Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 642: ceremony

The biggest change is the guns they hold in their hands. In the First Army, the guns in the hands of soldiers are like a proof of identity. Even if the whole body is blown to pieces, only the gun still exists to identify their identity. Soldiers say that guns will never leave their hands. Except on the day they retire, before that, even if they die, guns will accompany them and die with them. This is a symbol of glory.

In the black gloom, the rifle was changing, as if it was fused and recast, stretched out, and compressed more narrowly.

When the black gloom dissipated, a big sword with a black bloodmarked sword body appeared in the hands of six changing corpses.

The changes in the field made the surrounding mobilizers silent, and the magical scene before them made them speechless.

They also have a suspicion in their hearts, can the few who have changed in the field really survive?

Even if you can resurrect, will you still be a former comrade-in-arms?

In the mobilization of the doubts, the field changed again, and the black vortex in the air began to slowly dissipate, quickly, and disappeared almost instantly.

When the black vortex disappeared, as the last few white light spots poured into the transformed silhouettes, the six corpses that had fallen into silence moved...

In the eye socket of the helmet black hole, a blood-red light suddenly appeared, but it soon dimmed.

Immediately, the six corpses turned over and stood up.

At this time, it can no longer be said to be a corpse, but a resurrected soldier.

With the changes in the field, many mobilized soldiers from other places gathered around, looking strangely at the six black figures standing in the corpse.

They are wearing black blood-striped armor, the style is extremely exquisite, the key parts of the armor are slightly raised, the helmet is also a big change, the water chestnut is distinct, there is a pair of small black wings on the top of the head, the big sword in their hands is even more impressive Breath, the appearance of an ancient armored warrior.

Six people were resurrected from 24 corpses, which means that only six people had the will to "survive", and the resurrection turned into "ghouls."

"Eno! You..., how do you feel?"

Among the resurrected ghouls, some of the mobilized soldiers seemed to know, and asked aloud to the quietly standing black figure in the field.

Among the six black silhouettes, one of them turned its head slightly and looked at the mobilizer who asked.

No emotions rang from the helmet.

"I'm very good!"

At this point, the mobilization force caused a sensation.

Although it was only a simple response, it suffices to explain that the comrade in arms is still the former comrade. Although the appearance has changed, the soul is still the same person.

Although gathered in one place, the stone forest is still quiet.

In the silence of everyone, the five nuns stood up from the sand.

Looking at the six people still standing in the corpse, a nun said: "Your mission is to assist your comrades in battle before your death. Maintain your current post until the next order comes!"

In silence, the six figures in the field nodded.

Seeing this, the nuns left, leaving the place where the soldiers gathered.

The six figures in the corpse also strode forward and came to Love.

In the face of the six men who have changed drastically, even Love has an invisible pressure in his heart.

Love could feel that in the black hole's eye socket, there were multiple eyes looking at him.

A cold voice sounded from the helmet of a recent "ghoul": "Before the war is over, we will obey your orders!"

Before the end?

Hearing this, Love asked subconsciously: "Where should you go after it is over?"

"I don't know!"

Yes, I don't know, this is the answer of the "ghouls".

How the master will arrange for them, how can they know now.

Becoming "ghouls", they have gained a lot of knowledge as if they were passed on.

What kind of existence they are, and what kind of existence is their master, in that piece of information, they know everything.

Seeing is believing, hearing is not. In the past, in the First Army, there was a saying.

It is said that the commander resurrected the dead, and the "Reaper" believed by the First Army is the commander himself.

Hearing it is false, no one will believe this spread. In the eyes of the soldiers, the commander is indeed a bit different and possesses more peculiar power, but how can he become a "god"?

Seeing is believing now, those nuns all have the ability to resurrect people, so how can they talk about their master "commander".

Maybe the commander is really a god.

At this moment, many soldiers in the Stone Forest had the same idea.

While increasing awareness, the soldiers also had some ideas in their hearts.

Despite the contractual restrictions, if the commander is truly a god, then their lives will undoubtedly have a second guarantee.

Although it depends on the situation, the chance of resurrection is not 100%, but it always makes people think.

"Go away! Return to their respective teams and wait for orders to fight!"

The team is too dense. More than 1,500 people, except for the mobilized soldiers on duty, are almost all gathered together. If the enemy's artillery fire falls on the head at this time, I don't know how much damage it will cause.

In order to avoid the anticipated situation, Love dispersed the assembled soldiers.

Under Love's order, the mobilized soldiers dispersed and returned to their respective teams.

From the order of General Natasha, Love could only stop advancing and stay in the rocky forest.

But this does not mean that Love can do nothing.

Although staying in the stone forest, Love has already ordered close surveillance of the forest outside the stone forest.

Love is very clear that there must be an enemy's defensive front in that forest, and once the troops move forward, they will definitely fight against it and cannot relax their vigilance.


On the sea more than ten nautical miles away from Turner Island, the huge "Emperor" floats quietly.

It is far away from the war zone and will not be affected by the war.

On the top deck of the "Emperor".

"Master! What happened just now?"

In the pavilion, Wendy asked the owner about the change just now.

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