Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1700: I want to see her

Two slender hands gently pinched His Highness's shoulders, Wendy said softly: "Your Highness, this woman's heart is complicated and fragile. Knowing is one thing, but when it's really facing, it's another thing. , The party tonight is a bit early, they should be thinking wildly."


Li Meng did not deny Wendy's words.

It was indeed early, and the atmosphere at the banquet was embarrassing even for him.

However, Li Meng felt it was necessary for this gathering.

Those who are able to sit at the table today have more or less unexplainable relationships with him.

Not to mention Wang Yanmei and Gu Niya, Karina, Monica have had skin close to him, although nothing happened, but the relationship is warm.

Thinking of this, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

I don't know what happened over the years. This woman came around one by one. Sometimes he didn't even know it, or even thought of it, but when it was critical, the chain would always fall.

Although he was in his prime and his resistance to Yanfu was fragile, Li Meng didn't think his willpower would be so weak.

So why does this happen?

Perhaps this is the arrangement of fate, it was fate that allowed him to meet one after another woman who has an important position in life.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, if your Highness is interested, just marry them all."

All married?

Li Meng smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said: "Forget it, this woman, you can't let them be together, maybe it will lead to something wrong."

His Highness's worries were unreasonable, and Wendy, as a woman, felt deeply about this at the same time.

Not to mention outsiders, in the First Army, the relationship between the generals is not very good.


Of course it is because of your highness.

As the family members of His Royal Highness, the generals want to be the only favor of His Highness.

The relationship between the two parties is a colleague and a competitor, and the relationship will naturally not get better.

The current was surging, Li Meng turned around and took Wendy's body into his arms, and said: "It's Wendy, hello, so that your Royal Highness doesn't need to think about the troubles."

Putting his hands on His Royal Highness's shoulders, Wendy whispered softly: "We are the only ones who can accompany His Royal Highness. Now that His Royal Highness is still in a mortal mind, let's treat this life experience as an experience and leave no regrets. Everything else can be ignored. With us and the First Legion, Your Highness can be willful."

Such a lovely person...

With a slight smile, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed Wendy's lips.

I am afraid that only his family members will treat him wholeheartedly, and everything will center on him.

After spending a while with Wendy in the bath, Li Meng left the bathroom refreshed.

Returning to his room, sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng said to Wendy: "Bring Monica, and say I want to see her."

During the day, due to occasions, Li Meng could not have much contact with Monica.

After so many years, Li Meng also wanted to have a good chat with her.

Li Meng has not forgotten the impulse and feeling when he first saw her.

Li Meng admitted that in Monica, he felt a kind of morbid beauty, and that beauty was very shocking.

Wendy left and returned soon.

The guest room was not far from Li Meng's room, only separated by one floor.

With the sound of footsteps, two slender figures entered the room one after another.

When she saw Li Meng sitting on the sofa in a bathrobe, Monica's pale face turned red, but her footsteps did not stop.

"sit down……"

With a slight smile, Li Meng invited Monica, who was rather restrained.

Opposite Li Meng, Monica sat down cautiously.

Looking at Monica sitting on the opposite side, Li Meng said casually: "I remember that the first time I saw you was three years ago. Time flies so fast. Unconsciously, three years passed. And you have not changed."


Raising her head slightly, Monica looked at Li Meng with a pair of white beautiful eyes, and said quietly: "My appearance, except for being old, how can there be any change."

Li Meng shook his head lightly, and Li Meng smiled and said: "Pure white color is also a kind of beauty, more shocking than any beauty. Maybe you should go out. By then, you will know that you are in the eyes of others. Is it stunning or frightening."

Tonight is a long one, Li Meng and Monica, the two talked for a long time.

From the initial unfamiliarity, to the final familiarity, to speaking freely, the atmosphere changed rapidly, and Monica's mentality had also been greatly changed.

It wasn't until late at night that the conversation between the two gradually ended.

A pair of pure white eyes looked at Li Meng, and Monica whispered: "Master Li Meng, you...what is it that you invited me to come this time?"

Regarding Monica’s question, Li Meng just smiled slightly and said, “It’s nothing important. It’s my selfishness. I just want to take this opportunity to see you.”

Is it just that?

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, Monica was silent.

Then, with a hint of doubt, Monica left Li Meng's room.

It was late at night, and Li Meng did not walk around leisurely. With Wendy's company, it was not lonely.

In the next two days, Li Meng was leisurely, and every day he took some time to meet and chat with the girls.

The girls were not idle either, taking advantage of their free time in these two days, they wandered around the entire Nanlin Island.

After several years of development, there are no more ferocious polluting beasts on Nanlin Island, and the roads extend in all directions, leading to everywhere.

Although Nanlin Island is small, there are many places worth visiting.

The fishing village in the south, the port in the north, and the space launch center in the east are all accessible.

In particular, the Science and Technology Institute in the east is an eye-opener for women to linger.

On Nanlin Island, the scale of the Institute of Science and Technology is huge. There are hundreds of projects under research and development, including military and civilian fields, covering a wide range of fields.

The sun was shining in Qingcheng today. Just after noon, Li Meng was sitting lazily on the soft sofa on the high platform of the leisure area.

Behind him, Wendy was whispering softly, her beautiful eyes looked at His Royal Highness who was staring into the distance.

"There is new news from Al. The large-scale fusion reactor and plasma engine for ships have been successfully developed, and the power is ready for use. Up to three months, 36 space battleships can be launched, and delivery can be carried out in at most six months. "

Is this good news?

Naturally, once these warships are in service, the strength of the First Army will rapidly expand on Earth.

It is not impossible to face the demon head-on.

You know, today's demons are stepping in place, and the First Legion is growing every moment.

The longer the time, the stronger the power of the First Army, and one day the First Army will rule the earth.

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