Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 597: The fury of nature

After speaking, Sun Haiwang once again exhorted: "I don't think this storm will end in a short time. This person, once he stays at home, it is easy to cause trouble, especially the group of businessmen who were in business not long ago. The widows and orphans under the police are easily bullied. There are only 60,000 civilians in Qingcheng and nearly 1,000 armed members of the security squad. If even a small security cannot be maintained, this is your dereliction of duty!"

To the captain’s reminder, Cheng Wei nodded and said solemnly: "Don’t worry! Captain! I have arranged full guards in all the guard boxes in Qingcheng, and there are security teams to patrol the dense housing areas. I am strictly abiding by the laws formulated by the Legion, and they understand the consequences of breaking the law. On this point, our security team will not be merciful!"


Sun Haiwang nodded softly, and responded softly.

Looking at the captain, Cheng Wei said goodbye: "I have something else! Then I will leave first!"


Nodded lightly, under Sun Haiwang's gaze, Cheng Wei left, and his figure disappeared behind the door.


The opened door was gently closed again.

His gaze stayed on the closed door for a while. When he retracted his gaze, Sun Haiwang picked up the file on the table and looked at it.

In that stack of documents is the historical process of Qingcheng, and it is also an experience of Qingcheng on the way forward.

When nothing and little things come together, the face of Qingcheng will emerge clearly.

For Sun Haiwang, is it another political resource in the stack of documents?

Enough understanding is the greatest political resource.


When a person is in the incomparable sea, he will feel his own smallness.

No matter how mighty and huge the carrier is stepping on, to the sea, it is just a drop of water in the ocean, extremely small.

When nature is angry, the sea is suddenly disturbed by storms.

The sea shrouded in darkness is even more surging, with huge waves surging.

Dark clouds are rolling, the world is changing color, and the power of nature is manifested vividly in this storm.

No matter what kind of existence it is, at this time, it can only temporarily avoid the edge of the sea.

however! Nothing is absolute, even nature has its opponents.

The South China Sea is undergoing violent storms, and the waters where the "Emperor" stays are also becoming disturbed.

Although the small island blocks a lot of the "kinetic energy" that swept through, even the aftermath can cause irritation on the water surface.

At some point, the sea surface leeward of the island became disturbed, as if something was stirring in the water, causing the sea surface to undulate violently.

The disturbance of the sea also drove the ships anchored on the sea.

Dozens of ships are like flat boats on the sea, crumbling, looking like they might sink at any time.

Even the "Emperor" cannot stabilize itself at this moment. The violently shaking sea also makes the huge "Emperor" sway from side to side, like a driftwood in a torrent, although it will not sink, but Will go with the flow.

In the dimness, countless figures were running on the decks of the ships, braving the rain curtain, they were moving nervously.

"Quick! Fix all things!"

"Be careful! Stay away from the ship's side, if you fall into the sea, no one can save you!"

"Hurry up! Clear the deck when you are done!"

The shaking of the hull affected their actions, and often a large tilt would cause people to overturn.

Fortunately, there is still a half-height side of the ship, blocking a lot of sliding figures.

In the Broken Sword Pirate Group, there are not many armed ships, accounting for only half of them. The remaining ships are civilian ships. Whether civilian ships or armed ships, they came out this time. There are many things on the deck of the ship. It is the family of Broken Sword Pirates.

The disturbance of the sea surface is getting bigger and bigger, and the shaking of the hull caused a lot of materials to fall into the sea.

In order to avoid loss, under someone's order, those who stayed in the ship had to leave the safe cabin and come to the deck to fix the supplies under the storm.

The hustle and bustle in the dimness lasted only a short time, and before long, the lights on the deck disappeared.

On the undulating sea, only the shadows of the ships struggling on the surging sea.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose too much! Although those things are all things outside of the body, they are the property of all the members of the Broken Sword Pirate Group. Even if we get to Nanlin Island, we need those things!"

The order to fix the materials on the deck was given by Chen Hui.

This order may be dangerous, and it may cause a lot of personal damage.

But in Chen Hui's view, this is necessary.

In any case, no matter where you live, wealth is indispensable. Without wealth, there is no ideal place to make people happy.

The commotion was over, and the only good news was that no one lost his life because of his orders.

In the cabin of the iron armored ship, facing the question of the elder sister Chen Nannan, Chen Hui answered calmly.

"Well! For us, this is the only good thing!"

Chen Nannan, who was on the seat behind the table, responded softly and said in general.

Chen Nannan knew about the commotion on the deck, and she knew it from the moment it happened.

Although it is known that there is a certain danger in acting on the deck at this time, as Chen Hui said, the materials on the deck are the capital of the Broken Sword Pirate Group. Once lost due to this storm, the Broken Sword Pirate Group For all people, it was a big blow.

In the violent shaking, Chen Hui barely stood up straight and looked at Chen Nannan behind the table and said: "Sister! The food shortage is the same in every boat. Now the boat people are panicking, and there have been some bad discussions! Look..., is the elder sister come forward to comfort them?"


An unexpected glance at Chen Hui, Chen Nannan refused.

"There is nothing to say now. Everyone is experiencing the same threats. The more I say, the more serious it will make them feel that the situation is serious. Now, no matter what you or I need to be silent, no matter what they discuss, they cannot change The status quo of the Broken Sword Pirate Group, over time, they will understand this!"

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