Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1818: The benefit behind

Lie down and looked at Curina in silence, Li Meng said: "You can stay here, you are welcome here anytime, you can also return to the Trisolaris star system, where to go, this is your freedom, and the Chiyan star The war is about to come, they are very strong and they are not ordinary opponents. Soon, the Trisolaran star system will become a battlefield. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. It is best not to put eggs in a basket, why not move them away. Go to a safer place. In this way, even if something happens, you can keep the fire of the Trisolaran."

Li Meng's meaning Kurina naturally understood.

Of course Curina also knew that the Trisolaran star system was not a safe place, and there were too many uncertain facts in the war.

This is true whether it is an interstellar war or the wars between trisolaran tribes in the past.

Kurina said: "Perhaps you are right, thank you for your reminder."

When she got up, Kurina stood up and said: "I won't bother your majesty, leave."

Nodding lightly, Li Meng said: "Please..."

Turning around, Kurina left the viewing platform with a huge stride.

The height of three meters makes her look big and big...


Trisolaris star system, trisolaris...

Since the arrival of the Second Army, the passage of time seems to have accelerated a lot.

Unconsciously, another ten years have passed...

Many things can happen within ten years, both for humans and for Trisolaris.

Since Queen Kurina went to the home planet of the human empire ten years ago, it is gone forever.

For Trisolarans, it doesn't matter whether Queen Kurina is around or not, because they can see Queen Kurina in the distant starry sky under some kind of human instrument.

In the past ten years, the life of the Trisolarans has improved, and they can do whatever they want.

You can be a farmer on Trisolaris, or you can trade around in a spacecraft. Trisolaris is the home planet of Trisolaris, but it's not just the only home.

In ten years, the population of the Trisolarans has doubled again. Most of them stayed and continued to cultivate fertile fields, plant more crops, and open more sideline factories. All these changes were due to Queen Kurina. .

Queen Kurina learned a lot of knowledge in the human world, and then only remotely imparted these to them. They opened factories according to Queen Kurina's will, started trading, and sailed to the territory of the human empire.

For the Trisolarans, their society is thriving, and perhaps within a hundred years, their population will rise to an objective number.

The First Legion, in the flagship bridge of the Black Gold...

"I can't control what you want, but I want to warn you, Beavis, our mission is to station the Trisolaris star system, and the empire focuses its main force on this galaxy. Why, you know better than anyone else, our mission It is not to expand the border of the empire, but to defend the outer domain of the empire. Now the territory of the empire is developing here, and it will take at least 20 years to connect with the Trisolaran star system. There is no need to explore outwards now. Several galaxies have our outposts. There is no need to explore further afield. We don’t know anything about the Chiyan Stars, and it is the wisest thing to do so strictly."

Sitting in the captain's seat, Raymond looked solemnly at a person projected on the console.

He was dressed in a black military uniform, with the same rank as him, he was the commander of the army, the highest commander of the army.

"Commander Raymond, I know your concerns. You are right. In the face of the Chiyan Stars, our best course is to stick to the Trisolaris star system, but how long do we have to wait, half a century, or hundreds of years? The Second Army has more than 300 warships, I will not send all of them, half, only half, we need to plan time more objectively, instead of waiting..."


Looking at Beavis in front of him, Raymond frowned and said: "Beavis, they belong to the Second Corps now, not a certain company, a certain governor, not a certain territory. They are standing behind them. Interest groups, but you don’t. You are the commander of the First Army and the highest commander of the Second Army. You cannot let those interests influence you."

Raymond had heard that many of the warships of the Second Army came from various planetary governors, companies, and territories. The reason why they came to the front line was to respond to the emperor’s call and to look for undeveloped planets. .

Resources, endless resources, and the benefits hidden in the resources, so that this benefit is large enough, those who are driven by the benefits will be unscrupulous.

With a helpless smile, Beavis said: "This is the default of the Imperial Court. You should know that the empire has been expanding outwards over the years. Although countless planets have been discovered, there are not many valuable planets among them. In other words, as long as they can find a planet with high value, they will do whatever they can. It is because of the desire driven by this interest that the empire will colonize the country so fast, and there will never be a shortage of colonists. A year ago, the population of the empire was only over 17 billion, but now it is close to 30 billion. Although there is the contribution of genetic engineering, which has increased the average life expectancy of humans to 150 years, the biggest factor is still benefit, driven by benefit. , The empire has vitality. Only with sufficient vitality can the population grow explosively. The politicians and businessmen in the empire will not let us wait for decades in the Trisolaran star system, and the Imperial Court will not allow it. ."

There are some things that Raymond knows naturally, but in the face of the great enemy of the Chiyan Starman, he is unwilling to give the Chiyan Starman a chance to win.

Although the will of the emperor is supreme in the empire, the political environment under the emperor is very complicated.

No, it's not that the political environment is complicated, but the complex of business and government.

The empire gave merchants the right, gave the enterprise the right, the merchant can also be the governor of the planet, become the master of the planet. In the empire, some large enterprises even own dozens of planets, dozens of colonies, and manage billions of people. A country within a country.

Although they are not countries, they have no less power than those duchy. The empire only has sovereignty, supervision power, and revocation power.

In such a general environment, even if it is the army, especially the army behind this expedition, there is more or less profit control behind it. Although this is allowed by the Imperial Court, Raymond is very cold about this.

It is precisely because of this that although there are many warships in the First Army that responded to the emperor’s call, Raymond is not allowed to violate the order. He will not care about the military law dealing with some captains who do not listen to the order. With this right, even if it is allowed by the Imperial Court, he cannot be denied this right.

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