Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 616: Douville's Fear

When there was a commotion on the deck, the muzzle of the three crystal cannons and the black hole had begun to flash green.

Li Meng in the sky also sensed the abnormal movement of the energy weapons on the spacecraft below.

This time the energy fluctuation seems to be stronger.

His heart moved slightly, this time Li Meng did not dare to be careless, nor would he use a mental shield to resist the opponent's attack.

Although Li Meng was confident that the shield formed by his mental power would not be easily broken by the opponent.

But it is too boring to always be so defensive. Passive beating is not Li Meng's character.

Although Li Meng had no idea of ​​shooting down the ship from beginning to end, since the other party's reaction was so intense, Li Meng certainly had to respond.

The invisible spiritual force dispersed around, covering the sky of tens of kilometers.

On the top of the black robe, the wind was turbulent, and the air within a radius of tens of kilometers formed a stream of air visible to the naked eye, converging on the top of the black robe.

On the top of the black robe, a white transparent sphere made of air is rolling and spinning, constantly absorbing and squeezing the collected air.

After a few breaths, the air ball on the top of the black robe has expanded to no less than ten meters in diameter.

The white light inside the air ball was flickering, and under the wind visible to the naked eye, the air ball formed by air compression appeared powerful, and even the sky above the black robe was disturbed.

The sky's abnormal movement attracted the attention of everyone on the spaceship deck below.

Seeing the swelling and powerful ball of light on top of the black robe, Duville's gaze was a little frightened.

Although I don't know what kind of attack it is, the power is probably extremely terrifying.

Can't wait any longer. Waiting, who knows how terrifying the enemy's attack power will increase.

"Launch! Attack immediately!"

There was a loud roar, and the voice echoed on the deck.

In the echo of the sound, the crystal cannon charging has ended.

As soon as the words fell, the barrel of the black hole shook sharply, and the green brilliance flickered.

Three green energy **** shot out from the barrel.

Leaving the barrel, the energy ball flying in the air suddenly expanded and turned into three huge energy balls.

Like three green fireballs, the green arc of light on the surface beats, piercing the sky, aggressively rushing towards the black robe figure in the sky.

Seeing three huge green fireballs flying into the air from the spaceship, they attacked violently, and Li Meng moved.

With a thought, the air ball above the black robe suddenly fell, like a meteorite falling from the sky, falling towards the green fireball that hit.

The sky is full of green and white brilliance. When the two brilliance are intertwined, the white air ball touches the green energy ball.

At that moment, a "blow" sound swept the world.


The explosion sounded deafening, like a scream, sweeping away mightily.

The brilliance of all colors flickered, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up, and the flames billowed in the cloud, sometimes mixed with lightning.

Circles of air waves visible to the naked eye swept around, like a huge wave in the sea attacking the spacecraft and the black robe in the sky.

"Get down! Get ready to accept the shock!"

Seeing the white air wave in the sky, Doville roared.

As soon as the words fell, the air wave had hit.


The air wave touched the spacecraft, making it seem to have touched the reef, and there was a violent crash.


The impact at that moment directly tore the sails, and the tall mast creaked and trembled violently, as if it would be broken at any time.

The air waves were like violent winds, hot gusts, causing the people on the deck to turn their horses on their backs and howl.

The powerful air wave also caused the spacecraft to sink sharply, lowering its height, and moving forward close to the clouds.

When the aftermath of the air wave disappeared, the deck was in a mess. Not only did the sails become pieces of rags, but the crew staying on the deck were also suddenly hit by the air wave, like a sledgehammer, that smashed them towards the deck.

The momentum generated at that moment brought them into close contact with the deck.

For the fragile human body, the deck is of course much stronger, and the deck is fine, but the crew members were beaten with blood.

Even Duville received a slight impact. Although Duville got down in time, the air wave hit from above. The impact at that moment was like someone grabbed his head and hit it hard. On the deck, the impact of the head caused Doville's eyes to shine and he fell into a brief faint.

But soon, Duville woke up.

The first thing to do when you wake up is to look up at the sky.

The huge mushroom cloud has dissipated, leaving a few circles of white smoke. In the sky behind the smoke, the huge black robe still stands still.

In his heart, Douville raised a trace of fear.

He looked at the black robe in the sky with horror.

There was a wave of despair in my heart.

Is that the end of his captain career?

Over the past ten years of his career as a captain, he has encountered countless crises, and he can survive every crisis safely, but this time, the heavens seem to no longer care for him.

"Captain! Run away!"


Can you escape?

The opponent has the ability to fly, and the spacecraft itself is not a vehicle that is good at "speed", how can it escape?

Correct! To escape, there is no hope of destroying the enemy, so I can only escape.

Duville did not fall into complete despair.

What if it is a dying struggle?

The chance of "birth" is not without.

Stabilizing his emotions a bit, using the portable communicator on his wrist, Duville contacted the cab.

"Turn on the auxiliary propulsion power, run at full power, enter the clouds, immediately, immediately, we leave here!"

The situation was urgent. During the riots, the crew in the bridge faithfully implemented the captain's orders.


The sound of mechanical rotation suddenly sounded, and the sound became stronger and stronger.

The rotating blades on both sides of the spacecraft's tail turned slowly, and the speed became faster and faster.

During the rotation of the rotating blades, the spacecraft trembles suddenly, and the speed of flight is greatly increased.

Almost at the same time, the spacecraft suddenly dropped in altitude, plunged into the clouds, and disappeared in the clouds.

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