Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1823: Two sides of the Black Flag Empire

Black Cavalry?

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up, yes, the black cavalry guard is a big force, if they can get their help.

Shaking his head lightly, Chen Qi said: "We are only responsible for the construction of the "Godkiller" starship. In the past century, five "Godkiller" starships have been launched into the sky, but I don't know where they went. , You should know that the black cavalry guard is directly responsible to the master, and you still have to ask the master for help in this matter."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi continued: "This meeting will end here. I will show my master the situation and see if I can send one or two generals to the Trisolaran star system to participate in this interstellar war, even if there is only one. With the participation of the generals, our winning rate can be increased several times."

Only like this, the only power that the Empire can dispatch right now is the Black Cavalry Guard.

An urgent imperial meeting ended without beginning and end, and everyone got up and dispersed.

"Marshal Xiaonan!"

In the corridor, the voice behind her stopped Xiao Nan, and she turned and looked back.

It was Moneta, and Moneta was walking towards her with a smile on her face.

"Queen Moneta, what's the matter?"

For this, the necessary respect is still needed, after all, she is the queen of angels of death.

In front of Xiao Nan, Moneta stopped and said: "It's about the Black Cavalry Guard. I don't know how much Law Officer Xiao Nan knows about it?"

Black Cavalry?

Xiao Nan knew it, and it seemed that the queen was very interested in Black Cavalry.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan said: "Queen Moneta, you should know what kind of existence we are?"

Moneta naturally knows the deep meaning of Xiaonan dialect.

In the past, she didn't know, but in an incident decades ago, she learned some secrets about the Black Flag Empire.

In response, Moneta nodded lightly.

Xiaonandao: "We are the dead, people who have died once, and people who have been resurrected by the power of our masters. In our group, there are many races created by our masters. We ghouls are only caused by an accident by the master. Created, the master likes me, likes the young lady, and there are also ghouls that the master likes, but the master doesn’t like the ghoul race. Therefore, in the past hundred years, we have been fighting for the lofty and cautious growth of food. The ghouls have never dared to touch the bottom line in the master's heart. Although we have the power and control the entire empire, we are only at the lower level in the group of the dead."

Lower level?

Moneta looked slightly stunned, a little unbelievable.

The ghouls control the power of the empire, but in the eyes of that person, is it so worthless?

With a faint smile, Xiao Nan said: "You should be surprised. The Black Flag Empire has two sides, one is the world of mortals, and the other is the world of the dead, and our ghouls are just a bridge connecting the two sides."

After the words paused, Xiao Nan continued: "Ghoul and Shiji are the master’s two favorite races. Tebi is Shiji, and is even more favored by the master. You often see the guards next to the master, they are all Shi Ji, the nuns of the Temple of Death are the same, while the ghouls are the dark iron warriors. This is the core of the world of the dead, and the army formed by these cores is the black cavalry guard."

"Aren't you jealous? Don't you be jealous that the master prefers them?"

When talking about the corpse Ji that the owner preferred, Xiao Nan's face was very calm.


Xiao Nan calmly: "Although we have human emotions, we are not human beings. We will be jealous, jealous that Shiji is favored by the master, but what can we do? Can we go to the trouble of Shiji? No, the master hates most Killing each other, once we do that, we will only be completely erased."

"You own the entire empire, you have power in your hands, and the power of mortals is your power."

Moneta doesn't think that ghouls need to be afraid, at least they don't need corpses.

"Do not……"

With a faint smile, looking at Moneta, Xiao Nan shook his head and said: "You don’t understand, you don’t understand us, we are the dead, and the master is the **** of the dead, what the master wants us to do, we must do it, we won’t To consider the right and wrong of things, even if the master wants to completely erase our existence, we will not resist, we will only be willing to accept this end, self-destruct, not only us, but also the corpse and the ghoul."

Speaking of this, Xiao Nan looked at Moneta lightly and said: "In our eyes, you and the Banshee Wings are outsiders. You belong to the mortal side. It is best not to involve the side of the dead. This is for you. There is no benefit. You can ask the master for what you want. You are beautiful, at least in the eyes of the master. You are very attractive. The master has just possessed a divine body. The human emotions and desires are in a more sensitive period, but it will be different in the future. , Time will kill emotions, take advantage of your body now, I think the master will be happy too."

With that, Xiao Nan nodded to Moneta, turned and left.

Seeing Xiao Nan's back, Moneta was thoughtful. Although she wanted to know more than this, she had at least some knowledge of the Black Cavalry Guard.

Do you make good use of your body?

Moneta smiled helplessly. She also wanted to use her body to make that person feel happy, but she hadn't had a chance for these years.

She is not Harto, nor Isis, she can go to him when she thinks of him, she can't.

Moneta didn't know what she was in that person's eyes.

Is it a lover, or just a subordinate with a physical relationship?

Maybe both...

The upper level of the Crystal Palace, the Oriental Observatory...

"So, did you come to make a small report?"

Li Meng smiled slightly while holding Xiao Nan in a black uniform and short skirt.

Sitting horizontally on the master’s lap, with both hands wrapped around the master’s neck, Xiao Nan whispered: “Master, although I don’t like her, there is no contradiction with her. What does Queen Moneta want? I also know that a hundred years ago, Queen Maneta ordered all the Demon warships to self-destruct to show her loyalty to her master, but after a hundred years, she still has nothing, master, I just want you to understand that Moneta can It’s not us, sometimes, the master wants to give her a taste, stay with her more, bully her more, don’t let her feel ignored by the master, this resentment has accumulated bit by bit, and the resentment in her heart is also It's time to let her go, otherwise, who knows what will happen."

After listening to Xiao Nan’s words, Li Meng squeezed Xiao Nan’s nose unexpectedly and smiled: "You, you have been with humans for a long time, and this human heart can be seen through, then guess what, what the master thinks now is What do you want to do?"

"This one……"

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