Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1793: Take an oath

This is a city, a city protected by a metal dome, and a naval base is located not far from the city.

This naval base has no name, only a number, numbered 028. At first, it was just an outpost, but since the First Army set up its headquarters here, an outpost has become a military base. After more than ten years of construction, it It has become a naval base that can accommodate fifty large warships.

Like the city beside it, it is also a disc shape, but its surface is not smooth, but berths, from the outside to the inside, there are three circles of berths, a total of fifty berths.

Not long ago, the Tell Star Naval Base was still very empty. Except for the warships patrolling outside, no more than ten warships will be parked at the naval base. But today, all the 50 berths at the Tell Star Naval Base are full of warships. There is no vacancy.

Not only in the naval base, but in the orbit of Tyre, more warships are parked, there are smaller frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. At a glance, there are no fewer than fifty ships.

Today, it is not an ordinary day for Telstar.

Today, this place will be the starting point for the first big expedition of the Black Flag Empire.

Countless warships that were called to rush to the star of Tyron and joined the first legion. In the city of star, a grand farewell ceremony was held in order to bid farewell to the first legion.

Today, Star Tyre is being watched by everyone, and is watched by more than 10 billion people in the entire empire.

In the naval base, in the ceremony hall, a general mobilization is going on.

More than a hundred captains and thousands of military officers gathered together. They were neatly arranged in different positions, looking up at one person on the podium.

He wears a black uniform with various medals on his shoulders, and his firm face is only solemn.

Raymond Wien, this is his name, the commander of the First Legion, and the commander of this expedition.

He is not young, even middle-aged, but he is capable and qualified.

Seeing the officers in black uniforms in the audience, Raymond on the high platform said loudly: "Today, we are gathered together to fight for a common goal. We will travel far, a great expedition. Waiting for us, at this moment, under the attention of countless people of the empire, we swear..."

Speaking of this, Raymond looked solemn, raised his right hand, clenched his fist facing outwards, level with his head.

A group of officers in the audience raised their fists together, and neat voices rang.

"I solemnly swear that I will use my life and strength to defend the Black Flag Empire. I will defend the glory of the Empire, the authority of the Emperor, spread the faith of the **** of death, and treat the enemy without mercy, and for those who submit, we will protect , From the sky of the earth to the edge of the Milky Way, until death."

In the gaze of tens of billions of people, the loyal oath echoed in every corner of the empire.

At this moment, the empire's tens of billions of people cheered.

With a big wave of his hand, while watching the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, Raymond said loudly: "Advance..."

With an order, Raymond opened the era of the Great Expedition.

At the naval base, the dome door was opened, and battleships took off from the berth and flew into the sky.

Propelled by the tail engine, the warship broke away from the **** of the planet and entered the universe.

56 frigates, 24 destroyers, 32 cruisers, 12 battleships, and 122 battleships formed a huge fleet and a powerful army.

In the outer space of Tyronn, the fleet converged and marched towards deep space together.

"The fleet has been linked, the fleet transition has started, the countdown: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

In the deep sky, in the universe with the Tyronn star in the background, blue flashes suddenly appeared, and the fleet disappeared into the depths of the universe in blue light.

Earth, Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace...

With a slight sound of footsteps, Monica in a black short skirt came to the viewing platform.

Beside Li Meng, Monica sat down and said softly: "Master, the First Army has already set off..."


Looking at the increasingly metalized city outside, Li Meng didn't know what he was thinking.

The appearance of the master made Monica a little curious, she whispered: "Master, are you thinking about colonial ship number one?"

Withdrawing his gaze from the window, looking back at Monica next to him, Li Meng said with a smile: "There is nothing to worry about over there. They are very clever, and there is no problem with self-protection in a short time. How is the logistics fleet prepared? ?"

Monica said: "26 engineering ships, 56 transport ships, 8 **** destroyers, the front and rear fleet departed from the Lunda star system within two hours. Although it was earlier than the first legion, the logistics fleet will It will arrive in the Trisolaris star system about a month and a half late."

The Lunda star system is closer to the earth, and naturally farther from the Trisolaris star system. Although it starts first, it will arrive later.

"Master, do you say we will win?"

Monica is not the first person to ask him this question. To this, Li Meng's answer is still the same.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Who knows, Raymond will give us the answer."


Trisolaris, Trisolaris...

Time is passing fast, but the Trisolaris, which is welcoming uninvited guests, is unusually calm.

They came, Chiyan Starman, but left again.

They were very cautious, did not approach the forest, went to the wilderness, the mountains and the Antarctic ice sheet.

After half a month, the three warships took off and left Trisola.

They left the Trisolaris, but did not leave the Trisolaris galaxy, but stopped in the orbit of the Trisolaris.

Quickly stepped into the bridge, Qiangwei saw Wicks in the captain's seat.

"Can there be any new discoveries?"

The probes have been sent out, they are all over the forest, all over the sea, watching for uninvited guests from aliens.

Looking at the holographic image in front of him, Wicks said calmly: "They have left, they have left Trisolaris."

Qiangwei: "Is it really a scout ship..."

Wicks: "They only have three ships. They can't do much before the big troops arrive."

Looking at the holographic image, Qiangwei thoughtfully said: "Maybe we can do something."

Hearing what Qiangwei said, Wicks cast an unexpected look and said, "What do you want to do?"

Qiang Wei said calmly: "Contact the Trisolarans and inform them that the enemy is coming and they should be prepared for war."


Shaking his head, Wicks said: "In the eyes of the Trisolaran Stars, we are no different from the Chiyan Stars. We are also outsiders. It is not yet known whether the Chiyan Stars are enemies or not. We do not have the same power. , We don’t even have the guts to come into contact with them. We better do nothing now and wait for the arrival of the empire’s expeditionary fleet. We cannot expose ourselves, at least not now."

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