Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1809: Planetary capital "Terella"

With the help of humans, the Trisolarans entered the starry sky tens of thousands of years in advance, and gradually integrated into the human society.

And Kurina, the princess of a certain tribe, became the first queen of the Trisolaran because of his high morals.

The Trisolarans have learned the human system, but they have not copied them, and they have implemented the "giving way".

In order to make the queen's identity more noble, and to make the queen's position not only exist in a certain bloodline, but also to make the leader of the Trisolaran people always be the sage, the first queen "Kurina" decided by herself. By law, she will not marry forever, dedicate herself to the chaste body, and seek benefits for the race. When her life comes to an end, she will give way to a tribe who is qualified to ascend the throne.

Terella, the Governor's Mansion...

The weather today is very good, the sky is cloudless, and the sun is shining. Looking into the distance, the blue sea makes people feel relaxed and happy. If there is no government affairs that can never be handled, it would be better.

Sitting in the bright office and looking at the sea outside the window, Wicks was a little surprised.

More than a decade has passed, and Wicks's golden hair has also appeared a few white hairs, and his face has gradually become old.

"Governor Wicks, please don't get distracted. You still have 117 decrees to sign. I have received news from the Governor's wife. Today is your eleventh anniversary of your marriage. The Governor's wife hopes you will not forget this."

wedding anniversary?

With a slightly stunned expression, Wicks straightened upright and quickly put his thoughts on the screen on the table.

Yes, I have to finish the government affairs quickly. If I delay my appointment tonight, Susan's character will not be as good as his.

Thinking of her in his memory, Wicks put a smile on his face.

The acquaintance with Susan does not seem abrupt. She is a doctor of medicine and belongs to the first group of scientists to be awakened.

Due to some work requirements, the two approached unconsciously. Although the age difference between the two was more than ten years old, she did not care, and Wicks also plucked up the courage to be a man.

Eleven years ago, Wicks proposed to her, and the two walked to the wedding hall with blessings.

For more than ten years, Wicks is no longer the former soldier. He is the governor of the Trisolaris, the supreme ruler, a husband, and a father. In the home and work, Wicks also knows Maintain a balance.

"Sailor, do you think the Chiyan Star will come again?"

Wicks asked while dealing with government affairs.

Counting time, it has been thirteen years. During these thirteen years, the Trisolaran star system has been very calm. Since that failure, the Chiyan Stars have never appeared again.

Will the Chiyan Stars come?

Many people are worried about this, but thirteen years have passed, and the Chiyan Stars have still not appeared. This has caused many people to gradually lose their vigilance and no longer be as vigilant as they used to be.

"There is no relevant forecast data value, please change the question."

Rolling his eyes, Wicks said calmly: "For more than ten years, although I don't know much about AI technology, I know you, sailor, you are not just a piece of data. The intelligence you have is far beyond my imagination. , Sometimes I even think that I am facing a person, a person with consciousness and soul."


There was a little silence, and the sailor's voice rang again.

"As a new generation of AI, we have the ability to think about ourselves. Within a certain range, we can continue to learn and enhance our abilities."

Study and think...

With a thoughtful look on his face, Wicks pondered: "How do you distinguish between right and wrong?"

"No, we are not humans. We don't think about right and wrong. In any matter, the interests of the empire are the priority."

Do you prioritize the interests of the empire...

Thinking about the development of human beings on the earth over the past century, Wicks can only have a feeling for the emperor of the earth.

Where did the technology come from?

Before the founding of the Black Flag Empire, the space fleet that suddenly appeared was also very confusing.

Because at the industrial level possessed by the First Army at the time, it was absolutely impossible to build such a large fleet.

Even if there is, it is impossible to build such a large fleet quietly.

The earth is so big, and everyone knows the level of industry in each country.

I don't know how many people have been confused by this question, and until today, the mystery has not been solved.

"Huh, is it Kurina..."

When Wicks looked on the screen again, he found that the contents of the file were related to Curina.

Sailor: "With sufficient food, Trisolarans multiply faster, 3.7 times that of humans. Although their physiques are tall, their growth cycle is very short, and their average life span is about 150 years in the imperial period, ten years old. They will be able to reach adulthood, and the number of Trisolarans now exceeds 60,000."

In other words, has the population tripled in 13 years?

If the population continues to grow at this rate, it will not take a hundred years for the population of Trisolarans to recover to the million level.

This speed is undoubtedly amazing.

"Form an army and open up ship trading authority?"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Wicks did not expect Curina to make such a request to him.

There are only 60,000 Trisolarans. Under the protection of mankind, is it necessary for them to form an army?

As for the ship trade, this requirement is understandable. Trisolarans also have a desire to go to the sky. As the only food source of the Trisolaris, they also need vehicles to transport goods.

Although humans gave them some land transportation vehicles, as the scale of the Aduron Agricultural City became larger and larger, the sky-flying vehicles became indispensable for the demand for transportation.

But what Kurina wants is not an ordinary transport ship, but a warship...

Sailor: "About half a month ago, a cave of ten thousand bones was discovered in a mountain. The corpse of a trisolaran was about 70,000. The death time was about ten years. Curina was stimulated by this. "

ten years?

In this case, the Trisolaran in the cave was not discovered by the probe, and survived for a few more years before going to extinction?

Seventy thousand...This is not a small number.

He sighed slightly in his heart, and Wicks had some understanding of Curina's radical approach.

However, understanding belongs to understanding, he cannot agree to these two requirements.

Now Aduron Agricultural City is a shelter in the eyes of human beings, and the Imperial Court has not issued an order on how to arrange the Trisolarans.

This puts the Trisolarans in an embarrassing position within the empire. To put it mildly, under the protection of human beings, they don't need to form an army. To put it harder, they don't have this qualification.

So far, the Trisolarans have not been officially recognized by the empire. For the arrangements of the Trisolaris, Wicks can only help them in a private name.

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