Li Meng to roar, and the power of his heart was driven by anger.

I saw a twist in the air in front of Li Meng, sweeping towards the figure on the main seat.

Facing Li Meng's angry blow, Moneta just smiled faintly, looking at Li Meng curiously with a pair of beautiful eyes.

When the twisted ripples swept across, a golden barrier appeared in front of Moneta.

There was no sound from the collision between the two, only the energy of the golden barrier was disturbing.

The blow was ineffective, Li Meng was angry, and a circle of twisted ripples swept around, and the wind and waves passed by.


The entire battleship trembled, and the metal walls cracked.

Around Moneta, the golden barrier flickered crazily, as if an invisible force was squeezing the barrier.

This made Moneta frowned slightly, and the ease on her face disappeared and became solemn.

Just when she wanted to do something.


The flames flickered and the battleship that could not bear the pressure exploded.

In the incubation room, I saw a flash of fire, huge blisters rolling, and the entire battleship burst.

From the burst of fire, two figures shot out, standing 100 meters apart in the water.

One is Moneta, and the other is Limon holding Isis.

Around the two of them were surrounded by a barrier, Moneta was golden, while Li Meng was transparent.

As they stared at each other, the two men rose into the sky in a tacit understanding, breaking through the layers of the hull and the ice.

On the snowy ground outside, only two cracks of the ice layer were heard. Two figures shot out from the flying snow and broken ice, and fell heavily on the snow.

This is a white world, and the two people on the snow are so eye-catching.

Gently put Isis on the snow, the lifeless body let Li Meng know that this body is dead.

When he got up, Li Meng coldly looked at the Moneta, a hundred meters away, a white flame appeared in his hand, and a flame fell off his hand and landed on Isis's body.

At the moment of contact, the white flame burned fiercely.

In just a few breaths, Isis's body had been reduced to ashes.

"Where is she?"

Although the distance between the two was far, Li Meng's voice seemed to break through the void, echoing in Moneta's ears.

With a faint smile, Moneta said gracefully: "Are you talking about Isis or Hattor, if they are both, they both originated from me, I took them back, and they naturally merged with me."

Speaking of this, Moneta pursed her lips and said in a slightly novel way: "The feelings these two girls have for you are very unusual. I have got their memories and their feelings. What should I do? I really don't want to be your enemy?"

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