Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 638: attack

Yes, without dominance of the sea, Captain Messegh can do nothing no matter how worried about Turner Island.

Vader was silent, and now Turner Island is in a bad situation.

The enemy’s artillery fire was too strong. Under the bombardment of the day, the fortress was already in ruins, and the two of them knew that the fortress at their feet was not indestructible.

Everything can only rely on themselves.

In the passage of time, the long night gradually passed away.

When the light comes, the darkness fades, and the world is covered in the morning.

Today is a good weather, no fog is boiling, and the world is clean.

Under the breeze, the sea surface was rippling slightly, forming waves with obvious traces towards Turner Island, and a "bang" hit the cliff.

On the beach somewhere, the billowing waves sometimes flooded the beach and then faded away.

The sea today is not calm.

The huge fleet floated quietly on the sea, and from the surface, the fleet was very calm.

In fact, the fleet at this time was already active.

At this time, the soldiers on the warship are enjoying breakfast, especially the upcoming landing troops. Before the battle begins, they must fill their stomachs and prepare for the upcoming high-intensity battle.

When the early morning left, the time for the fight finally arrived.

On the bridge observation deck of the heavy cruiser, Natasha was looking at Turner Island in the distance.

The wind was blowing in her ears, and the vast world came into her eyes. In her hood, Natasha's expression was indifferent and her speech was slightly open.

"Start attacking!"

The order to attack was finally issued.

In silence, Jevric passed Natasha's orders to the fleet.

"Sergeants at all levels, please pay attention, start the landing operation, execute in accordance with the combat plan, and immediately launch the attack!"

After the order was issued, the atmosphere of the fleet suddenly changed during the transmission of the order.

From the outside, everything is business as usual, while inside the warship, the soldiers are rushing to their posts, and the alarm bell is also ringing "Ula Wula".

"Explore it! Let it go!"

The first "roar" was the naval gun on the warship. I saw the "bang, bang" shelling sound, and the dense flames flickered one after another. In the huge gun sound, countless shells flew into the sky. Whistling.

A moment later, the distant Turner Island was shrouded by artillery fire again. Amidst the flickering of the fire, the fortress on Turner Island and the rock forest behind the beach, countless huge fireballs rose up, and huge mushroom clouds swept up, "Rumble "The explosion sounded across the world.

"Boom! Boom"

The huge and sturdy naval gun was raging, and the flames surging from the barrel made the sea a fiery red. Every time the barrel was shaken, the sea would wave with waves.

In the sound of shelling, the fleet returned to its wartime state.

When the fleet launched the shelling of Turner Island, the landing force in the amphibious landing ship was not idle.

The rear hatch opened, and from the three amphibious landing ships, 12 different types of landing transport boats sailed out one after another.

One kind of white, one kind of dark green, one kind of silver gray.

The white is the Thunder Transport Vehicle, the landing craft of the Rising Sun Empire, just like a bloated plane that can fly on the water.

The dark green is the "turtle" transport boat of the Sovier Empire. It is like a tortoise racing on the sea. It is the largest of the three types of transport boats. It uses a water jet engine and is a Among the three types of transport boats, the speed of the transport boat sailing in the water is also the slowest.

The last silver-gray is the "U3" type landing transport boat of the allies. It uses a suspension system and can sail on the water with Thunder vehicles. Although it is not as fast as Thunder transport vehicles, it is also faster than Suville. The Empire’s "turtle" type landing transport boat is much faster, second only to the "tortoise" type landing transport boat in size, and its size is more like a wide-body car with distinct water chestnuts, like a rectangular metal box.

12 landing craft, carrying 1,500 soldiers, 10 hammer tanks, and 15 sickle mechas, raged on the sea aggressively, approaching Turner Island.

The extremely fast speed left long traces on the sea.

Of course the defenders on Turner Island were aware of the abnormal movement on the sea.

Although it was under heavy bombing, there were numerous observation ports on the city wall. From the observation ports, the defenders on the island discovered the approaching landing craft on the sea.

"There is an enemy ship approaching on the sea, and an enemy ship approaching!"

In the exclamation, the news was passed on quickly.

Upon hearing the report from the soldiers, Vader and Via, who were originally in the safe area, braved fierce fire and entered the observation platform.

After entering the observatory eagerly, the two quickly walked to the observatory, ignoring the "rumbling" explosions and strong vibrations outside, picking up the telescope and observing the sea.

123……12, a total of 12 ships, twelve ships with strange appearance and amazing speed.

"This must be the ship transporting the landing troops, brother, the First Army has started the island seizure operation!"

Looking at the fast approaching landing ship on the sea, Via looked solemn.

Unsurprisingly, the First Army really launched the island capture operation today.

Putting down the telescope in his hand, Via said to a soldier behind him: "Go to the communication room and inform the second line of defense so that they are ready for battle. The enemy is coming!"


The soldier looked straight, turned around and rushed out.

On a new day, the First Army launched a new operation. In this sea area, in addition to Turner Island and the First Army, there are hidden third-party forces.

On the coastline northwest of Turner Island, in a golden sandy beach.

Many figures came out of the forest behind the beach. Wearing military uniforms with grey overcoats, they quickly erected something on the beach. It was a bit like a telescope, but it was big, like a cannon barrel.

This is an observing instrument, used to measure distance, is the eye of the artillery position.

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