Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 460: collect

"In this world! There are many monsters. Humans collectively refer to them as "Ferocious Beasts." Many ferocious beasts will have a nodule formed from pollutants, also known as "Raw Stone". "Raw Stone" is ours and the number one. The things needed by the Legion are of extremely high research value. In "Ayre", "Raw Stone" can help countries study "energy" and "Elements". It is the existence of competition among countries! It is also the root of the growth of our First Legion!"

"and so!"

Yeromanfu looked around the mobilized soldiers in his eyes, and said: "On this beach, many corpses have "rough stones", and all you have to do is to find "rough stones" from these corpses. "Raw stones" only It exists in two places, one is the head and the other is the heart. If the "rough stone" is not found in these two places, don't waste time and continue searching in the next corpse!"

"Now! Let's start! Look for "Raw Stones" and pile up the bodies you searched for!"

Through the communicator, Yeromanev's words were heard by all the mobilized soldiers on the beach.

Under Yeroumanv's gaze, the mobilizers on the beach began to move.

Under the command of officers from various regiments, battalions, companies, and squads, more than 3,000 soldiers were divided into countless small groups and started separate operations.

The sharp dagger was taken into the hand, and the mobilizers began to cut up the dead beast.

Perhaps the cut corpses did not belong to humans, but were non-human monsters. The mobilization of soldiers looked clean and neat. Under the sharp dagger, one corpse was opened.

The beach that seemed a bit **** and hideous became even more depressing.

The polluting beasts are okay, the scales on their bodies are not hard, and many places are soft, and the corpses are easy to dissect.

The dissection of the corpse of the sea beast is not so easy. The whole body of the sea beast except the abdomen is covered by a hard carapace. The mobilizer can only work together to turn the body of the sea beast over and expose the abdomen. Come, so that you can start cutting from the abdomen with a dagger.

In this case, a lot of time will undoubtedly be wasted.

However, there is no other way. Without good conditions, sometimes it can only waste some time.

One by one rough mobilized soldiers were found out of the corpses, and one after another corpses mobilized soldiers broke their stomachs.

The blood of the beast that has been dead for a long time has solidified, but the slimy liquid dropped on the beach makes the scalp numb.

Over time, with the efforts of more than three thousand mobilized soldiers, one beach after another was revealed.

However, the color of the beach is no longer the golden yellow it used to be. It has become a piece of green, a piece of sand covered with green liquid, and the scene is extremely hideous.

On the beach, piles of corpses were piled up. The tallest corpse mountain was almost level with the dock of the dock and was more than 20 meters high.

On the beach, more corpse mountains are being piled up.

In this battle, there are probably no fewer than 100,000 carcasses left by the beast.

Several hours later, less than three-tenths of the corpses on the land were cleaned up, and none of the corpses on the water in the bay had moved. To restore the bay to its pre-station appearance, it takes a lot of time. time.

While mobilizing the troops, Jevric came to the top of the mountain on the right side of the bay.

The way to climb the mountain is a bit difficult, but ordinary mobilizers can go up, which is certainly not a problem for Jevrich.

Standing on the top of the mountain, everything in front of me became very broad.

On the left is the wide bay. Looking from the top of the mountain to the bay, you can see the sea with floating corpses, and you can also see the wide beach. The piles of corpse mountains on the beach, and the busy figures, everything is clearly visible.

Especially the huge dock is even more obvious.

Looking behind the dock, the traces of a harbor are very obvious.

On the left is the endless sea.

The weather today is good, there is no wind, and there are not too many clouds in the sky. When the sun shines, you can see a golden light on the edge of the sky.

Today's sea is very calm, there are no big waves, the surface of the sea is only rippling slightly, it looks shimmering, so beautiful.

"Since the sea beast left, the open sea has been very calm, and no changes have been noticed!"

Beside Jevrich, a mobilizer spoke.

On both sides of the summit of the bay, mobilized troops have always been stationed to conduct necessary surveillance of the outer sea.

This is necessary, and in this dangerous world, you can't take it lightly at any time.


Jevric responded softly.

The reason why he came here, Javrich was not concerned about the movements of the sea beasts, but was observing the nearby terrain.

Although the First Army built a port in the bay, Jevrich did not know the topography of the bay.

Although Jevrich was involved in the original plan to build the port, he didn't know much about it.

No one in the First Army has the right to decide the choice of the port address. The decision is all in the hands of the commander.

The location of the port was also determined by the commander.

As the guardian of the port construction, the only thing Jevrich needs to do is to perform the task, and does not observe more than the surrounding area.

Taking advantage of this time, it happened to observe the terrain near the port.

In terms of topography, this bay is indeed a natural port. Although the deep-water area in the bay only occupies a small part, the area of ​​the deep-water area is sufficient to build a medium-sized military port. In the future, conditions are available. After some excavation works, there is no problem with accommodating a large military port in the bay.

The mountains on both sides of the bay can not only withstand storms and big waves, but also build a large lighthouse on it to guide the direction of sailing ships.

In terms of terrain alone, the location of the commander is very accurate.

The only drawback is probably the inconvenience of defense.

The exit of the bay is still a bit too big, and the distance between the mountains on both sides is one kilometer.

The exit is too large, not only cannot completely block storms and big waves, but also the sea beasts that invade the outer seas cannot provide good defense.

Unless a city wall connects the two mountains and isolates the bay from the open sea, the only way to ensure the safety of the port.

However, building a city wall at the entrance and exit of the bay is not a small project.

The difficulties are not easy to solve.

Even if it can be resolved, it is a very time-consuming task.

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