Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 609: Tense situation

The same was true for the fleet of the First Army, and the same was true for the defenders on Turner Island.

When the dense fog slowly dissipated, the towering bridge on the sea in the distance, the mighty and majestic hull was also exposed to the eyes of the defenders of the Fortress of Turner Island.

Looking at the large area of ​​warships looming in the mist on the distant sea, Bentley soldiers on the fortress wall suddenly rioted.

"The enemy appears! The enemy fleet appears!"

"Quick! Sound the alarm!"

"Immediately notify the two lords!"

As the soldiers rushed, the warning sound of "Woo" suddenly rang hoarse in the fortress. The sound was so loud that a large area of ​​the sea could be heard.

The appearance of the alarm made the originally quiet fortress suddenly become riot.

Countless soldiers wearing gray leather uniforms boarded the city wall and rushed to their posts.

The dense figures on the city wall were shaking, and Luo Yi kept on with the sound of footsteps.

On the city wall facing northwest, rows of soldiers stood on the wide city wall behind the battlements, nervously looking at the sea in the distance, the fleet that looked aggressive.

The huge hull, the numerous barrels, the floating black flags, everything made them feel the pressure from the spirit.

"Master Wan Fu! You are here!"

Under the tense gaze of the soldiers, two figures climbed up the wall on this side, and a commander of the army garrisoned this section of the wall quickly greeted them.

"Ready to fight"

The pace did not stop, Vader just exhorted.


While they were talking, the two had reached the top of the wall, behind the battlements, looking at the mist-shrouded sea in the distance.

The fog is very weak, and nothing can be hidden.

The enemy fleet anchored on the sea is clearly visible.

At the same time, Vader and Via picked up the telescopes in their hands and looked at the fleet on the sea in the distance.

Everything is clear in the lens.

On the sea, the formation of the fleet made Vader look heavy.

While observing, Vader said: "Big Brother! The enemy fleet is ready to attack. You are really right. I'm afraid this war won't be as dead as before!"

Like Vader, Via's expression is equally heavy.

The distant fleet gave Via a great pressure.

It's too strong, just looking at the appearance of those fleets gives people a hideous feeling.

That is hideous in "firepower".

It's no wonder that Jivi's fleet will return in a panic, fighting such a powerful warship, and their Bentley fleet can't have any chance of winning.

Fleeing to save power is the only correct way.

"Those battleships are really "bad"! No wonder Jivi’s fleet flees in a hurry. What is the origin of the First Army? Those battleships are not something anyone can own! Small forces? Is the information we got wrong? ?"

Whether a battleship is powerful can be seen from its appearance.

Although the enemy fleet’s battleships are large and small, the lines of each ship are very slender and smooth. The layout on the deck is perfect, and the firepower is extremely fierce. The turrets, the numerous barrels, each ship The battleship is like a hedgehog.

A hedgehog full of artillery.

Judging from the appearance, the numerous barrels gave people a kind of almost suffocating pressure.

Yup! How can a small force have such a powerful fleet?

What Vader was puzzled was exactly what Via was puzzled.

However, this is not the time to think about this.

Via solemnly said: "Get ready to fight!"

Putting down the telescope, the two left the city wall.

As the highest officer of the fortress, the position of the two is of course not at the front line, but at the rear.

Their safety is the biggest factor that guarantees victory in this battle.

No matter who died, the morale of the troops under his command would be affected.

As long as the two survive, the soldier in the fort will hold on to the last one.

Turner Island is the gateway to Marani Bay and is very close to the coastline.

Marani Bay is a gourd-shaped sea deep inland, while Turner Island is in the middle of the gourd mouth.

Looking south and north, the coastline of Bentley is clearly visible, no more than 7 nautical miles.

Before the battle started, the Fleet of the First Army had a new operation.

The two destroyers left the fleet and began a blockade in the waters around Turner Island.

The waters near Turner Island are the only entrance to Marani Bay. As long as the nearby waters are blocked, the city of Marani will be isolated.

The effect of this action by the First Army was very obvious. Ships entering and leaving Marani Bay were blocked by the First Army at the entrance of Marani Bay.

From this moment on, no ships can enter or leave Marani Bay.

Regarding the actions of the First Army, the defenders in the fort had no choice but to watch the enemy block the sea.

Although the coastal defense guns in the fort could touch the two warships cruising in the nearby waters, they did not dare.

Because their task is to defend Turner Island, the longer the time delay, the better. Of course, they can't take the lead to open fire and let the enemy attack.

For the changes in Bentley, a war around Bentley is about to take place. This point, the merchants who were blocked by the First Army are very curious.

The merchant ship was stopped. For those merchants, this was not unacceptable.

Without Bentley, they can still go elsewhere. All they need is a little time.

The attack on Bentley was a big event for those businessmen.

Soon, news of the attack on Bentley will probably be spread around the South China Sea because of those merchants.

The change in the open sea, the emergence of the First Army Fleet, the news soon passed back to Marani City.

The news was brought back by the departing merchant ships. They wanted to leave, but the open sea was blocked and they could only return to Marani.

The news that the merchants brought back from the sea was passed quickly, and soon spread throughout the city of Marani. Whether it was the military or the civilians, the news was received almost at the same time.

The only difference between the two is that the military has been psychologically prepared, and the appearance of the First Army was unexpected and expected.

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