Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 619: heal

With his head down, Li Meng looked at her quietly.

Without a word, Li Meng bent slightly, stretched out his hands and peeked toward "her" on the water while watching the huge blue pupils beside him.

Just when Li Meng's hand was about to touch her.

The eyes of the face flooded by the sea suddenly opened, revealing the blue pupils inside.

Li Meng can feel another line of sight on his body when he pauses his hand out.

The sight disappeared as soon as he touched it slightly. When Li Meng followed the source of his sight, only the eyes she closed again could be seen.

When she closed her eyes, Li Meng saw the blue in her pupils.

Even sober...

This is hard to come by.

Although there was some surprise in his heart, his outstretched hands moved slightly and continued to reach her.

Dive into the sea with both hands, supporting her back with one hand and her tail with the other.

Slightly hard, Li Meng picked up "she" from the water in the splash.

It is lighter than expected.

Holding her and standing above the sea, Li Meng did not leave immediately.

Instead, he looked at the behemoth beside him.

From those pupils, Li Meng felt reluctance and attachment.

I really don't know what connection exists between these two different species, and there is such a close connection.

Without saying much, Li Meng nodded gently to the sea beast next to him.

Immediately his body moved slightly, Li Meng held "she" straight into the sky, his figure turned into a black light and disappeared to the edge of the sky

When the black figure was no longer visible in the sky, the sea beast that emerged from the sea slowly sank into the sea.

The "Woo" sound still echoed, but it fell silent soon.

The figure that was swimming close to the surface of the sea also disappeared with the call, and slowly sank into the deep sea, disappearing without a trace.

Holding "her" in his arms, Li Meng sprinted all the way.

The fast-flying figure turned into a black glow in the sky and swept across the sky and the earth. During the flight, Li Meng opened the mental stand shield to avoid causing a second injury to her in his arms during the fast flight.

Under the clouds, less than half a moment after flying, the "Emperor" sailing on the sea in the distance was clearly visible.

When he found the "Emperor" and approached the "Emperor", Li Meng contacted the master.

"Send the corresponding medical equipment over!"

I saw a black shadow flashing across the sky, and the fast-flying figure paused slightly. On the lower deck of the "Emperor", Li Meng's figure appeared and fell lightly on the deck.

When the foot stepped on the deck, the voice of the master in his head suddenly rang.

"Delivered, the equipment is being installed!"

The speed is quite fast. I didn't expect the medical equipment to be ready.

"Pump! Pinch!"

The rush of footsteps suddenly rang intensively, and a small group of mobilized soldiers hurried out from the corner and walked towards Li Meng.

"Commander! You are..."

Looking at the "person" in the commander's arms, the speaking mobilizer was amazed.

Human body, fish tail, is this a mermaid?

It seems to be, but it's too ugly.

Against the background of those gray spots, no matter how beautiful things are, they might become ugly.

It was not just him who was surprised, but the comrades behind him were equally surprised.

Mermaid, this is a legendary thing, something that only appears in the movie, I didn't expect to see it in reality.

"Where is the medical equipment just delivered?"

Li Meng asked the mobilizer in front of him.

"In the medical district!"

Knowing the answer, Li Meng did not waste time.

"Continue with your mission!"

After speaking, Li Meng left.

Li Meng is very familiar with the "Emperor", and Li Meng can find a place in several areas.


Looking at the back of the commander leaving, the mobilizer responded.

"Captain! You said the commander is really holding a mermaid?"

"This is impossible! How can mermaids exist?"

The soldier's words were rejected by the comrades next to him.

"It's impossible for the commander to hold just a prop, you guys have seen it with your own eyes!"

"This..., it should be!"

The commander has been far away, and the surprised team members are talking about it. The existence of the mermaid is too curious for them, and it arouses their thirst for knowledge.

"Okay! Continue to patrol, there is a possibility of any species in this world, nothing strange!"

Finally, the captain of the mobilization team stopped the topic and the discussion among the team members.


The mobilizers were upright and said in unison.

Under the leadership of the captain, this small group of mobilizers began to walk on the deck again, continuing to patrol the "Emperor".

But Li Meng entered the cabin with the "she" in his arms and reached the medical area all the way.

When Li Meng arrived in the medical area, the medical equipment had been installed, and the medical staff had been prepared accordingly.

In a wide medical room, at a glance, all kinds of equipment are dazzling.

In the middle of the room, a huge glass jar stands upright.

The jar was filled with light green liquid. Outside the jar, countless large and small colloidal pipes were connected to bottles and cans at one end and glass canisters at the other end.

In the glass tank, a slender figure is closing her eyes and soaking in the green liquid. The upper body is a human body, but the lower body is a fishtail, a mermaid.

In the room, a number of medical personnel wearing white robes walked back and forth, some were observing the conditions in the glass jars, and some were examining various instruments in the room.

And outside the room, outside a glass wall where all the pictures in the room can be seen, Li Meng's figure stands standing, looking at the room through the glass wall.

Next to Li Meng, there was a medical staff accompanying him.

"Commander! This kind of virus is very peculiar. It can kill cells in organisms. It has very strong adhesion and is difficult to remove. However, it also has another characteristic, which is to infect cells and make cells mutate. Although cell mutation is not a good thing, it is just a transition!"

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