Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1813: Sex abuse

It seems to be a large hall here, very wide, the huge pillars are made of a red substance, and are covered with faces of different shapes, and those faces seem to be still alive and wriggling.

Just when Li Meng hadn't recovered, a blushing smile came into his ears.

That kind of sweet laughter is very magical, just listening to the sound makes people's blood boil, and the inner desires are poured out uncontrollably.

At this time, Li Meng discovered that there was a huge bed in the hall.

On the bed, multiple huge red figures are entangled together, they are smiling and hugging each other.


Yes, the huge figure entangled in the bed is a succubus.

They are over five meters tall, their skin is red, they have feminine curves, and their bodies are proud.

There are some scales on their hips and backs. In addition to the black horns on their heads, they also have pointed ears. Both the facial features and the shape are not much different from human beings.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly, and they sat up naked, looking at Li Meng, an uninvited guest, curiously and lazily.

On that big bed, not only the succubus, but also a huge figure sat up from the delicate body.

He is very similar to the succubus, except for a few scales and smooth red skin.

He has a feminine curve, his chest is full and magnificent, but his face is more male.

He got out of bed naked. This time, Li Meng saw that he still had a male lower body...

Compared with the curiosity of the succubuses, he had a faint smile on his face, curiosity, and a kind of scary excitement.

He is changing. He is coming to Li Meng step by step. With each step, his five-meter-high stature is shrinking and getting smaller.

It's not just size that has changed, but other things.

His face has become softer, more feminine, more beautiful, and the masculine features of his lower body have disappeared.

Seeing him (her) approaching step by step, Li Meng wanted to leave, but found that he could not move, and his mental body could not be recovered.

Li Meng can only watch her approach step by step, without any ability to resist.

This was the first time Li Meng felt powerless, and Li Meng also felt a suffocating pressure from her.

From her golden pupils, there was a catching gaze, as if the soul of the whole person would be sucked away by her.

She approached Li Meng with a smile on her face.

The slender hand stretched out and slid lightly across Li Meng's body, and she circled around Li Meng.

When she returned to Li Meng's body, her body, which had been shrunk to two meters, moved forward slightly, clinging to Li Meng's body.

In Li Meng's ear, she whispered: "Who am I? I am your desire, the desire deep in your heart..."

She wrapped her hands around Li Meng's neck and said coquettishly like a lover: "This is heaven. When you come here, you will have no troubles, no pains, only pleasure and pleasure, and let it go. This is your right."

At this moment, in the bridge of the Yezhao, Li Meng's face was already pale, sweat on his forehead, like a stream running down his cheeks, this frightened Sakuya and was a little at a loss.

But she did not dare to move, she knew the state of the master at this time, and did not dare to disturb the master.

In the red hall, facing her temptation, Li Meng was unmoved, but his expression showed pain.

Seeing the pain on Li Meng's face, she smiled, and her slender hand stroked Li Meng's face as if looking at a baby.

Speaking slightly, she whispered: "What a tempting and peculiar soul..."

She smiled slightly, put her hands on Li Meng's chest, slowly down, all the way down, all the way down...

Li Meng's eyes were a little flustered, and even more afraid, careless...

Suddenly, Li Meng's brows were slightly furrowed, only gloomy on his face.

That feeling is good, but Li Meng knows that at this moment, he is facing the crisis of degeneration. Once he relaxes, his soul will be contaminated. His life and past efforts will be wasted. Once that result occurs, He will become a slave to **** abuse, his puppet, and her tool.

In the main hall, a blushing picture appeared...

Seeing a scene not far away, the succubus sitting on the bed pursed their lips, they smiled, kissed each other, and embraced...

And in the night cry, Sakuya, who was worried about her master, suddenly felt something strange under her body, that was...

A trace of ruddy appeared on her face, and when she was shy, the worry on Sakiya's face deepened.

What happened?

In the red hall, I only heard a dull "hum", everything returned to calm...

With a smile on her face, she stood up and licked the corner of her mouth while Li Meng was watching...

The scorching body was nestled in Li Meng’s arms. She held her powerful face and said foolishly: "My little cutie, give me your soul. Right here, I will treat you well. Forever……"

Looking at her red, beautiful, glamorous face in a daze, Li Meng's mouth moved slightly, and he said bitterly: "Are you a **** abuser?"

Hearing that, her expression moved, her eyes narrowed, and she smiled and said: "Oh... it seems that your identity in the material world is very unusual, you know me, eh..."

Her face suddenly changed, she let out a surprise, and said unexpectedly: "No, this is not your soul. How did you break through my dark barrier and reach my realm,...are you here?"

She discovered, discovered the existence of the Night Cry...

Li Meng's expression was ruthless, he knew that if the night cry did not leave, he would not be able to leave.

With a change of expression, Li Meng's mental body cracked little by little like broken glass.

Perceiving this, her face changed slightly, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, she said unwillingly, "No, your soul will be damaged, I will let you go, I will not stop you, stop, Stop it..."

Looking at her in his arms with a complicated expression, Li Meng's mental body stopped cracking and returned to its original state.

Li Meng could feel that the shackles on his body were gone, and the terrifying evil **** did not lie to him.

Seeing Li Meng's mental body stopped cracking, her expression was slightly relaxed and she left Li Meng's embrace.

Looking at Li Meng, she narrowed her eyes, as if taking an oath, and lazily said: "Protect your soul, you are mine. Sooner or later I will get you and let you become my demon prince and serve me. By my side, I am a lust, sub-space god, an evil **** believed in and afraid of creatures in the material world, remember me, you can't run away."

Taking a deep look at "she", it seemed that she wanted her appearance to be remembered in her heart. Without saying more, Li Meng's spiritual body gradually dissipated...

Seeing where he was leaving, the corner of her mouth was slightly tilted, she turned lazily, and walked to the big bed.

With each step, her figure grew bigger, until she returned to the "him" she was when she left the bed.

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