Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1671: contradiction

"In the Middle East, we have more than 10 million troops. With such a powerful force, the First Army has stagnated our troops and stalemate with the demons in the Middle East. Every day, every minute, every second, our army is In the massive consumption, our precious soldiers have thrown their lives on the meaningless battlefield. I want to ask, what is the mind of the First Army? Is it consuming the vitality of our countries?"

"Yes, the war in Austria ended smoothly. However, in the Middle East, the First Army did not act. Does the First Army treat it differently? Is it just because Austria is a possession of the First Army?"

Some people jump high, most of them are the heads of small countries.

Although the heads of several major powers did not speak, it does not mean that they have no opinion on this matter.

Without their support, this meeting cannot be held, and leaders of small countries dare not speak at the meeting.

In the noisy meeting room, everyone who spoke was accusing the First Army.

The teacher is on the front line, and this meeting was attended by Terra on behalf of China.

Looking at Xiao Nan with a slightly worried look, Tyra felt very uncomfortable.

What's wrong? The war on the front line is not over yet, and the nations of mankind are rioting again.

Can't you speak well? If you have doubts, you can just ask the First Legion. Why do you want to hold such an unnecessary meeting?

"Everyone, everybody, please be quiet, be quiet..."

At this time, the President of the Republic of Sharjah "Kanfas" stood up and quieted the noisy conference room.

Glancing around at the people on the round table, Canface looked at Xiao Nan, and said: "Ambassador Xiao Nan, I believe you have no other meanings, but just want to know more about the situation on the front line. The devil is our biggest concern. We Everyone hopes to eliminate the devil as soon as possible. In the war with the devil, I hope that the First Army will spare no effort to eliminate this threat."

For Canfas’s words, facing everyone’s gazes, Xiao Nan’s gaze turned to Kanfas, and said calmly: "President Canfas, I don’t understand what you mean. What does it mean to spare no effort? In my eyes, the First Legion has no mercy for the devil?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Nan's face was slightly cold, he glanced around at everyone, and said coldly: "You shouldn't interfere with things on the battlefield. Since the command of this war is our First Army, the only thing you need to do, Just wait patiently for the end of the war. For other things, don’t say things you shouldn’t say well, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.”

When this was said, everyone was in an uproar and looked at Xiao Nan angrily.

"Are you threatening us? Is your First Legion trying to crush our human unity?"

"Yes, the command of the army should not be handed over to your first legion, wolf ambition..."

"We can no longer let the First Army do anything wantonly. We must take back the military power."

There was noisy in the conference room again, and the heads of countries angrily yelled at Xiao Nan.

Faced with the siege of everyone, Xiao Nan remained unmoved, his expression slightly cold.

She could see that this meeting was meant to be a kind of suppression of the First Army.

The purpose is clear, nothing more than to take control of the coalition forces from the First Army.

In the chaos, the meeting broke up...

Kyoto, Embassy of the American Federation.

In the reception room, many figures gathered together.

President of the Republic of Sharjah "Kanfas"

President of the American Federation "Brest"

King of the Kingdom of Barron: "Diral"

King of the Kingdom of Orleans: "Kazu Santo"

On the soft sofa, four people sat opposite each other.

Dillard’s expression sank, and he said solemnly: “We can’t allow the First Army to do so recklessly. The First Army is a militarized organization. Once they get too much military power, it will be extremely important to our countries. Unfortunately, I suspect that the formation of the Earth Joint Council is just a cover for the First Legion to rule mankind, and we have to guard against it."

To Dillard's words, the expressions of the three were thoughtful, with different colors.

Kazuo Sandor nodded and said: "Yes, now the war between humans and demons has a tendency to win. At this moment, the First Army suddenly ordered the army to stop. There must be some tricks, we You can’t just watch it, you have to do something."

The Republic of Sharjah and the American Federation have a more say in whether something should be done.

Facing Dillard, Sandor Kazuo’s gaze, Canfas pondered: "The First Legion did make me a little uneasy. Although our country has religion, religion is just some spiritual beliefs. There is no true god. , I can’t let false gods fool the people, nor can I let the First Army become a shackle on humans.”

Canfas's words made Dillard, and Sandor Kazuo overjoyed, they looked at Brest one after another.

Facing the gaze from the three, Brest said calmly: "We can do something, but we can't destroy the existing situation. At least for now, we still need the power of the First Army, and try not to destroy the unity of mankind. "

At Brest's words, the four smiled tacitly.

Then there was silence, and the four of them were meditating, thinking about things.

For a long time, Dillard said: "At today's meeting, Ambassador Xiaonan’s attitude is so bad, and he has offended many countries. As long as we actively contact them, with the American Federation and the Republic of Sharjah taking the lead, they will all Stand on the same front with us."

Nodding lightly, Brest said in a deep thought, "Let's go to King Dillard for contact with countries. In a few days, we will hold an internal meeting to discuss some things we should do."

To Brest's words, the three nodded together, and the faces of Dillard and Sandor showed joy.

Some things are changing little by little. The war between humans and demons has rarely taken the upper hand, but the nature of humans has changed the situation of the war. It may not be seen now, but it does not take too long.

What do they want to do?

Back at the embassy, ​​Xiao Nan sat on the soft sofa with a pensive expression.

She was thinking about the attitudes of countries in the conference room today...

The union of the nations of mankind is full of contradictions, and the establishment of the Earth Joint Council is also fragile.

Over the past six months, due to the establishment of the Earth Joint Council, countries have fought and quarreled endlessly.

Although the situation is now stable, is it really so?

What they wanted to do, Xiao Nan didn't know, but at the meeting today, the First Army was targeted in this way, which made Xiao Nan smell an unusual atmosphere.

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