Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1765: Second login

Their skin, horrified eyes, and tall bodies are clearly visible.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Wicks said: "This is the picture captured by the transport boat. This race is a humanoid life. It is more than three meters tall and has blue skin. It has white like a zebra. The stripes on their faces are not much different from humans, except that their ears are smaller, their noses are lower, and their facial features are sharper. They should wear animal skins. This shows that their civilization is quite backward. Bows and arrows are their most powerful weapons. As far as we are concerned, there is not much threat. Of course, the bows and arrows in their hands are very powerful. If there are a large number of people, we will not be able to fight against them."

Although there are 100,000 people on the colonial ship, most of them are civilians. Although there is no shortage of veterans, the armament of the colonial ship is limited. In the arsenal, there are only 1,000 Gauss rifles, and the ammunition and parts are sufficient. , But a thousand Gauss rifles can't handle a war.

The ammunition used by ship weapons and the ammunition used by transport boats are extremely limited, and there is no production line for manufacturing weapons in the colonial ship. After all, this is just a colonial ship, and the arms are only for self-protection. Not infringement.

With just a colonial ship, it is naturally impossible to conquer a planet with intelligent races.

Although Wicks is not very interested in conquering Trisolaris, he will not refuse if necessary.

As a soldier, between the interests of the empire and the unfamiliar intelligent race, Wicks would of course choose to stand on the side of the empire.

The great expansion of the universe is cruel, only surrender and destruction.

After five years of studying at the Imperial Military Academy, Wicks knew how to deal with the current situation.

Speaking of this, Wicks spoke slightly, saying: "First carry out some surveys on Trisolaris, and then build a settlement in no man’s land. Now we are not able to deal with a war, then try to contact them. If you can live in peace, it is naturally good. If you can’t, you can only use force. Although you can’t conquer this planet, it’s not a problem to occupy a place..."

After the words fell, Wicks said to Qiangwei: "Miss Qiangwei, Trisolaran and his party must be tired too. Go and rest. Next time I set out, I hope you will lead the team. After all, those who are capable are better than ordinary people like us. You are indispensable for stronger speaking ability."

Qiangwei did not refuse, saying: "If you have a plan to travel, just tell me that we who are able to board this ship naturally have our own obligations, and we will not refuse the responsibilities we should bear."

With that, Qiangwei turned around and left, floating out of the main control room with a graceful body.

After Qiangwei left, Wicks sat alone on the captain's seat and fell into contemplation, staring at the scene in front of him very ecstatically.

The main control room is still very quiet. Since all the ships of the Black Flag Empire are assisted by the ship’s AI, the crew is much less equipped. The huge main control room has only three positions, all of which are monitoring types. , Without any manipulation.

Take the imperial constant star destroyer as an example. The crew is quite large. The standard configuration is 500 people, including 300 technicians, 100 guards, and 50 guard pilots. The rest are officers at all levels. The main control room The operator does not, only the deputy captain, the chief of staff and some non-essential minor officers.

It can be said that the Black Flag Empire is very good at the use of intelligent AI. The control of a ship is basically completely handed over to the AI. The personnel are only responsible for equipment maintenance and ship maintenance.

Of course, AI is only an aid, it just simplifies the control of the hull and removes some human-controlled units. The owner of a ship is not the AI, but the captain.

"Number One, how many years can the materials carried by the colonial ship be used for five thousand people?"

The dim light on the main console was flickering, from which a mechanical sound rang.

"Food storage is 50 years, water resources can be used for 20 years through internal circulation, and the life support system can run for 68 years with existing raw materials..."

Not a lot...

Although water resources are somewhat scarce, it is not difficult to obtain them in the universe. The Xexhaust planet next to Trisolaris has a halo formed by ice blocks, and enough water resources can be obtained from these ice blocks.

With a thoughtful expression, Wicks said: "I will immediately pick a wake-up list, mainly veterans, as well as mechanics. The thousand, one thousand is enough."

At present, the colonial ship is not self-sufficient, and only a little material is consumed, but there is no channel to replenish it.

If there are too many people, the materials will be consumed faster. The current situation is unclear, and we must step by step and not be too aggressive.

When a thousand people were awakened, the colonial ship that had originally appeared empty suddenly became lively.

Unexpectedly, no one cared about the sixty-nine years of voyage, and the awakened people instead looked at the trisolaris outside.

This is not surprising. People who are able to board the ship are either dragging their families or having no relatives on Earth. They have spent 69 years in the freezer without any impact on them.

Because in the freezer, their age is fixed. Although sixty-nine years are long, it is just a sleep for them.

Although the first exploration plan encountered obstacles, it did not make Wicks flinch.

Only three days later, the second exploration program was started. This time, two transport boats were dispatched at once.

On the orbit, the huge Explorer No. 1 colonial ship was quietly floating. From No. 1 Harbor, two transport boats sailed out one after another and flew toward the surface of the planet.

One flew into the distance along the orbit, and the other went straight down, and soon turned into a flame and disappeared into the atmosphere.

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, boundless, magnificent and vast...

On the clouds, the transport boat flew quickly, moving like a small black spot in the entire sea of ​​clouds.

"Miss Qiangwei, we are heading in the direction of the last flight. Below are the mountains. Where are we going this time?"

While controlling the transport boat, Tyron asked Qiang Wei who was also in the cockpit.

The small island in the lake was naturally not allowed to go last time, it was too dangerous.

This time their mission is to survey minerals to see if the tin and gold mines on this planet are as they thought. There is no need to be near the forest...

Thinking of this, Qiangwei said: "Let's descend, find a flat place in the canyon to land."

"Sit down..."

As soon as the words fell, Tyron controlled the transport boat to plunge into the clouds and quickly approached the ground.

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