Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1834: Saya

"The guards attacked, and all the frigates moved upwards, forming a front to block the enemy fighters..."

Under Beavis's order, the guards attacked, and nearly a thousand guards escaped from the fleet and attacked upward.

There are too many enemy fighters, tens of thousands, or even more, like locusts all over a large starry sky.

Beavis understands that only frigates equipped with a large number of fixed-point defense guns can effectively resist enemy fighters.

Once enemy fighters flood into the fleet, it will cause a lot of trouble to the fleet, and even the possibility of a full-scale collapse.

With an order, the fleet in the charge changed its formation.

So the frigate moved upwards, and a line was lined up above the capital ship.

Above the battlefield, the guards and the enemy fighters entangled together, and the flames burst suddenly.

In terms of mobility, although the guards are superior to the opponent, the number of enemy fighters is too much.

Although a large number of fighters were destroyed by the guards, the damage rate of the guards was also high.

As soon as the two sides touched, the sky over the battlefield was immediately enveloped by fireballs. Neither fighters nor guards had shields. Once they were hit, they would be destroyed. The speed of damage was naturally not comparable to that of a fleet battle.

In the fleet, due to the existence of shields, even a frigate can support a period of time when it is set on fire. Needless to say, the largest battleship is not to mention, which leads to the time spent in a fleet. very long.

Victory will not happen instantaneously, and will tilt to one side as the warship wears away.

"Warning, the combat distance is already below the warning line, please avoid it..."

The warning from AI made Beavis look upright.

Is it so close already?

Yes, it is very close. Looking out the window, the red fleet's shadow can already be seen with the naked eye in the starry sky in front of the fleet.

With a wave of his hand, Beavis said loudly: "Stop the charge, the whole ship retreats..."

The reason Beavis let the fleet charge is only to allow the enemy fleet to concentrate its firepower on the fleet and prevent the defensive platform on the track from being attacked by fire.

At this time, if you continue to charge, you will soon engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. Once the fleets of both sides are entangled, it will affect the attack frequency of the orbital defense platform, and may even cause accidental injuries.

In the case of few enemies, Beavis can only rely on the defensive platform on the track to enhance the firepower of the fleet, so that the gap between the strengths of the two sides becomes smaller, rather than a one-sided situation.

With an order from Beavis, the fleet stopped the charge and the reverse thrust engine started, slowing the fleet's forward speed until it stopped, and then flew backwards.

In the starry sky, the situation of the confrontation between the two sides suddenly changed. As the first and second legions retreated, the offensive of the Chiyan Stars' fleet became more and more fierce, like a locust pounced on the Trisolaris.

The dense blue and red light beams are intertwined, attacking the opposing fleet like raindrops.

Under the fierce and cruel blue and fiery red light, flames burst out in the starry sky.

A large number of warships in the fleets of both sides were destroyed, and the dazzling firelight was very brilliant...

But over time, with the loss of the battle, the Second Army and the First Army gradually fell into a disadvantage.

A large number of defensive platforms on the track were destroyed, and the fleet was retreating, and eventually it could not retreat.

In the orbit of Trisolaris, the two sides had a final duel...

"The shield has been destroyed, the 012, 037, and 074 areas have been severely damaged, and the energy input has dropped by 30%. Warning..."

With the violent shaking of the ship and the sparks visible everywhere in the bridge, Beavis knew that the battle had reached its most critical moment.

Originally, a large number of cruisers and battleships could be seen around the flagship, but now only destroyers are escorting them.

"Legion commander, we must do something, either charge, fight to the death, or evacuate..."

The chief of staff on the side spoke for the first time. Although his face was firm, he also had a desire to "live" in his eyes.

How to do?

With a slight expression, Beavis said solemnly: "How many warships do we have?"

"There are still 84 warships left, 207 guards, and battle damage is increasing..."

There are more than 300 warships, and now only 84 are left. The outcome of this war is already clear. They won, and Chiyan Stars won.

Beavis said again: "How about the enemy's battle damage?"

"There are 317 existing warships, and the number of fighters is unknown. The number is about 1,500..."

Facing this battle damage, Beavis was relieved.

They are over, even if they win this victory, they are also over.

With a big wave of his hand, Beavis had no fear on his face and said loudly: "Send orders to the entire ship, let us give them the final blow, the entire ship assault..."

The voice is so resolute, and the command is so desperate.

Beavis knew that they couldn't run. This was the orbit of Trisolaris, and there was still a long distance from the edge of the gravity well.

If the fleet leaves at this time, it will only be bitten by the enemy's tail and be wiped out bit by bit.

You can only charge and rush into the enemy's formation. Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope of escape.

On orbit, in a decisive order, the black fleet launched another charge, rushing to the red fleet that was close at hand.

Just as the battle was about to come to an end, in the starry sky not far from the battlefield, a twisted red light suddenly appeared...

"Warning, detection of unknown space fluctuations, detection of unknown gravitational field, warning, warning..."

The warning from the AI ​​made Beavis, who was sitting in the captain's seat waiting for the last moment to arrive, was slightly taken aback.

"Unknown space fluctuations?"

Just as Beavis was stunned, AI's voice sounded again.

"Found the target, captured the signal, unknown ship type, the "Saya" super starship, received the identity information, it is General Saya..."

On the dome of the bridge, captured by the optical lens, a huge black battleship appeared in the starry sky.

Seeing the huge battleship in the picture, Beavis was slightly startled.

General Saye?

People who can be called generals in the Black Flag Empire...


For some reason, Beavis burst out laughing.

"Saya" starship, in the bridge...

The voice from AI made Saya wake up from sleep.

After one year and six months, she finally arrived at Trisola...

Looking at the densely packed enemy and the icons on the right, Saye said calmly: "Go forward at full speed, the cracked gun is ready to fire, calculate the trajectory, and order the ship on the right to evacuate immediately and avoid the opponent's flagship. We have to catch it. "

In the starry sky, the blue flames from the tail of the huge battleship burst out like a sea of ​​flames pushing the battleship closer to the battlefield.

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