Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1690: secret

"My king, the volume of this planet is not large, the storage of Sikkim is very small, and all kinds of precious metal minerals are also very lacking. It is not a rich planet. We may be able to defeat humans, but his existence will give us It brings a lot of trouble. If he insists on opposing us, even if he captures this planet, we will not be able to develop with peace of mind. Besides, a year ago, the sentinels of the Kraken clan descended on this planet and launched Pacesetters, perhaps in a few decades, or even hundreds of years, the Kraken’s plundering fleet will descend on the earth. At that time, we cannot be the Kraken’s opponent."

Speaking of this, I continued to preach: "Although I don’t agree with Isis, Harto’s cooperation with humans, but I also have my own ideas. I think we should leave this planet and find a remote enough, hidden enough, and Only in this way can we have a fast-developing environment. Now, with the earth, we have a certain foundation and the ability to navigate between stars. Why not take this opportunity to leave the earth? We don’t need to be in humans. Too much energy is wasted. Enslaving humans is of little use to us. Humans are too fragile to keep up with us. Enslaving them only makes up for that little dispensable labor."

Kraken Sentinel?

The words to cloth made Moneta frowned slightly. Kraken Sentinels are travelers. Their duty is to wander in the galaxy, record all living planets, and then drop coordinates to provide directions for the plundering fleet that is about to awaken.

If the Kraken sentry came, it means that the earth has been exposed...

This is a very dangerous thing, Moneta knows very well that the current demons are not an opponent of the Karaken clan at all.

No, the current demons are not qualified to fight with the Karaken clan at all. Once they come, they have no ability to resist, and this time, they may not even have the ability to escape.

The mother ship has been damaged and cannot be repaired, and with the resources of the solar system, it is impossible to build a warship that can travel long distances in the starry sky.


With a cold snort, La said calmly: "Kraken is the enemy of the future, and mankind is the enemy of the present. No matter how powerful the Kraken clan is, now mankind is our enemy. We must not flee without fighting."

Opinions are not the same. It is war, peace, or departure. The three opinions represent three voices.

On the throne, Maneta thoughtfully...

She is arrogant, and after being insulted by that person, she naturally wants to find her place and also wants to regain her dignity by winning the war.

But at the same time, Moneta also understands that the current situation cannot only consider personal interests and hatred, but must look farther to consider the future of the entire race.

What should I do?

Moneta hesitated, she didn't know how to choose, and she didn't know how to do the most correct.

For a long time, in the silence of the lords, she waved her hand and said: "There is no room for peace with humans. Even if you want to leave, you must fight against humans. In any case, the zero module must be retaken. We can't yet Lose it."

The lords naturally understood the importance of the zero-point module, and they also heard a hint of compromise from the words of the "king".

It is no longer conquering, no longer enslavement, but to regain the zero module.

Human beings have their problems, and the demons also have their problems. In this way, amidst the scruples of all parties, the earth's situation has fallen into a short-term stability. Eliminating the threat of demons, the human world seems to have peace.

China, Kyoto, the palace...

The environment is quiet, as always, Li Meng continued to write the code in the office.

Unconsciously, half a year has passed, and his work has not been completed.

There are seven codes in total, and only four have been completed now. The establishment of the nation must be postponed.

The tip of the pen paused slightly, and Li Meng looked up at Wang Yanmei on the sofa, and said: "Can the **** of guard make arrangements? They are too threatening to be left alone..."

Since knowing that the **** of guard was the demon's rear hand, Li Meng had informed Wang Yanmei and the sect empire of the news.

Meng'er suddenly said, causing Wang Yanmei, who was thinking to herself, to be taken aback, and then nodded and said: "It has been disassembled, but the original elves don't know what to do, so they can only be temporarily closed."

Li Meng said: "Then let's close it. They are not ordinary demons. After absorbing a large amount of original energy, they have undergone some changes. They have become real energy bodies. Without the guardian **** as the carrier, their threats are not Not big, it may be useful in the future."

Although the original energy is not a kind of energy that can be widely used, it still has a certain importance in some fields.

The peculiarity of the original elves gives it incomparable value. Although there is no way to use it yet, in the future, with the advancement of human technology, there will always be a way to use the original elves. It is only a matter of time.

When the voice fell, Li Meng continued to write, and he had to concentrate when writing the code.

It was originally planned to complete the work of the Code in half a year, but now it seems that it is a bit of a matter of course. According to the current progress, I am afraid it will take a year to complete.

Li Meng is not in a hurry, just let it go. Li Meng is not concerned about the establishment of a country. In his plan, the best time to establish a country is after the unification of the earth, but Wang Yanmei and the sect empire also agree Can not ignore.

Now that there is the Earth Federation, as the new unified government of mankind, if you fight with it in the name of the First Legion, it will be a bit unfair. Only after the founding of the country can you compete with the Earth Federation for the orthodox rights of the earth.

While Li Meng was busy writing the code, as the generals of the First Army, Tan Ya and Natasha were not idle either.

Natasha took over the command of the Middle East battlefield, and Tanya returned to Al.

Al, Shenglong Empire, Jingbei Heavy Industry,

On the road in the park, several small cars in the area are driving.

"Please rest assured, General Tanya. Since the departure of His Royal Highness, under the leadership of the Thang Long Empire, 54 heavy industries and 36 shipyards across the country have increased their horsepower to build battleships in round-the-clock shifts. Now There are a total of 36 warships on the production line, and the progress is about 70% completed..."


To the words of Sheng Nan next to him, Tan Ya, in a long black dress, had a calm face, but was very concerned.

Tan Ya never thought that the master would become the prince of the Shenglong Empire.

when did it happen?

If she doesn't return to Al this time, this matter may still be a secret.

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