Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1820: They are coming

"Johnny, what are you afraid of, do you two still feel that way? What's the matter if you don't have a love letter written with that feeling to show him? Besides, Johnny, your marksmanship is good and you won't necessarily lose."

Hearing that the two were going to compete, they were still using the love letter as a bet, and the people below made a rush.

As a soldier of the Black Flag Empire, once they become a regular army, in order to keep the soldiers' attention at all times and not be affected by their physical needs, they will be chemically castrated before they are recruited.

Once the impulse is removed, the feeling will naturally not exist, and some are just light misses.

"bring it on……"

How could Johnny flinch? He raised the gun in his hand, pointed it at the front, and said, "Let's talk about it, what is the target."

Seeing Johnny's consent, Chad's mouth was slightly raised, his eyes searched around, and he finally fixed on a small stone four hundred meters away.

"Have you seen that little stone? It's sharp, like a pyramid, that's it. There are two pieces, you left, me right, countdown, shot together, who hit, who hit the distance? The closer the tip is, the winner will use the penetrating bullet."

At the top of the outpost, the two raised their Gauss rifles and aimed them at the distant target.

"The countdown begins: 9, 8, 7, 6..."

On the screens of the two helmets, the countdown was jumping bit by bit.

Johnny was very nervous, he let out a sigh of relief, staring at the target, he couldn't lose, he couldn't lose.

Inadvertently glanced to the left, he was slightly taken aback...

"Budd, Budd..."

He whispered, only solemn on his face.

"What are you doing, don't you try?"

The time had jumped to zero, and Bud gave Johnny angrily.

Johnny looked solemn and whispered: "Don't move, don't put down the gun, look at the ground on the left, something is approaching."

Something is approaching?

Bud was taken aback for a moment, and calmly looked to the left...

He saw that on the sand on the left, there were one footprint after another, approaching the outpost.

Although there are footprints, they cannot be seen.

In the helmet, Bud whispered: "Don't let them notice, Captain Stern, immediately turn on the heat source scanner and transmit the data to our panel. Something is approaching outside, something invisible."

"Invisible? Wait, let me see... the emperor bless, damn, what is that..."

With the start of the heat source scan, the soldiers in the outpost finally discovered that an enemy was approaching.

In Bud's helmet, I also saw the dense red heat source.

There are hundreds of them, and they are approaching from the left. They think the soldiers in the outpost have not found them.

In the outpost, Stern, as the captain, rushed out of the control room and said loudly: "Everyone is ready to fight, they are here, it must be the Red Flame Stars, take your weapons."

He said, ignoring the panic-looking soldiers outside who were nervously preparing for battle. Stern ran back to the control room and said to Bud outside, Johnny said, "Don’t be nervous, don’t let them feel that they have been I found out, this should be just their forward, and they don't want to be horrified. We must evacuate immediately and buy us some time."

After speaking, Stern turned around and ran out of the control room, saying loudly: "Enter the fire control post immediately. Remember, once I order the attack, I will destroy them as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, the soldiers quickly put down their weapons and entered the fire control post.

It is a control cockpit that can control the turrets hidden under the armor outside.

This is just a small outpost, not equipped with AI, and naturally there is no automation.

"Johnny, Bud, as soon as I issue the power of attack, you will jump off the outpost and run towards the transport boat, Johnny, you must start the transport boat as soon as possible. There is not much time for us. They are here. The Chiyan Stars are here, once the battle begins, the outpost will soon be destroyed by the enemy's heavy fire."

Outside, the invisible guys are getting closer.

Johnny was a little anxious, and whispered: "They are very close, hurry, give an attack order."

In the outpost, Stern looked ruthless and said loudly: "Attack, kill them..."

With an order, Johnny and Budd, who were at the top of the outpost, turned and ran wildly, jumped down from the outpost, and rushed towards the transport boat.

In their move, the invisible enemy was also exposed.

As the red light flickered, on the ground to the left of the outpost, a large number of figures in red armor appeared.

They are armed with bloated weapons, each of which is over two meters in size.

The fiery red light beams flickered, and beams of particles were shot from the weapon station in their hands.

The metal deck on the outer layer of the outpost suddenly became red, and a large number of molten pits appeared.

The outpost also counterattacked. Amid the sound of metal running, a large number of plasma cannons and coil guns rose from the deck and fired at the Chiyan Star.

For a time the particle beam flickered, and the coil gun spewed out arcs.


The flames flickered, and the Chiyan star man was enveloped by the explosion flames.

Under the high temperature of millions of degrees, the Chiyan Stars contacted by the ion beam directly turned into dust.

One side defended, and the other attacked. Under the attack of the outpost sentry guns, in just a few minutes, the Chiyan Stars outside were wiped out.

Outside, with a fiery red particle beam, Johnny and Bud managed to get close to the transport boat.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

The two ran into the cockpit and quickly started the transport boat.

Outside, I saw blue brilliance flickering and dust flying.

"Warning, warning, a warship of unknown source was found, approaching, approaching, bearing 124.755..."

The warning from the boat's radar made Johnny's face sinking and loudly said: "Captain Stern, retreat quickly, a warship is approaching."

Hearing Johnny's words, Stern's face changed slightly in the outpost, and he quickly said: "Evacuate, evacuate immediately, everyone left the outpost, hurry..."

At Stern’s roar, the soldiers ran out of the outpost and ran towards the transport boat.

Stern ran at the end, he was the last to leave the outpost.

"Go, take off, take off immediately..."

Running wildly into the hatch, Stern shouted.

"Grasp it..."

Before the door was closed, Johnny controlled the transport boat to take off forcibly while the door was still closing.

Driven by the blue flames, the transport boat rose into the air and flew away...

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