Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 192: Upset

Putting her hands down from her forehead, and holding Li Meng's arms with her hands, she said generously and naturally: "It's not early at night! Commander! Let's rest!"

Li Meng looked slightly stunned, he seemed to have heard something wrong.

But after thinking about it, Li Meng seemed to understand something.

"Sakiya asked you to come?"

Tan Ya nodded, there is no need to lie about this: "She has some inconvenience these days, I will be with the commander at night!"


After a little thought, Li Meng understood the reason.

That girl made her own claim again.

Li Meng felt a little helpless.

Looking at Tan Ya, Li Meng said, "This is the end of the matter! I take your mind, but, Tan Ya! You are a soldier, and you should have the dignity of being a soldier. Don't embarrass yourself for some things! I will not use my identity to force you!"

Tan Ya's expression became a little cheerful, and she was still very pleased and happy that the commander had such thoughts.

In this case, she couldn't give up this task even more.

The hands holding Li Meng's arm were held tighter, and the full double peaks were deformed tightly on Li Meng's arm.

The softness of the arms also made Li Meng quite uncomfortable.

Tan Ya chuckled lightly: "I don't have trouble with myself. Before I became a soldier, I was also a woman, commander! Don't underestimate your charm. Although your appearance is ordinary, your temperament is unique. It's different. For any woman, that temperament cannot be rejected!"

Allis, Morgan, Li Lanxin, Li Muling, Sakuya, return her, Tan Ya, why so many women are surrounded by Li Meng and intertwined with Li Meng is not without reason.

The so-called "temperament" is a very mysterious thing. Everyone's temperament is different. Some temperament will be eye-catching, some temperament will be disgusting, and some temperament will be liked. Approach it.

And Li Meng's temperament is a kind of temperament that can attract people and can't help but feel good about it, especially for women.

Sniffing the fragrance from Tan Ya, the familiar smell let Li Meng know that Tan Ya was ready.

In this case, he doesn't need to refuse.

Li Meng knew very well that he needed sleep, enough sleep.

Sufficient sleep is also great for his brain.

During sleep, the flow of mental power from the subject to the avatar of the spiritual body will speed up, allowing the avatar to grow faster.

"let's go!"

Li Meng has never been a hesitating person. There is a beauty to accompany him at night. This is something that many people can't even imagine, how can he refuse.

Tan Ya smiled slightly and followed Li Meng's steps to the third floor of the suite.

This is the first time Tanya has come to the commander's room.

When following the commander into the room, look at everything in the room.

When she saw the big bed, Tan Ya finally turned red.

"I'm going to take a shower. There are pajamas in the closet. It should be your size. Let's change it!"

Before entering the bathroom, Li Meng turned around and said something.

This made Tan Ya, who was standing in the room, nodded slightly flustered.

Seeing Tan Ya's appearance, Li Meng smiled and then entered the bathroom.

When Li Meng's figure disappeared behind the bathroom door, Tan Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

She began to look around the room, undoubtedly more at ease when she was alone.

Tan Ya looked here and there, and finally came to the closet.

Opening the closet, Tan Ya's eyes lit up.

There are many beautiful clothes in the closet.

Turning left and right, Tan Ya found that most of the clothes in the closet were skirts, and the second two with a special style, most of them were Gothic maid outfits, with a full range of colors.

Tanya thought of Sakuya, only that woman would wear these clothes.

In her heart, Tan Ya muttered to herself.

Where's the pajamas?

Where are the pajamas?

Looking around, Tan Ya finally found her pajamas in a corner of the closet.

A purple pajama!

How does it look like a skirt?

The kind with suspenders.

This is too thin.

Looking at the pajamas in his hand blankly, Tan Ya was quite speechless.

Do you really want to wear this?

He glanced at the closet again.

Tan Ya found that she seemed to have no choice.

You must hurry, if the commander comes out...

Tan Ya is not interested in **** and changing clothes in front of a man.

That kind of scene is too shy.


The bathroom door was opened.

Li Meng walked out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel.

Tan Ya was taken aback for a moment, this is too fast, how could it be done so quickly.

Looking at the pajamas in her hand, Tan Ya's expression became a little twisted.

Is it really necessary to undress and change clothes in front of the commander?

This this……

Seeing Tan Ya staying in front of the closet looking at her pajamas in a daze, Li Meng walked and said, "What? Do you want to sleep in your dress?"

After coming to Tan Ya, Li Meng made a bold move. He stretched out his hand and unzipped the skirt of Tan Ya's back.

With his hands moving, Li Meng said, "You can't get a good night's sleep like this! Come on! Take it off!"

Tan Ya was completely unable to move. She couldn't resist, and didn't want to resist. She could only let the commander take off her skirt and her white body was exposed.

Full of twin peaks, mysterious triangles, attractive curves, all over the body exudes an aura of temptation, Tan Ya's face is slightly ruddy, a little twitched, while Li Meng is relatively calm.

He put on pajamas for Tan Ya himself.

However, the pajamas, which are as thin as veil, seem to be transparent. You can see the flesh color under the pajamas. The nightdress is very short, only reaching the base of the thigh. The white thighs are clearly visible, and the mysterious triangle is looming.

Tan Ya in her pajamas is even more attractive.

Seeing Tan Ya's attractive appearance now, even Li Meng had the instinctive reaction that a man should have.

Li Meng smiled helplessly and said: "You guys! Are you testing my concentration? Sakiya is also, so are you, you say! What should I do with you!"

The commander's extremely depressing words made Tan Ya sneer.

Taking a look at Li Meng, Tan Ya let go of herself. She happily said: "Commander! We didn't say anything, I'm here, you can do whatever you want!"

After speaking, Tan Ya also cast a wink at Li Meng.

This look can completely mess up Li Meng's heart.

I don't know where I was, I took Tan Ya's hand to his arms, and the two of them hugged and fell onto the bed.

The soft bed is a good cushion.

Looking at Tan Ya quietly below her, she closed her eyes, her face was ruddy, and she looked like Ren Jun was tasting.

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