Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1740: Empire Hall

Shaking his head lightly, a pair of huge beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and Ai Moor said softly: "This world can be seen anytime, but now, I want to be with my master."


Sitting lazily on the soft sofa, Li Meng patted the sofa beside him and said, "Come here."


Ai Moore came to Li Meng obediently and sat on the sofa very carefully.

Fortunately, the sofa is big, like a bed. Although Ai Moore has a big physique, it is suitable to sit on the sofa.

Turning over and lying down, Li Meng comfortably put his head on Ai Moore's legs, looking at Ai Moore's soft face, and enjoying the sun.

Putting his hand gently on the owner's body, Ai Moore raised his head and looked at the sky.

The sun is dazzling and warm, which makes Ai Moore feel very comfortable.

"Master, this light is really warm. I don't know how much stronger it is than the light in the underground space. With this kind of light, it can completely supplement our body's consumption. If we live on the surface, we don't need to think about food."

It's really a powerful ability...

Like plants, it uses photosynthesis to supplement the body's consumption. God really loves this race.

No, it should be said that the science and technology of ancient humans is really powerful, and they were able to create such a powerful race, which was simply born for war.

With a slight smile, Li Meng looked at the sky and said in his mouth: "Love Moore, do you know what is outside the sky?"

What is outside the sky?

Ai Moore was taken aback for a moment, and his face was curious.

Yeah, what's outside the sky?

No matter how big the sky is, there will be a limit. What is above the sky, is it another sky?

Faced with Ai Moore’s curiosity, Li Meng said: “Outside the sky is the universe, an almost infinite universe. Although the light comes from the stars in the universe, if you leave this sky, the universe will be cold and dark. With your current ability Although it is enough to break through the constraints of gravity, it still does not have the ability to survive in a vacuum."

Light comes from the universe, but the universe is cold and dark, which is too strange.

The heat of the light can be felt here, is it colder the closer you are?

To Ai Moore, she is incomprehensible.

Time flies quickly, and after returning from the underground space, Li Meng's busy schedule has come to an end.

After that, the preparations for the ship review day...

Of course, these things naturally don't require Li Meng to pay too much attention to them. Someone will do them.

"The one that should come will always come. They know that the war with the First Army is inevitable. When they think there is no possibility of victory, they have only two options, either surrender or resist desperately. How do you think they will choose?"

Yes, how would they choose?

In the main hall, everyone was silent, with different expressions on their faces.

The time for the ship review day is getting closer and closer. In order to welcome that day, in the Imperial Palace on the second floor of the Crystal Palace, the First Legion held a real meeting in the true sense.

Participants included not only the high-ranking officers of the Navy Command, Tan Ya, Sakuya, Natasha, Chen Yan, Chen Qi, and the heads of the countries under the First Army. When these people gathered together, they were in the hall. There are dozens of them.

Looking at Li Meng on the throne, Wang Yanmei thoughtfully...

Why does Menger talk about this topic?

The war with the Earth Federation is a world war, and the possibility of the Earth Federation being peacefully attached is zero.

Wang Yanmei knows that over the years, the self-confidence of the Earth Federation has become stronger and stronger. The power they currently possess is not much worse than that of the First Army. Once a war occurs, it will be a **** war.

Seeing everyone's silence, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said, "Okay, let's talk about this after the founding of the nation. There is a saying in China that says that there are no two tigers in a mountain. The Black Flag Empire and the Earth Federation cannot coexist. There can only be one. You only need to know me. Determination is enough."

The Black Flag Empire, this is the empire that the First Legion will build, and this one on the throne will become the first emperor of the Black Flag Empire. Everyone in the hall knows the determination of the First Legion and he Determination.

War is inevitable, it will happen sooner or later...

"Commander, will the war with the Earth Federation be set aside? With the power we have now, the Earth Federation is not worth mentioning. If we are willing, half a month is enough to end the war. Our greatest enemy now is the demons. Rather than the Earth Federation, only by eliminating the Demon Race first can we unify the Earth can be justified."

Regarding Jevric's words, people who didn't know the true strength of the First Army looked sideways at Jevric, with only surprise in their eyes.

Where is the confidence of the First Army? It takes less than half a month to end the war?

This is not a small country, but an Earth Federation that spans half of the earth and dozens of countries have joined. No matter how strong the First Army is, it cannot be so strong.

If the demons did not surrender, what Jevric said would naturally make sense.

However, the demons have surrendered, and now the opponent of the First Legion is only the Earth Federation.

"As for the threat of the demons..."

Speaking of this, Li Meng turned around and said to Wendy who was aside: "Let them come in."

As the captain of the captain of the bodyguard, Wendy is the person next to Li Meng, and in the hall, he is also the closest person to Li Meng.

Even if it was Sakuya, Natasha, and Tanya three generals, they could only stand in the hall.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Nodding lightly, Wendy whispered: "Let them in."

The voice fell, and the closed door slowly opened, which attracted everyone's attention.

Is there anyone yet to arrive?

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, a slender figure in a purple-gold dress walked into the hall.

The corners of her mouth are slightly tilted, her face has a faint smile, and her graceful and graceful body has a graceful curve, giving people a touch of touch in every move.

Looking at her, all the women in the hall looked at Li Meng on the throne, all with blank eyes.

Perceiving the gazes of the girls, Li Meng's gaze swept past their slender bodies without moving, and his mind moved.

Almost at the same time, the faces of the women were slightly stunned, their expressions turned ruddy, and they lowered their heads.

Feeling the touch on her chest and the reaction of the women around her, how could Wang Yanmei know what Meng'er did.

She could only sigh helplessly in her heart, and gave Meng'er angrily.

Facing Wang Yanmei's gaze, Li Meng's mouth was only slightly tilted, seemingly satisfied with the response of the girls.

"This...this is..."

"Mozu? How can the Mozu appear here?"

There was a sudden clamor in the hall, and there were bursts of exclamation.

In the rear, behind the hall, behind the slender figure, huge figures appeared.

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