Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1714: plague

If they can survive this catastrophe, they may be able to witness human beings enter the interstellar era in their lifetime, but now...

"Let's go."

Without moving forward, Alled turned and left the camp.

He knew that some people would arrive soon. At this time, the appearance of new equipment showed that the First Army did not ignore the situation here. This is good. This made Alled feel a kind of "hope". .

Alled was right, and the army in the forest soon welcomed a new team.

With the roar of the rumbling engine, a strange convoy was approaching in the rear.

This fleet consists of five large transport vehicles. The transport vehicles are very large, like a metal box. Although bloated, they are full of power and have black paint.

The arrival of the convoy caused a riot in the forest army.

Because there are signs on the car, the black blood mark.

As the soldiers watched, the convoy stopped on the forest trail.

From the car, some people in white protective suits appeared, and some soldiers in silver-gray powered combat uniforms.

Alled greeted their arrival.

"Don't gossip, talk about the situation here."

He was covered in white protective clothing, only a pair of eyes could be seen on his face.

Alled nodded and said: "About three hours ago, my soldiers began to develop some symptoms. They were covered with pustules. They had a great need for "water", their mental state was very bad, they became crazy, and they joined the army. The military doctors guessed that they were infected with some kind of virus, but we were fine before..."

Sure enough, it seemed like it was recorded in the data. This was a plague, a devil's method.

Without saying more, he turned to the pedestrian behind: "The medical team is divided into two groups. One group checks the infected soldiers, and the second group checks the air. Our task is to find a channel for the spread of the plague and act immediately."

In this way, the medical team was divided into two, and each acted.

At this time, the sun is about to set west, and the day is about to end.

For the army in the forest, tonight is undoubtedly a difficult night.

Time goes by little by little. Although the night is getting late, for the medical team, tonight will be a sleepless night.

In a transport vehicle, the medical team is testing the air.

Although the space in the car is large, it has been piled up by various equipment at this time, and the running sound of the motor has been loudly neighing, providing the required energy for various equipment with difficulty.

"There are some unknown elements in the air. These elements are very peculiar. They are some very tiny substances. If this is the plague, the guess that the air is spread is correct."

Another humane said: "If it is airborne, then it will be troublesome. If there is no corresponding vaccine and means to prevent it, this gust of wind may soon sweep the entire cult empire."

"This is an unknown element that we don’t understand. We don’t understand its characteristics and how it works. It’s not easy to make a vaccine. This is an unnatural force, a demon from a subspace, and it can only be prevented from spreading. Rely on unnatural forces."

In front of the equipment, some medical personnel wearing white protective clothing were talking.

Although he said in his mouth, the movement in his hand did not stop.

At this moment, the car door was opened, and a medical staff wearing a white protective suit came up.

"Those soldiers are in very bad condition. According to my estimation, they will lose consciousness completely within 24 hours at most. The virus is destroying their nervous system and all the drugs are ineffective. How about your tests? Is there a problem with the air?"

"Yes, the plague is spread through the air, but this substance has a strong inertia, does not drift with the wind, and spreads more slowly."

"Report to the above. I heard from the soldiers outside that this situation has occurred in many garrisons near O'Neill. If the plague is spread through the air, they have already arrived here. Let the above take countermeasures. The worst result appears."

An unknown plague swept the Middle East, and it appeared quietly.

O'Neill City was only the first city to be exposed to the plague, but not the last.

In just one day, all the troops on one line of defense were infected with the plague. The appearance of the plague was so sudden and unexpected.

The plague is not visible, but it is spreading outward at a speed.

It arrived in O'Neill city more than a month ago, and one month later, it finally swept the first army's defense line in the Middle East.

Nanlin Island, Qingcheng, Naval Command.

Only two days have passed since the plague was discovered. The consequences of the plague have exceeded everyone's expectations, and there is a chaos in the combat command room, and the atmosphere is tense.

"The 128 divisions, the 571 divisions, the 189 divisions, the 364 divisions, the 887 divisions, the 118 divisions, and the 405 divisions were infected with the plague within 24 hours. Although we urgently issued an evacuation order, it was too late. Seven armored divisions , The four cities are already within the scope of the plague, but we have nothing to do with the spreading plague."

On the high platform, Jevric's expression was very ugly, and he said solemnly: "After testing by the front-line medical team, the spread of the plague is about 250 meters per hour. Although this speed is not fast, it cannot be stopped. If you let it go Spread, at most one year, it can sweep the entire ecclesiastical empire, at most 15 years, it can completely cover the entire earth, we must stop it.

Regarding this situation, all the officers in the audience frowned, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

How to stop it?

This is not an ordinary plague, but a plague released by demons. Demons are unnatural creatures from subspaces. The plagues created by demons are not affected by natural laws at all. How can this be prevented?

"Even if it is a plague, its quality is not infinite. As it expands, there must be a source of continuous release of the plague so that the concentration of the plague can be guaranteed. Otherwise, the plague will be diluted by nature. We must Finding this source, only in this way can we prevent the spread of the plague."

The speaker was Lieutenant Colonel Lorrier from the Naval Intelligence Agency, and when he came out, many people echoed him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Lorrier is right. We can stop this disaster only by finding the source of the plague. When did the demons stop their offensive? We estimate a time and calculate by the speed at which the plague spreads. A rough range, within the calculated area, even if it is digging three feet, the source of the plague must be found."

"This is a good idea. We know the direction of the spread of the plague. As long as the time is not too short, we can reduce the area where the plague may exist. Time is pressing and we must act as soon as possible."

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