Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1848: Nuclear fission strike

Listening to the report of "Ya", Tan Ya's expression sank slightly. Only then did Tan Ya realize that her understanding of Blue Domain Stars was too limited.

I only know the crab and shrimp tribe, but I don't know other forces and races.

However, she didn't need to know...

At this time, in the sea to the northwest of the carrier-based ship, a large area of ​​underwater vehicles stopped advancing and stopped floating in the water.

"Prince Timothy, the Chaif ​​clan is approaching the alien spacecraft. They ignored our warning. We must do something. We must stop them..."

In a huge vehicle, in a transparent bridge, listening to the call from the Crabmaster in the communicator, sitting on the soft seat, Timothy was unmoved.

He smiled faintly, and said, "Leader Crab, we can't fight the Chaifu clan because of aliens. Wait and listen to my orders."

Crab: "Prince Emperor Moss, the Queen said that the Chafman should not be allowed to approach the alien spacecraft, even if a war is launched, have you forgotten Her Majesty's instructions?"

With a cold face, Timothy said coldly: "Leader Crab, I am the highest commander of the front line, the ruler of this army, you must either follow my orders or return to your domain."

Crab: "You can't do this, you can't ignore Her Majesty's orders."

Timothy calmly said: "I can, I am the commander of this army, I am the mother's son, she will support me, this is for the future of the water kingdom, but also for the future of the five races."


In a red vehicle, Crab slammed the communication station with that big tongs.

This made the surrounding crabs and shrimps look at each other, a little unclear.

Only then did Crab know what kind of attention their prince was playing, and what they were playing was the same attention as the Chaifu clan.

"That stupid, arrogant, arrogant bastard, the water kingdom will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later..."

With an angry roar, Crab's anger was beyond words.

But now, anger is useless, he must do something.

Looking back, Crab shouted loudly: "Send a sentry to go to "Atlantis" at full speed, saying that Prince Emperor Moss has violated Her Majesty’s order and intends to start war with aliens, go quickly..."

At this moment, in the water to the southwest, a large piece of dark gray water vehicle approached the carrier ship, but the distance was only 15 nautical miles.

In the water, close to the surface of the sea, a black shadow swept across the water, facing the ship-based ship.

"Warning, detection of an unknown mechanical object approaching at high speed, detection of fission reaction, warning, prediction of a fission blow, please be prepared for earthquakes..."

Hearing "Ya"'s warning, Tan Ya's face was only gloomy.

Very well, they really dare to use nuclear weapons. This is a full-scale war, so let it be as they wish.


At this moment, a huge water column suddenly broke out on the hull of the ship-based ship on the southwest side.

The deafening explosion sounded immediately, and a circle of visible air waves swept around. The huge water column lifted up to a height of nearly 1,000 meters, and the entire sea surface, several nautical miles, collapsed.

The shield on the southwest side of the carrier-based ship flickered violently, and the blue light was dazzling.

When the rising water column fell behind again, the sea was surging, and waves swept into the distance.

When the rising water mist subsided, on the sea, the ship-borne ship was safe, just undulating with the rippling sea.

At this moment, under the far water surface in the southwest, dense black shadows swept across the water and headed to the ship-borne ship not far away.

"Unidentified machinery is detected approaching at high speed, fission reaction is detected, number 107, warning, unknown machinery is detected approaching, direction, northwest wind, number 204... Fission reaction is detected, warning, please evacuate... …"

Has the water kingdom also launched an attack?

Listening to the report of "Ya", Tan Ya was relieved. This may be the choice of the intelligent race on the Blue Star.

Talking slightly, Tan Ya said calmly: "Get out."

Following Tan Ya's order to "evacuate", the ship-based ship that had been floating on the sea suddenly shook.

In the turbulent waves of the sea, the huge ship-borne ship gradually separated from the sea and raised its height.

At a height of tens of meters, the ship-based ship tilted upward slightly, and the blue flames of the tail engine burst, pushing the ship-based ship forward bit by bit, faster and faster.

At this moment, in the turbulent sea, only a mechanical "roar" was heard. Hundreds of black shadows sprang out of the water and rushed towards the ship tens of meters high. They flew out of the water. Flying.


I saw the dazzling light flashes, once, twice, countless times.

The entire sky was torn apart, and the sky was reflected in red. In the deafening explosions time and time again, mushroom clouds appeared around the ship-borne ship.

The air waves and flames tore the sky apart, and bursts of screams tore the sky in a radius of tens of nautical miles.

In the soaring flame mushroom cloud, the huge ship-borne ship was swallowed by flames...


In the continuous explosion, the shield of the ship-borne ship finally shattered.

The flames and air waves, as well as the high temperature and impact of the explosion, directly hit the hull of the carrier-based ship.

In the sky, the flames suddenly surging, and in the metal "groan", the huge ship-based ship burst into the flames and fell to the sea.


The huge ship-borne ship fell heavily into the sea, splashing a circle of water jets, forming a circle of huge waves.

When everything subsided, the huge ship-based ship was sinking and floating on the sea, the entire hull was incomplete, large pieces of armor were torn, the cabins inside were clearly visible, and countless wrecks were flying in the sky, like raindrops falling into the water. .

Falling, the alien's spacecraft crashed.

Looking at this scene on the screen, Emperor Moss showed excitement, and he exclaimed in excitement: "Go ahead, destroy the Chachaf tribe, the alien spaceship is ours, hurry, the whole army is dispatched..."

Under the excited roar of Timothy, the underwater fleet began to advance, and thousands of combat vehicles rushed toward the place where the ship-based ship fell into the water.

"Crab, charge me, you are on the battlefield now, you must listen to my orders, the spaceship will sink, as long as you reach the bottom of the sea, the aliens will take us and give me no choice..."

In the red combat vehicle, listening to Timothy's roar, Crab sighed helplessly, and had to wave his hand: "Go out."

With an order from it, the crab and shrimp clan combat vehicles that stopped moving to keep up with the large forces, together to kill the Chai Fu clan.

Soon, around the sinking ship-based ship, the Chaifu clan became one with the water kingdom.

Under the water, there are explosive flames flickering from time to time, and a large number of wreckages float on the surface of the water, there are also corpses, a large number of corpses, and **** corpses.

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