Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1783: Alien spaceship

This is not wrong. If Tyron is not lucky enough, everyone will not be able to sit here.

Speaking of this, Drey said to Qiangwei beside him: "Miss Qiangwei, there should be something under this ice sheet, something that does not belong to this planet, we must find it, maybe a new enemy will appear, this enemy is definitely not It is a primitive civilization like the Trisolaran race, I have this hunch."

Drey was right, and Qiang Wei had this hunch.

After thinking about it, Qiangwei said solemnly: "The distance between the turrets is very close, it should be under the turret, Tyron, take off, go to the place where the turret is."

The engine roared, and under the impetus caused by the lift of the abdomen, the huge transport boat slowly ascended and flew away.

In less than a minute, the transport boat came to the sky above the destination. After circling two times, it slowly landed on the ice sheet.

The rear hatch opened, bringing a group of tails and capable people, Qiangwei left the transport boat and stepped on the ice sheet outside.

Looking around, Qiangwei focused on a destroyed turret.

The turret is not big, it's only as high as one person, and about four meters wide in diameter, but now it has become a pile of metal.

With a pensive expression on her face, Qiangwei knelt down and swept away the thin layer of snow on the ice...

"this is……"

Looking at the things in the ice layer under Qiangwei's hands, Dlay's face changed slightly, and he quickly said: "Quickly, sweep away the snow on the ice layer."

Indre's roar, the guards started to take action.

After a while, a large swath of snow was swept away, and under the crystal clear ice layer, a certain part of something was also revealed.

A spacecraft, the ice layer is a spacecraft, it is frozen in the ice layer, and the ground is close to the ground, so that its turret is not frozen by the ice layer.

Although only a part of it can be seen, the thing under the ice has been confirmed to be a spacecraft, an alien spacecraft.

Qiangwei and Drey looked at each other, only solemn in their eyes.

Delai said in a deep voice: "We must tell Captain Wicks the news here. We must dig up the ice, enter the interior of the spacecraft, and find the signal source. We can't do it alone. We need an engineering team."

Qiangwei would naturally not object, saying: "Report it, let's stay here and let Tyron drive the transport boat back to the settlement to help transport equipment."

Nodding lightly, Drey turned and walked quickly to the transport boat.

Returning to the cockpit of the transport boat, Drei said to Tyron: "Tyron, immediately report the news here to Captain Wicks, saying that we have found an alien spacecraft and need an engineering team to dig out the ice. Floor, we need support. Go back. There are only three transport boats. The engineering team needs your help to transport equipment."

Tylen nodded and said, "Okay, I will go back now. After takeoff, I will report to Captain Wicks."

Without saying anything, Drey turned and strode away, stepping off the transport boat.

The engine roared, and under the jet of blue flames, the transport boat rose again, rushed to the sky, and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye.

On the clouds, the transport boat flew quickly, whizzing past the sea of ​​clouds...

After taking off, Tyron contacted the settlement for the first time and informed Wicks of their findings.


Standing in front of the console in the main control hall of the settlement, Wicks looked weird.

It was incredible that an alien spacecraft was discovered on Trisolaris. It was such a small chance that they would encounter it.

When he realized something, Wicks' face became very ugly.

In the textbooks of the Empire, it is clearly stated that "Sikkim" is the most heat-resistant and toughest metal known in the universe. This metal is an indispensable core material for any civilization.

If a race of aerospace civilizations that can travel the stars discovers Trisolaris, will they ignore it?

No, they won't, they will take the Trisolaris as their own, just like humans, there is no doubt.

If the fleet of unknown alien races arrives here first...

Wicks shuddered at the thought of this consequence.

The Explorer 1 colonial ship is a civilian-class ship. Although it has self-defense weapons, it cannot fight a war at all.

Moreover, the technology of unknown alien races is not backward. They have energy weapons, some kind of particle beam, and they also have shields. This is enough to show that their technology is not inferior to the empire, and is stronger than the empire.

When the colonial ship left the earth, the empire’s strongest weapon was the magnetic acceleration cannon. Although there were plasma cannons, they were less powerful. The power of the existing nuclear fusion reactors could not provide the energy required by the plasma cannons. Equipped with a plasma cannon, but the caliber is only 320mm and the range is short.

Information, he needs to know more about alien races...

With a diminished expression, Wicks said: "Immediately return to the settlement. There are not many transport boats now. You must participate in the transportation of equipment. I will immediately arrange for the engineering team to go to the Antarctic ice sheet."

Tyronn: "Yes, I'm returning..."

Trisolaris, Southern Ice Field...

White, the color of pure white, that is snow, the endless snowfields, far away, far away, at the very edge of the skyline, you can see the continuous snow-capped mountains...

They are on the ice layer, under the ice layer is the sea, the ice sheet is not calm, and the cracking of the ice layer often sounds.

Looking into the distance, looking at the vast white snowfields in her eyes, Qiangwei was a little surprised...

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

In a word, a voice suddenly reverberated beside me, as if it appeared in my heart, it was so clear

Qiangwei's expression was slightly startled, Qiangwei immediately relieved, she smiled slightly, looked back at the person next to her, and said in her mouth: "I thought you wouldn't show up anymore. You have been here for a long time, four years."

Looking at the endless snowy field in his eyes, Li Meng said calmly: "I have been watching you, the colonial ships on orbit, the settlements on the planet, the people who have been awakened, and I know all the bits and pieces of your six years. ."

Speaking of this, Li Meng turned his head to look at Qiangwei in protective clothing, and smiled: "I have been by your side and watching you all the time. Although the white ones are also beautiful, I think you should be suitable for purple. Matches you better."

To Li Meng's words, Qiangwei's white face suddenly became ruddy and shy.

After a long time, Qiangwei gave Li Meng a white look, and said angrily: "I didn't expect our great "Emperor" to have a voyeuristic habit. It is really unexpected."

In this regard, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and felt nothing wrong.

"Miss Qiangwei, you... are you okay?"

A passing guard stopped and looked at Qiangwei with some doubts and puzzles.

There is no one around, who is Miss Qiang Wei looking at? Who are you talking to?

Can not you see?

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