Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1804: Mermaid

"Legion Commander, the language of the Chiyan Stars has been resolved, it has been entered into the Alien Language Database, and the radio signals have been resolved.

Calculating the time, more than half a year has passed, and the language of the Chiyan Stars has finally been resolved.

If it weren't for those Chiyan Stars who didn't cooperate, the resolution would be faster...

With a slight expression on his face, Wicks said, "Open it and see."

"Yes, it's playing..."

As soon as the sailor's words fell, a rustle sounded from the main console, and some voices also appeared.

"Unknown aliens... this is not... the end, we... will come back, by then, you will be destroyed... completely..."

The voice repeated over and over again, this is the sailor's evil taste.

Raising his hand, Raymond said: "Turn it off."

The sound stopped abruptly...

From this passage, one message is clear, that is, they will come back.

Is this a threat, or an unwilling roar, unknown, will they come back?

There is only one answer, and that is "Yes," and they will come back.

Because Trisolaris is not an ordinary planet, it is a planet whose main material is made of Sikkim, and its value is inestimable.

Not to mention the Chiyan Stars, even humans, even the Black Flag Empire, would not give up due to a failure.

If necessary, the Black Flag Empire will fight for the supremacy of this planet with a nationwide effort.

The Chiyan Stars are even more so, they have no reason to give up, no reason to give up the Trisolaris because of a failure.

When the next attack comes, their offensive will be unstoppable...

With a thoughtful expression on his face, Raymond muttered: "How is the exploration of the nearby transverse galaxy?"

"The nearby stars are dense. Four main sequence stars and two red giants were discovered within ten light-years. No artificial artifacts have been found."

After thinking about it, Wicks said: "Don't let the warships be far away from the Trisolaris for more than ten light-years. They will come. We must be prepared. The power cannot be dispersed. It is enough to find out the stars within ten light-years. , Let them come back."

"Yes, the order has been delivered..."

Raising his head, Raymond looked at the Trisolaris outside the window.

The Trisolaris at this moment has lost its previous beauty, and can't see the green, only the gray continent and the dark sea.

Raymond had a hunch that for a long period of time, he would have been waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The universe is so vast, decades, hundreds of years are only in the blink of an eye.

A war often lasts for hundreds or even hundreds of years, and it will end after several generations.

However, as far as the universe is concerned, hundreds of years are only a matter of seconds, but for humans, hundreds of years are enough to do a lot of things, whether for the Black Flag Empire or the Chiyan Stars It's all so.

Solar system, earth, Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace...

Since the first fleet battle with the Chiyan Stars, time has passed quietly and ten years have passed.

In the past ten years, the Black Flag Empire has carried out a general military mobilization. Although it has affected the border expansion, large-scale money flows have promoted domestic stability and prosperity. More companies have the ability to focus on the vast sky.

The temporary stagnation is just to prepare for the radical era of big expansion.

Lying comfortably on the seat, Li Meng was enjoying a bath from the sun.

With the sound of water, two graceful figures emerged from the swimming pool and walked up to the shore along the stairs, wearing a thin black swimsuit and walking towards Li Meng.

With a slight smile, the two women holding hands let go of each other, lying on either side of Li Meng on the left and right, nestling in Li Meng's arms.

Fortunately, the seats are very wide. Although the three people lie down together, there is still room for them.

Ke Lei, Klelia, this is their name.

They used to be mermaids, and they are now too, but compared to the past, the tail of that fish is gone and becomes more like humans. No, they have become humans now, but they are somewhat different from humans.

Removed a small metal device from her ear, Kleilia's mouth bends slightly and complained: "Really, the master is a rare visit, always let these little things disturb the master."

Turning his head to look at Clarelia who was complaining, Li Meng smiled slightly and turned over to press Clarelia under him...

Feeling the cool and soft body, and looking at Cleilia under him, Li Meng said dozingly: "My Cleilia, what's the matter? Who upset you again?"

With a slender hand stretched out, Kleilia wrapped Li Meng's neck and said softly: "Master, it's news from the Imperial Court, huh, how do they know that the master is with us?

"The Imperial Court?"

Holding Clelia, Li Meng turned over and lay on the seat again. This time, Cleilia was on it.

With his right hand clinging to Kleilia’s waist, and his left hand stroking Ke Lei’s soft blue hair, Li Meng said, “Speak, they won’t bother me with ordinary things. There should be something important. ."

"Not at all……"

With a slightly pouted mouth, Krelia said dullly: "This is the first "research ship" launched. They are preparing for the sailing ceremony and ask the owner if they want to participate."

It turned out to be this...

Calculating the time, the first "research ship" is almost time to launch.

Ever since the Explorer 1 colonial ship encountered the Chiyan Stars and the Trisolaran Stars, the Black Flag Empire realized that the colonial ship could no longer be used as the vanguard. It must use the fastest, strong communication capabilities, and have the ability to be in front of strong enemies. Ships with the ability to retreat safely.

Under various requirements, the plan for the research ship was put on the agenda.

The research ship is a concept, and this concept has formed a series of ships that focus on exploration.

One is for civilian use, and the other is for military use. There are many types of civilian models, including cheap versions and VIP versions.

There is only one military model...

In general, the main attack direction of scientific research ships is speed and communication capabilities, as well as protection. Around these three points, the ship maximizes its related capabilities.

Compared with ordinary battleships, scientific research ships are much smaller, about 100 meters in length.

Compared with the civilian version of the research ship, the military research ship uses another set of technology.

The civilian version of the scientific research ship’s super-light-speed channel uses hyperspace and uses a transition engine, while the military scientific research ship uses a subspace engine. The ship’s operation is also completely managed by AI, and it is an unmanned ship. ferry.

Although the speed of civil scientific research ships is fast and can reach 70 times the speed of light, military scientific research ships are faster. Because they travel in subspace, their speed is three times that of civil scientific research ships.

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