Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1774: debate

After the battle, the atmosphere in the settlement has been very solemn for many days.

The trisolaran attack caused heavy casualties in the settlement, and the voice of revenge gradually appeared...

"The guards sacrificed 132 people and the civilians sacrificed 321 people. How much hatred is this? How should we eliminate this hatred? We always do something, they will come, and the next offensive will be even more fierce. They will not Will be merciful, they will kill us all, before they act again, we must fight back, destroy them, and eliminate this threat."

In the settlement, a post-war meeting is being held. In the meeting room of the main control room, as many as fifty people gather together.

There are captains of guards, technicians, and scientific researchers.

How to deal with the threat of the Trisolaran, and what should they do, for this matter, everyone is in dispute.

"This is war. There is no personal hatred in war. There is only hatred between races. They are just afraid. They attacked us because of their fear. We cannot eliminate them because of their fear. Once we do this, it will cause blackmail. The first massacre of alien races in the history of the Qi Empire, we can expel the Trisolarans nearby, but I oppose the massacre of them. This is their homeland. We are the outsiders. Don’t forget this."

"I do not agree with your statement. If it were us, what would those aliens do to the earth? We are not "emperors". We do not have the power and charm of the emperor to allow alien races to bow their heads. What we have Only force, only force can make us stand firm on the Trisolaris. On the issue of survival, we cannot have pity. It will only kill us all. We must weaken the strength of the Trisolaris so that they can no longer have the power. Attack us."

Due to various problems and the disagreement of opinions, the conference room was caught in dispute.

At this time, Kailuo, who had been listening, said, "Although the universe is vast, life is precious. We have not deprived the Trisolaran people of the right to survive. On earth, the emperor can use peaceful means to make powerful aliens. Races bow their heads to court, and we have the ability to deal with Trisolarans who are still in primitive civilization. Although contact between civilizations is often cruel, we should not choose the dark forest law, but coexist and symbiosis , Go hand in hand, only such a civilization can go further."

In the meeting room, I don't know when it was quiet, everyone listened to Kailo's speech.

Looking around the people, Kailuo continued: "The civilization of the Trisolaran is still in a primitive society and has not been civilized. We should find a way to let them know that communication is the solution to things, not force. Force is only the last resort. Unauthorized use, you should understand that we only have a colonial ship, less weapons, and no ability to monopolize the planet. We must find a way to use peaceful means to make the Trisolaran accept us."

This is not an easy task. After all, the Trisolarans are alien races, alien races. In the eyes of both parties, the other is enemies.

Conflicts have occurred twice and hatred has bred. At this time, the possibility of putting down the weapons is too low.

"For us now, survival is the biggest problem. We are now far from the imperial territory. Some tough methods are necessary. It is better to let the enemy bleed than to let us bleed. It is not our race. Different, we think so, and the Trisolaran people will think so too. When the language is not clear, dialogue becomes a big problem. Don’t forget, when we first landed on the planet, they didn’t give The opportunity for dialogue is the direct use of force. Today's Trisolaran people are still in primitive society and they are barbaric, which further reduces the possibility of dialogue."

This word undoubtedly resonated with everyone.

"Yes, yes, we should use tougher methods. We are pioneers, and force is also in our choice. Faced with weak enemies, we cannot have mercy. The value of this planet is great, and we must eliminate We can be compassionate to any threats on this planet, but we must prevent the Trisolaris from attacking us again."

Opinions are not unified. Some people support war and eliminate the threat of Trisolarans, while others want peace and live with Trisolarans.

Everyone has their own reasons, and their own opinions are also the subject of this meeting.

"In this battle, we are protected by the "Reaper". Why not ask Miss Vena, we need the guidance of the Reaper."

As soon as this was said, everyone's gaze swept towards Vina, not even the captain Wicks.

Although Wicks didn't see the scene of death coming with his own eyes, he understood the process in detail from Drey's words.

Wicks knew that the reason why this battle ended so quickly was because the "God of Death" had come, and its appearance made the Trisolaran fled in panic and fled into the forest in panic.

Facing everyone's gaze, Vina shook her head and said: "The Lord Grim Reaper is just watching us. He will not involve worldly matters. The Reaper can hear our voices and our prayers, but he will not talk to us. "

This is also...

That's a "god", so how can you care about common lusts?

Everyone was a little disappointed, so in this case, it was destined to argue endlessly.

In the end, it was Wicks that ended the controversial meeting.

"How to do it is still to be agreed. The settlement development plan remains unchanged. I will strengthen the defense of the settlement, wake up more combat personnel, deploy more guards, more sentry guns, how to deal with the Trisolaran, I can only respond to all changes with the same. I will let two heavily armed Hercules transport boats stay at the settlement, and if they attack again, we will not be merciful."

Taking the initiative, this is not Wicks’ will.

As Kailuo said, Trisolaran talents are the masters of this planet, and they have an absolute advantage in number.

The colonial ship’s armed forces are limited and they are more than capable of defense, but if they take the initiative to attack, the rear defense will appear very weak.

After the meeting, Wicks returned to the colonial ship in a transport boat.

As the captain of Colonial Ship No. 1, he must guard his ship at all times.

Settlement, living quarters, infirmary...

"Sister Qiangwei, how is the recovery from injury?"

On this day, Chen Xin, representing a group of capable people, once again visited Qiangwei in the infirmary.

The infirmary needs to be quiet, and multiple visits are forbidden. Among those of all abilities, only Chen Xin, who is the closest to Qiangwei, is suitable to visit Qiangwei.

Sitting with her back against the head of the bed, Qiangwei smiled slightly, and said, "It's almost all right, and the wound is basically healed, but this body is still a little weak. The doctor said, it will take a few months to cultivate.

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