Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1737: Reappearing underground space

As for Monica, not to mention, Li Meng had already proposed to her in that year's getting along, so he stopped by to look at her.

Sometimes Li Meng also feels distressed for his own distractions, but when he thinks that he is going to abandon someone, he thinks he can't do it.

This is how people are. Once they have the ability, status, and everything at their fingertips, they will not give up what belongs to them.

At the last stop, Li Meng came to the underground space...

A white beam of light emerged from the void, and Li Meng's figure appeared in the sky.

The sea glowing with fluorescence, the Banshee Island beaten by the waves...

On the island, vegetation emitting white fluorescence can be seen everywhere, and in the center of the island, a huge stone pillar is connected to the sky.

Where are they?

Mind moved slightly, Li Meng's mental power swept the entire Banshee Island.

On the island, Li Meng only felt the ring fluctuations of a banshee winger.

A white beam of light gushed out of the void and enveloped Li Meng with one end. In the air, Li Meng's figure disappeared without a trace.

In the next instant, on Banshee Island, Golden City, and a room in the Royal Court, a white beam of light suddenly emerged from the void and plunged into the ground, which attracted the attention of someone in the room.

"the host?"

With an exclamation, Li Meng who had just appeared had time to react, he was already thrown into a warm and soft embrace.

So soft...

Struggling out of that amazing softness, Li Meng said helplessly: "Okay, let me down."

It was a banshee winged person, nearly three meters tall, so Li Meng was held in her arms like a doll, her feet off the ground.

Hehe smiled, she put down Li Meng with a look of joy, and whispered in her mouth: "Master, are you here to check the results of our efforts?"


Li Meng looked at the Banshee Winged in front of him with a look of confusion, he couldn't understand what the Banshee Wing was saying.

"Master, I have a good look, I will show you..."

With that, the banshee wingman stretched out a huge slender hand and took off the golden dress on her body.

A huge, white body with perfect curves was exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

Looking at the suffocating body of the Banshee Wing, Li Meng quickly said, "Get on your clothes, what are you doing?"


Looking at the master in a puzzled way, the Banshee Wingman had to put on her dress dullly.

She was very disappointed and said, "Master, am I the one who didn't do it well?"

What on earth happened?

After many years of separation, how could the Banshee Wing Man's behavior be so strange.

what is this?

A huge book on the table caught Li Meng's attention.

The banshee winged man was watching it when it was transmitted, when did the banshee winged man have the habit of reading?

Li Meng knew that there were no so-called books among the Golden Wings, only murals.

When he came to the table, Li Meng opened the book and saw...

The old face blushed, and Li Meng said angrily in his heart: "Mastermind, you come out for me."

"What's the matter, Master? I'm busy, and I will be able to..."

"No matter how busy you are, let me go. What have you done? It must be you. What are you doing to show them these things?"

"This...Master, wait, let me stop first..."

In her mind, the main brain's voice disappeared. She didn't let Li Meng wait for too long. After a while, the main brain's voice sounded in her mind again.

"Master, I can’t blame me for this. I’m also doing them well. These banshee winged men are just a piece of white paper. Although they have female bodies, they don’t understand anything about love between men and women. Don’t you think they are very Is it strange that ordinary Golden Wings are asexual, but they have the structure of a human female. Why do you say this, the master?"

Li Meng asked: "Why?"

Yeah, why?

Both the Golden Wings and the Banshee Wings were born from the sacred tree, and their body structures should not be too far apart.

"I did some analysis on the sacred tree, and one thing can be proved. It is not a native species on earth, nor is it a natural product. It should be manufactured artificially. According to the records in my database, the sacred tree should be cultivated by ancient humans. Yes, and the Golden Wings are a kind of war weapon made by ancient humans. If the information is correct, the ancient humans should have failed in the cultivation of this kind of war weapon. According to my estimation, the ancient humans should have left a sacred tree seed. , In a certain opportunity to land on the earth, in tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, the sacred tree evolved on its own, gradually perfected itself, and created the Golden Wings.

Is it an artificial product?

Li Meng suddenly realized, no wonder...

No wonder the souls of the Golden Wings are incomplete, not even the Banshee Wings.

"The evolution of the sacred tree is continuing, and the Banshee Wings are advanced species, more perfect than the Golden Wings. Maybe in the future, the Gold Wings will be eliminated and only Banshee Wings will be born."

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said angrily: "Even so, you can show them these books..."

"Am I wrong? Master, are you blaming me? I'm not for your own good. Those big girls are obviously thinking about you, but they just want to see you. There is no interest at all. One day, the master They will take them out of the ground. When they come into contact with things outside, they must know more. The master has so many family members. If they don’t know how to please the master, they will be forgotten by the master sooner or later, huh, man..."

Li Meng felt a little embarrassed after touching his nose.

Is he such a person?

No one of his family members has forgotten, and no one has left behind.

Besides, these big girls are so big, is it necessary to have "interest"?

This is simply unnecessary...

"Master, this is not a superfluous act. They are not the family members of the master. There is no actual connection between them and the master. Sometimes loyalty is unreliable, but the love of the Banshee Wings is different. There is a genetic code in the genes of the banshee wing, which is related to women. It roughly means that as long as the love of the Banshee Wing tribe is obtained, this genetic code will be opened. Once it is turned on, the Banshee Wing will always be loyal to the loved one. Even if it's just one-way unrequited love, at least they have a thought in their hearts. As long as this thought is there, the genetic code will be unlocked. Master, do you know how many teenage demon wingers have turned on the genetic code?"

Don't want to know, Li Meng doesn't want to know at all...This is naturally false.

Pretending to be serious on his face, Li Meng said in his heart: "How much?"

"Hey, master, let you experience it by yourself. Just believe in your own feelings. Okay, I have a lot of work to do. Master, don’t call me if there is nothing important, but I am thinking about the future of the master. Work hard."

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