Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1825: Coming to the field of **** abuse again

She was dressed in black bloodmark armor, half of her body wrapped in a cloak, and a hood on her head.

Although I can't see her face, I can hear her voice.

Withdrawing his gaze from the star map and looking up at the red world outside, Li Meng's eyes were only solemn.

Without hesitation, Li Meng said to Saye: "Saya, immediately go to the Trisolaran star system to assist the First Legion and the Second Legion to win this war with the Chiyan Stars. Time is running out, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Meng's face changed slightly, and he felt an attraction, a powerful attraction.

Before he could smile bitterly, Li Meng quickly said, "Go to the Trisolaris star system as soon as possible, with the most..."

Behind Li Meng, a red vortex suddenly appeared, sucking Li Meng in...

"the host?"

Has the master gone?

Saya didn't know, but the master looked too strange when he left.

Without thinking about it, Saye said, "I immediately lock the Trisolaris star system and you can set off at the fastest speed."


There was a mechanical response from the main console.

Here is still red, the red hall, the red pillars, and the red bed.

Li Meng came here many, many years ago, and this time, he came again.

Standing still in the smooth hall, Li Meng said nothing. He originally thought it would go well, but he didn't expect that something he least wanted to see happened.

She (he) really did something to him, otherwise, she could not find him.

It is even more impossible to locate him accurately. You must know that the "God Killer" starship is protected by the Void Shield when it is sailing in the subspace. It stands to reason that even the Cthulhu has no ability to invade under the protection of the Void Shield. Starship.

But she did it, capturing his spiritual body directly in the starship bridge.

The difference from last time is that there are no succubuses on that big bed, only a huge, beautiful, lazy figure.

She has red skin and looks smooth. Although she is naked, she seems to be wearing a red dress.

She lay on her side facing him, the towering mountain peaks, the beautiful curves, all at a glance.

The corners of her mouth were slightly tilted, a pair of huge golden pupils looked straight at Li Meng, her right hand stretched out and her huge index finger hooked.

How could Li Meng approach her? Just thinking about retreating, his body floated towards her uncontrollably, and floated towards the bed.

As Li Meng approached, her physique became smaller and smaller, and when Li Meng threw herself into her arms, her height was already less than two meters.

She didn't do anything, but Li Meng lying on the bed couldn't move at all, as if there was a force restraining him.

She lay on her side next to Li Meng, with one hand propped on her head, looked at Li Meng lazily, and chuckled: "My baby, it's been a long time since I saw you. Why, do you want to be a slave?"

She stretched out a slender hand and walked on Li Meng's chest. Although it was a spiritual body, Li Meng couldn't resist the feeling that came from the depths of the soul.

She seemed to perceive Li Meng’s reaction, she smiled faintly, and said, “Look, I’ll just say, you suit me well, come on, don’t resist the desire in your heart, let it vent, obey it, obey that feeling , You will discover a new world, a free, unfettered world."

In this regard, Li Meng just turned his head and ignored this terrifying and disgusting guy.

She is a woman and a man. Li Meng has seen his posture as a man. How could he be interested in abnormal monsters.

Seeing Li Meng dared to ignore her, she looked cold, and used that hand to pull Li Meng's face fiercely, and said coldly: "My patience is limited. You can't refuse me. You are mine. You must obey me, obey the fantasy of me, obey the desire of me."


Li Meng smiled coldly, looked at the beautiful and hideous face in front of him, and mocked: "Do you think I would be interested in monsters that are not male or female? I don't have that hobby. When I think of you, you are not male or female. Female monsters just feel sick."


With a clear applause, she slapped Li Meng severely in anxious manner.

Will she be angry?

No, she won't be angry...

Facing Li Meng's sarcasm, she laughed and laughed, haha's laughter echoed in the hall.

The anger on her face disappeared, she stroked Li Meng’s face, and said idiotically: "You are very smart, knowing that I can't use more "perverted" methods to make you surrender and make you fall, because you will "flee" , I like your cleverness, but don’t forget, I’m a sexual abuse, although I don’t like conspiracy and tricks like Trick, but sometimes, I don’t care about playing a game in the material world. Hmm... let me think about..."

She pursed her mouth, seeming to be talking to herself, and whispered in her mouth: "Black Flag Empire, Lost Star Territory, what should we do? If you play a game of chess in this small place, what will happen to my little baby, his What will happen to the empire, ah... the consequences are really unimaginable."

Speaking of this, she lifted Li Meng's chin and said with a faint smile: "My little baby, don't you think?"

She knows...

Knowing the Lost Star Territory, also knows the Black Flag Empire.

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "What do you want?"


Looking at Li Meng’s not handsome face, she whispered: "My little baby, the outside world is very big. Human beings are not only in the Lost Star Territory, but outside, with hundreds of thousands of worlds. Civilization can be easily destroyed by me. You said that the little lost star field can escape my palm?"

Li Meng didn't know the evil gods in the subspace, but he also knew that they were beyond imagination.

If the Black Flag Empire is really targeted by it, at least the current Black Flag Empire is powerless to resist.

In his heart, Li Meng sighed helplessly. He was still a god, and was threatened by the evil **** of the subspace. What's more ridiculous was that he was powerless to resist.

She moved forward slightly, nestled in Li Meng’s arms, and whispered in her mouth: "Obey me, surrender me, and become my demon prince. I will let you keep your original posture in the material world. Then, you It is my demon prince and the emperor of the Black Flag Empire."

With an indifferent expression, Li Meng said indifferently: "Submit you, obey you, and become your demon prince, am I still me? Can my filthy soul maintain itself? It is absolutely impossible..."

With a cold face, he raised his head to look at Li Meng, squinted his eyes, and said calmly: "My little baby, don't you force me..."

In this regard, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and said: "You can't threaten me, even if I lose everything, it doesn't matter. I will protect myself, keep me away from the subspace forever, survive forever, and let you be forever. I can’t see me, I can’t get me, maybe I will get revenge, betray my soul, to treacherous, to terror, and even to Nurgle allegiance."

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