Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1735: Maneta's choice

This is Xiaomeng's promise, a promise to her.

At this moment, Li Yanran completely let go of her heart, she smiled with joy, and took the initiative to move forward and kiss Li Meng's lips gently.

She wanted to leave, but Li Meng hugged her waist tightly.

There was no room for Li Yanran to retreat, Li Meng turned away from the guest, prying away Li Yanran's speech, and Suo Jia.

Facing Xiao Meng's arrogance, Li Yanran's face was blushing, but she didn't struggle, instead she closed her eyes shyly, and actively wrapped her hands around Li Meng's neck.

On the gloomy forest path, the two hugged each other tightly. At this moment, it was so wonderful.


Yunan Continent, the Temple of Isis...

Conquer, conquer, and conquer again, this is what the Seven Lords of the Demon Race have been doing for tens of thousands of years.

Although they failed in the end and were almost completely slaughtered by the Krakens, the heart of conquest has penetrated into their hearts.

For the demon lords, as long as they exist for one day, the external conquest will never stop.

But now, their king, their supreme king has chosen to surrender, to a human being.

"I don't agree. The human beings on Earth are just a bunch of barbarians. They don't even have the ability to get out of their home planet. How can they make us surrender? Shame, shame..."

In the hall, Amon was roaring. He looked at the Maneta on the throne with only anger on his face.

It felt betrayal, they were betrayed by their own king.

Their king even made them surrender to their former enemies, the humans they hated the most, the first legion they hated the most, and he hated the most.

"Queen, the earth must be ours. Human beings are only the natives of this planet. They have no power to resist us. Queen, we must conquer this planet. We cannot shrink back at this time, absolutely."

In this matter, "Ra" and Amon are on the same front, and it will never surrender to the enemy.

"Yes, Queen, how can you have this idea? No matter how weak we are, we cannot surrender to mankind. For our future, we must conquer the earth. Only we are qualified to be the true masters of the earth."

Seeing her children in the hall united against her, Moneta looked slightly cold, and she felt a little emotional.

How many years, tens of thousands of years have passed, these children of her have stiffened wings, and they dare to disobey her.

Is it because I slept for too long?

With a wave of his hand, Moneta interrupted the children's talk...

Looking at the guards in the hall with a calm expression, Moneta said coldly: "Look at what you look like now, how do you fight and how do you fight him? We are the clan of the gods and are no longer there. On the chessboard of gods. If we are not eligible to enter the game, then we will lose the opportunity to develop and grow. Now, it is our opportunity. The birth of new gods will often disrupt the pattern of the existing chessboard. As long as we stand in the right camp, we will The clan will return to its peak."

Speaking of this, Maneta looked cold and calmly said: "I am not negotiating with you, but to inform you that if any of you is unwilling, as your mother, all I can do is return you to your origin. "

Back to the roots?

Because of Moneta's words, the lords' complexions changed slightly, and they all took a step back.

They naturally understand what it is to return to the source.

They have their own consciousness and their own ideas, so they naturally don't want to merge with the queen and their consciousness dissipates.

Among the five people, only "Ra" was still calm. He asked: "Queen, do you mean "he" is "god"?"

The lords naturally knew who "he" was. It was the human who destroyed their bodies, and the human who killed them time and time again.

His expression slowed down, and Moneta said calmly: "You should be aware of this. His power has surpassed the limit of the creatures in the material world. It is only a matter of time to become a true "god", and the most peculiar thing is, He has power comparable to "God", but is not rejected by the "material world". Do you know what this means?"

With a graceful smile, Moneta squinted slightly and said excitedly: "Cthulhu, God of Darkness, God of Light, they can only exist in subspaces and use subspace cracks to interfere in the material world, but he is different. If he becomes If the god, then he is the **** of the material world. In the future, in the distant future, there will be a plane war in the galaxy. How can our demons not participate in this war?"


Is he really a god?

If it is really a god... they can understand the queen's choice.

This is an investment, an investment with substantial returns.

The lords looked at each other, and they understood that once the queen made a decision, their opposition was useless and would only anger the queen.

With the queen, it's not that they can say it. Here, the queen's will is the only one.

Between life and hatred, even the most angry Amon can only compromise. It does not want to die, at least not now.

Lowering their heads together, the lords said in unison: "Yes, we will surrender to him, to our future "god", all for the queen, all for the future of the race."

Maneta was very satisfied with the compromise of the lords.

Although she can split up more lords, how can the new lords compare with these children.

These children have survived for hundreds of thousands of years and have experienced many cosmic wars. Their knowledge, vision, and ability to command in command are unquestionable. These children are her wealth. In the last resort, Moneta naturally does not Will destroy them.

"Very well, I am very pleased to have your support. After all, you are always my good children. Now, in order to give us a gift to the "God" we surrender, go, shrink the army and let "he" decide us. Where to go."

From enemy to surrender, the lords were caught off guard by the rapid change in the situation.

But they know that they must adapt, they must adapt to the change of identity.

The lords left, looking at their leaving back, the Maneta on the throne was lost in thought.

Surrendering to "him" is not the only choice for the Demon Race, the Demon Race can also choose to leave.

But where can the demons go?

Leaving this remote star area, outside, the demons have no ability to survive.

Now the demons are no longer powerful races that rule multiple star regions. Once their traces are exposed, they can only perish.

Li Meng...

A white beam of light emerged from the void and plunged into the ground.

Just beside Moneta, Li Meng's figure appeared from the beam of light.

Familiar place, familiar environment, after looking around the hall, Li Meng looked at Moneta on the throne beside him.

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