Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1727: Saya

On the upper level of the Crystal Palace, with a burst of "rumbling" roar, a huge "Hercules" transport boat landed from the sky and slowly docked on the tarmac.

As the hatch opened, a graceful figure in a nun's uniform came out of the cabin...

In the hall of the bedroom, Wendy walked to Li Meng's side lightly, and said: "Your Highness, she is here."

Li Meng naturally knew who she was.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said, "Go."

In speechlessness, Wendy retreated and left the palace.

Soon after Wendy left, a graceful figure entered the bedroom.

She was dressed in a black nun's gown with a wide and deep hood that made it impossible to see her face.

She approached lightly, bowed down on the ground in front of Li Meng, and said, "Master!"

Looking at Saya, who was kneeling on the ground, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said, "How long have you not seen me?"

Without any hesitation, Saye immediately said: "Four years, seven months, and twenty days..."

To Saye’s clean reply, Li Meng laughed dumbly: "It seems that you girl is counting the days. You have done a good job these years. I will leave it to you in ASEAN. Let’s say, apart from this, What else do you want?"

Saya stretched out his hands, took off the wide and deep hood on his head, revealing the waist-length black hair and the flawless face.

A pair of black cosmetic contact lenses looked straight at Li Meng, and she said softly: "Master, I want to be by your side tonight. This is what I wanted to do years ago, but the master refused me. Second, I hope the master will fulfill my wish."

Being watched by Saya's pair of cosmetic contact lenses, Li Meng felt helpless. He did not expect Saya to make this request.

It seems that Saya has never forgotten the incident four years ago.

Come on, then make her...

When he got up, Li Meng came to Saya's side, took her little hand and walked to the bathroom.

The hot water was rippling, and in the spacious bath, Li Meng leaned against the pool with a comfortable face.

In his arms is the naked Saya. She put her slender hands on Li Meng’s shoulders, her upper body was exposed to the surface of the water, her white body was very attractive, and her waist-length black hair hung from her shoulders, covering the magnificent mountain peak.

Although the water submerged her lower body, under water, the softness and touch made Li Meng very useful.

Under the water, the two have no distinction between each other.

Following her movements, the water surface was undulating slightly...

Looking condescendingly at the master below her, Saya's eyes were only gentle. After four years of waiting, she finally got what she wanted at this moment.

As if he noticed Saya's gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly to show encouragement.

Although the movements are a bit rusty, they are getting more and more skilled.

Seeing Saya's white body, Li Meng's eyes were hot.

I have to say that Saya has a very good figure, white skin and beautiful curves.

This made Li Meng eager to move, stretched out his hands in the water, and explored the mountain covered by black hair...

The rippling water splash lasted for a long time, and it was not until two hours later that Li Meng and Saya walked out of the bathroom wearing bath towels.

Returning to the inner hall, on that big bed, naturally, a big battle could not be avoided.

Now that he agreed to Saye, Li Meng would naturally go all out and devote himself wholeheartedly.

The night was getting deeper, and Saya had been tossed into the night until Li Meng hugged Saya and fell asleep.

The second day, early morning...

Li Meng opened his eyes as his eyelids moved slightly.

What caught his eyes was the pure white ceiling, the confusion in his eyes flashed past, and Li Meng let out a light breath.

The memory of last night flashed through his mind, and the corners of Li Meng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

This girl is really active. The maturity of the body makes her very useful. The feeling of experience is also one of the best among many women. Yanfu really makes men unable to refuse.

Some are bald...

Turning his head and looking around, Li Meng saw a seductive curve under the blanket, and Saya was sleeping with his back to her.

With a slight smile, Li Meng leaned forward and hugged the naked body from behind.

Feeling the soft and smooth body, Li Meng's body immediately reacted to the urge in the morning.

Li Meng did not suppress his desire...

With a dull exclamation, the wide bed creaked.

In the inner hall, the slightest movement rang again.

after an hour……

"His Royal Highness, it's time to get up..."

Outside the inner temple, it was really unbearable to continue the absurdity of His Highness, Wendy who had been waiting shouted out.

This made Pasha and Qinqian pursed their lips and looked at Wendy with a grin.

At this moment, the gasp in the inner hall suddenly became sharp, and the movement became louder and louder.

This caused the smiles on the two women's faces to abruptly ceased, and the three women looked at each other, and a trace of rosy appeared on their faces.

Your Highness is really...

After a while, the sound stopped abruptly, and everything returned to calm.

The three women glanced at each other and opened the door tacitly...

At this time, the inner sanctuary was calm. On the soft big bed and under the blanket, there were only two figures embracing each other.

The two people under the blanket naturally heard the movement outside, and looked at each other with the owner. In Li Meng's eyes, Saya lifted the blanket and got out of the bed naked. The curves are beautiful, like the same painting.

She picked up the clothes scattered on the ground and put them on one by one.

"His Royal Highness, it's not early, it's time to get up..."

Seeing that His Royal Highness was still on the bed, Wendy said helplessly.

"Well, get up..."

Stretching lazily, Li Meng sat up and got out of bed.

Under the service of the three Wendy, the clothes were put on one by one.

Looking at Saya, who was finishing the nun’s clothes on the other side of the big bed, Li Meng said, “You can do anything about ASEAN. This country is rotten and rotten to the bone. Selling children and girls has become the norm. Some women have even become fertility machines. Such a small country has supported the slave society of the whole world. After so many years, it should be let it disappear. You can do it on the second day of the review day, and do it according to your mind. The battle of the devil has killed so many people, it doesn’t matter if some die, they should go to hell, at least most of them are guilty."

For the entire ASEAN country, Li Meng can be said to be very cold.

In this country, inhuman things can be seen everywhere.

It stands to reason that any nation and any country has both good and evil, but ASEAN is different. There is only evil in the entire country. Even the civilians live by evil. ASEAN is located to the west of Nanlin Island. These years, the first The Legion already knows enough about this country.

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