Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 602: Factional disputes

"It’s easy to say. Don’t forget that this world is not our human beings’ final say. Leaving the city walls, humans have no possibility of survival. Besides, our defense zone has a long coastline. Force guard? It is impossible to stop them from landing!"

"Yes! We can't stop them from landing!"

Faced with many doubts and questions, Ji Wei smiled faintly, and said: "In some respects, we are equal to the First Army. Crisis is everywhere in the forest. We are afraid. Of course, the First Army is not listed here. Under the same conditions, the First Army would never choose to land on the long coastline. The reason is very simple. There are many polluted beasts in my country of Bentley. Once they choose to land in uninhabited fields, they will only rely on polluting beasts. Let them exhaust!"

No matter when, the threat of polluting beasts cannot be ignored, Jivi knows this well.

They could not ignore the threat of polluting beasts, and of course neither could the First Army.

"Do you know the direction of the First Army's attack?"

This question made everyone look at Ji Wei, including Messeg, who was sitting in the main seat.

With many gazes, Jiviy said calmly: “In fact, if you think about it carefully, it’s easy to think of the direction of the First Army’s offensive. It can also be said that the First Army has no choice. Only by attacking this place can it attack us. Bentley poses a threat!"

"Jivi! Just say it! Don't go around in circles!"

Messeger was a little impatient.

If they know the direction of attack of the First Army, they can seize the opportunity.

Facing the urging of Captain Masegh, Jiviy nodded, looked straight, and said: "Turner Island! The gateway to Marani Bay, this island will definitely become the first attack target of the First Army! Only occupy Only here can they have a suitable front-line base, relying on this island, the First Army can move forward and retreat freely when fighting against us!"

"There is no need to doubt this. Looking at the entire Bentley country, the location of Turner Island is simply perfect. Coupled with the powerful sea power of the First Army, once occupied, the First Army is like pinching our necks with one hand. , But for the hand on the neck we cannot break free, we can only suffocate by this hand bit by bit and die!"

Because of Jivi's words, everyone looked at each other and started talking in a low voice.

There was another "buzz" sound in the conference room.

Messegg, who was sitting on the main seat, was lost in thought by Jivi's words.

For a moment, amidst the crowd's discussion, Messeg raised his head and looked around at the crowd.

Seeing that Messag was about to speak, everyone consciously stopped talking and looked at the commander in charge.

They are waiting for the final conclusion.

As everyone watched, Messeg said solemnly: "Time waits for no one! No matter whether the First Army will attack Turner Island or not, we must strengthen the defense of this island!"

After speaking, Messeg focused his eyes on the two sitting together at the round table, and said: "Vade, Via, your two brothers are responsible for defending Turner Island! Jivi’s fleet will assist you!"


At the round table, two relatively young middle-aged men sitting upright nodded slightly, responding to Commander Messegh's instructions.


Messeg turned his head and looked at Jivi not far away.

Of course Jiviy knew what Captain Messag was going to say, and nodded: "Understood! I will assist the two captains to transport their soldiers to Turner Island!"

"But... Master Messeger, once a war breaks out around Turner Island as we thought, once the battle begins, the First Army will use a powerful warship to cut off our connection with Turner Island. At this time, Turner Island will be isolated and helpless. In order to cope with a protracted war that may occur, sufficient supplies must be stocked on Turner Island so that the two captains can fight without worries!"

At this time, Vader said: "Master Jivi is right. The materials must be prepared! Only in this way can we cope with the high-intensity battle!"

Messeger nodded and said: "I will tell the chief logistics officer about this! After the meeting, I will let him act immediately and the supplies will be shipped to Nat Island!"

The three nodded, like this, things are much easier.

Time waits for no one, and no one knows when the First Army will arrive.

At the end of the meeting, Messegard said: "The communication lines at the border are being restored. Once restored, the entire territory of Bentley will be reconnected. By then, communications across the country will be unimpeded. For the future of Bentley, And whether there will be a crisis in the future, border roads must be prepared to remove roadblocks at any time!"

Due to the separation of the territories of the other two commanders in the Messag’s defense area, due to some contradictions at the beginning, Messag ordered to cut off the communication lines with the other two places, which caused the inconvenience of Bentley’s communication. The three places were completely separated. The independence of Bentley also gradually divided Bentley into three parts.

Without the invasion of the First Army, over time, a few generations later, judging from the current situation of Bentley at that time, whether Bentley would still exist at that time would be a big question.

Is the communication line restored?

Everyone was stunned, and looked at Messeg on the main seat unexpectedly.

When Commander Messeger ordered to cut off the communication lines and completely isolate the three places, many people opposed it.

Although there are factions, they do not want to affect the development of Bentley.

Before that, whenever someone talked about this topic, Captain Messeger would be furious, but this time he took the initiative to repair the communication line. How could this surprise them?

As if perceiving everyone’s surprise, Messeger laughed at himself: “I’m not stupid. When facing external forces, we must be united. I also hope that they can be smarter. If they still choose to fall into trouble at this time, this can only be done. It means that the time has come to subdue the country!"

Everyone was silent, of course they knew the contradiction between the three commanders.

This is not just a personal benefit, but a division of factions.

The three-point military system of Bentley has been going on for a long time, regardless of the commander of the army, this factional dispute has never disappeared.

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